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Question Diary 230401SAT: Q376 230401SAT: Q376 Do you have someone to talk about your worries? Yes, luckily I have someone to talk to about what I am worried about. I usually talk to Isaac about almost everything, but sometimes I talk to my older sister about my worries. I usually write down what I am stressed or concerned about and try not to express everything, because I don't want to spread negativity to everyone every sin..
PPLEB106 22-1 A-(으)ㄴ가요?, V-나요? - 230401SAT PPLEB106 22-1 A-(으)ㄴ가요?, V-나요? - 230401SAT PPLEB106 22-1 A-(으)ㄴ가요?, V-나요? - 230401SAT 교재 페이지 310-311 Unit 22. Additional Endings - 1 A-(으)ㄴ가요?, V-나요? 1 A-(으)ㄴ가요?, V-나요? Adjective (형용사) -(으)ㄴ가요?, Verb (동사) -나요? 한국 친구가 많은가요? Do you have a lot of Korean friends? 나를 사랑하나요? Do you love me? 주말에 재미있게 보내셨나요? Did you have a pleasant weekend? ** Grammar Focus -(으)ㄴ가요? and -나요? are used to politely and gen..
Question Diary 230331FRI: Q375 230331FRI: Q375 Do you ever feel you're not friends with some of your "friends"? Yes, I think there are times when I feel like I'm not really friends with some of the people I know. Sometimes it's just a matter of us growing apart or not having enough in common anymore. Other times, it's because I've realized that they're not really the type of people I want to be spending my time with. Of cours..
PPLEB105 21-2 A/V-네요 - 230331FRI PPLEB105 21-2 A/V-네요 - 230331FRI PPLEB105 21-2 A/V-네요 - 230331FRI 교재 페이지 306-308 Unit 21. Discovery and Surprise - 2 A/V-네요 2 A/V-네요 Adjective (형용사) / Verb (동사) -네요 벌써 여름이네요. Wow, it's already summer. 가족이 많네요. You certainly have a large family. 글씨를 잘 쓰네요. You really have good handwriting. 책을 많이 읽었네요. You really have read a lot of books. ** Grammar Focus -네요 is used to express surprise or wonder ..
Question Diary 230330THU: Q374 230330THU: Q374 Finish the sentence. "Today I feel.. “Today I feel happy, tired, nervous, satisfied, and great overall.” Every day I feel like time flies so quickly and every hour, every minute is so precious, especially in recent weeks. Finishing a day as usual, I am doing my study routines feeling relaxed and fulfilled. I had a lovely dinner with my classmate and enjoyed a conversation with he..
PPLEB104 21-1 A/V-군요/는군요 - 230330THU PPLEB104 21-1 A/V-군요/는군요 - 230330THU PPLEB104 21-1 A/V-군요/는군요 - 230330THU 교재 페이지 304-305 Unit 21. Discovery and Surprise - 1 A/V-군요/는군요 1 A/V-군요/는군요 Adjective (형용사) / Verb (동사) -군요/는군요 눈이 나쁘군요. Your vision is bad indeed. 아이스크림을 좋아하는군요. You really like ice cream! 감기에 걸렸군요. I see you've caught a cold. ** Grammar Focus -군요/는군요 is used to express surprise or wonder upon learning something new either..
Question Diary 230329WED: Q373 230329WED: Q373 Do you think that you're beautiful? Yes, I think so, fortunately. I was hesitating about how to extend my opinion about this topic, and I decided to get help from AI to answer this question better. When it comes to beauty, there is no one-size-fits-all definition. Beauty is subjective and can vary from person to person. It is often influenced by societal standards and personal pr..
PPLEB103 20-3 A/V-지요? - 230329WED PPLEB103 20-3 A/V-지요? - 230329WED PPLEB103 20-3 A/V-지요? - 230329WED 교재 페이지 301-302 Unit 20. Confirming Information - 3 A/V-지요? 3 A/V-지요? Adjective (형용사) / Verb (동사) -지요? 중국 사람이지요? You're Chinese, right? 불고기가 맛있지요? Isn't bulgogi tasty? 한국어를 배우지요? You study Korean, don't you? ** Grammar Focus -지요? is used when the speaker wants to confirm with the listener or to obtain the listener's agreement abo..
