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[CSP 대본 057] A Storm On The Sun [CSP 대본 057] A Storm On The Sun 057_220523_220407_A Storm On The Sun 구글닥스 문서 링크 (프린트 or 사본저장용) https://docs.google.com/document/d/1WWaQPWysqlu40J9QX73vCxWhxTUpDeJ4gXu3dL0U-LA/edit?usp=sharing 057_220523_220407_A Storm On The Sun 057_220523_220407_A Storm On The Sun 학습용 노션 공유 페이지 https://private-trowel-5e9.notion.site/057_220523_220407_A-Storm-On-The-Sun-09c644eef66c4e76a92ed312ac70584b 영상+대본 포스팅..
[CSP 대본 056] Attending School In A Different Country [CSP 대본 056] Attending School In A Different Country 056_220516_220406_Attending School In A Different Country 구글닥스 문서 링크 (프린트 or 사본저장용) https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Dsk1LZFl4Of28CZJaxIyPUdbwG-dKYdHUd3hTEB0-o0/edit?usp=sharing 056_220516_220406_Attending School In A Different Country 056_220516_220406_Attending School In A Different Country 학습용 노션 공유 페이지 https://private-trowel-5e9.notion...
[CSP 대본 055] Historic Census Data Is Published [CSP 대본 055] Historic Census Data Is Published 055_220509_220405_Historic Census Data Is Published 구글닥스 문서 링크 (프린트 or 사본저장용) https://docs.google.com/document/d/1C3VWWTw0EtZ1uFGj4ajJb0AkMk227TvoaEJr19oDJ-A/edit?usp=sharing 055_220509_220405_Historic Census Data Is Published 055_220509_220405_Historic Census Data Is Published 학습용 노션 공유 페이지 https://private-trowel-5e9.notion.site/055_220509_220405_H..
[CSP 대본 054] Measuring The Snowpack [CSP 대본 054] Measuring The Snowpack 054_220502_220404_Measuring The Snowpack 구글닥스 문서 링크 (프린트 or 사본저장용) https://docs.google.com/document/d/1FJA1kN3IxhWIF64TlOoq4fi5KvZhGvvlSgZSmz4TLpg/edit?usp=sharing 054_220502_220404_Measuring The Snowpack 054_220502_220404_Measuring The Snowpack 학습용 노션 공유 페이지 https://private-trowel-5e9.notion.site/054_220502_220404_Measuring-The-Snowpack-2ab9becfe6c245b8b38532..
[CSP 대본 053] People Are Still Quitting [CSP 대본 053] People Are Still Quitting 053_220425_220401_People Are Still Quitting 구글닥스 문서 링크 (프린트 or 사본저장용) 053_220425_220401_People Are Still Quitting 053_220425_220401_People Are Still Quitting 학습용 노션 공유 페이지 https://private-trowel-5e9.notion.site/053_220425_220401_People-Are-Still-Quitting-3667f5bbda7c436b8833275b536433b2 영상+대본 포스팅 https://jesswithpp.tistory.com/392 원 docs.google.com Youtube ..
Question Diary 220412TUE 220412TUE "Remember that if you don't prioritize your life someone else will." Greg Mckeown This is quite a timely quote for me again. I am thinking about starting to work for myself soon. Someone is trying to prioritize my life and this is really pissing me off. I don’t have to do anything in only one way. I really wanted to do my plan A, but if it’s not going well, I will just do plan B. My pl..
DPM220412TUE Daily Practice Materials DPM220412TUE Daily Practice Materials Today's Quotes from Instagram app, Cake app, BBC NEWS app, ABC NEWS app, KBS NEWS app 인스타그램 오늘의 긍정 메세지, 케이크 어플, BBC 뉴스, ABC 뉴스, KBS 뉴스 어플 말하기와 읽기 연습 및 공부를 함께 하기 위해 영어 및 한국어 공부 자료를 스터디 그룹챗에 매일 공유하고 있습니다. 케이크 미션의 텍스트를 직접 소리내어 읽고 연습하신 녹음 파일을 언어교환 채팅방에도 공유해주세요. 카카오톡 오픈채팅 그룹챗 PPLE LANGUAGE EXCHANGE 언어교환 스터디그룹 https://open.kakao.com/o/gFrlHrHd PPLE Language exchan..
영어 일기 Q068 - 220412TUE Q068 - 220412TUE Q068. Did anything tick you off today? 오늘 당신을 화나게 한 일이 있었나요? Yes, to be honest, something happened today. The questions are quite timely and surprising to me sometimes. That situation pissed me off really, really badly. Before I saw the email tonight, today was actually the best day ever in recent days, so I was extremely happy and totally enjoying my mood and memory of today. I..
CNN10 영작 후 낭독 연습 CWP051 - 220411MON Jess 영작 후 낭독 연습 0411 CWP051 - 220411MON 051_220411_220301_What to Expect at the State of the Union 1. Summary of this story : This installment is different from others and has an interesting beginning. This montage clip opened the show instead of Carl, all the previous presidents were sharing small part of meaning chunks there but still continuing the sentence. It was about encouraging Americans..
PPLEB010. GR-5 Time - 220411MON PPLEB010. GR-5 Time - 220411MON PPLEB010. GR-5 Time - 220411MON 교재 페이지 39-40 Getting ready - 05 Time 05 Time 1:00 한 시 2:00 두 시 3:00 세 시 4:00 네 시 5:00 다섯 시 6:00 여섯 시 7:00 일곱 시 8:00 여덟 시 9:00 아홉 시 10:00 열 시 11:00 열한 시 12:00 열두 시 1:05 한 시 오 분 1:15 한 시 십오 분 1:30 한 시 삼십 분 = 한 시 반 1:35 한 시 삼십오 분 1:40 한 시 사십 분 1:45 한 시 사십오 분 1:50 한 시 오십 분 = 두 시 십 분 전 1:55 한 시 오십오 분 = 두 시 오 분 전 ** Grammar Focus In Korea..
Question Diary 220411MON 220411MON "Insanity is doing the same thing, over and over again, but expecting different results." Anonymous This quote is quite aggressive and straightforward but actually this is true. If you want different results, of course, you should try something different. Otherwise, you don't deserve anything new and exciting. This reminded me of some people I was disappointed with recently. I