Question Diary 230328TUE: Q372 230328TUE: Q372 Is there a hidden self of you unknown to others, even your friends and family? I think so, I think I have many different versions of myself which are hidden. I think my true inner self is still around between teenager and early 20s, but I don't want to act like a teenager anymore, so I have to make my own persona to act like a grown up in my daily life instead of freely being tru..
PPLEB102 20-2 V-는 데 걸리다/들다 - 230328TUE PPLEB102 20-2 V-는 데 걸리다/들다 - 230328TUE PPLEB102 20-2 V-는 데 걸리다/들다 - 230328TUE 교재 페이지 299-300 Unit 20. Confirming Information - 2 V-는 데 걸리다/들다 2 V-는 데 걸리다/들다 Verb (동사) -는 데 걸리다/들다 운전을 배우는 데 두 달 걸렸어요. It took (me) two months to learn to drive. 숙제하는 데 한 시간 걸려요. It took (me) an hour to finish my homework. 차를 고치는 데 30만 원 들었어요. It cost (me) 300,000 won to repair my car. ** Grammar Focus -는 데 걸리다/들다 is..
CNN10 영작 후 낭독 연습 CWP091 - 230327MON Jess 영작 후 낭독 연습 230327MON CWP091 - 230327MON 091_230327_230301_Inside the UK Vegetable Shortage 1. This installment's main keywords. Opening: Wonderful Wednesday, we're going to keep grinding and shining because that's just what we do. The first topic: News on a vegetable shortage in the United Kingdom. 10 Second Trivia: You can find the world's oldest airport from Maryland, USA. Flights began a..
Question Diary 230327MON: Q371 230327MON: Q371 What makes you immediately dislike a person? Crossing the line, cursing, stinking, being rude and disrespectful, and disliking me might make me immediately dislike a person, but everything depends. Hating someone is really a waste of time because we don't even have enough time to enjoy and spend time with lovely people. I would rather just ignore or avoid conflicts or uncomfortab..
PPLEB101 20-1 A/V-(으)ㄴ/는지 - 230327MON PPLEB101 20-1 A/V-(으)ㄴ/는지 - 230327MON PPLEB101 20-1 A/V-(으)ㄴ/는지 - 230327MON 교재 페이지 296-298 Unit 20. Confirming Information - 1 A/V-(으)ㄴ/는지 1 A/V-(으)ㄴ/는지 Adjective (형용사) / Verb (동사) -(으)ㄴ/는지 명동에 어떻게 가는지 알아요? Do you know how to get to Myeongdong? 저 분이 누구인지 모르겠어요. I don't know who that person is. 어제 무엇을 했는지 생각이 안 나요. I can't remember what Idid yesterday. ** Grammar Focus -(으)ㄴ/는지 is a connective en..
Question Diary 230326SUN: Q370 230326SUN: Q370 What are your current goals? Passing the exam in April is my main goal for the next two weeks. I currently have several goals, such as improving my hairdressing skills, recovering my conditions from operations, keeping my English routines on track, and attending my courses on time, etc. Of course, I have thousands of goals but, currently I am focusing on my hairdressing skills si..
PPLEB100 19-4 V-게 되다 - 230326SUN PPLEB100 19-4 V-게 되다 - 230326SUN PPLEB100 19-4 V-게 되다 - 230326SUN 교재 페이지 293-294 Unit 19. Expressions of State - 4 V-게 되다 4 V-게 되다 Verb (동사) -게 되다 요리를 잘하게 되었어요. I became good at cooking. 축구를 좋아하게 되었어요. I came to like soccer. 외국으로 출장을 가게 됐어요. (It's been decided) I will go abroad on a business trip. ** Grammar Focus -게 되다 expresses a change from one state to another or a change in a situation as a..
Question Diary 230325SAT: Q369 230325SAT: Q369 Quote a lyric from any song you like. What doesn't kill you makes you stronger Just me, myself and I What doesn't kill you makes you stronger Stand a little taller Doesn't mean I'm lonely when I'm alone I have chosen this song because it has been one of my favorites for the past few months. I should add one more song which is a bit random and irrelevant because I just feel like d..
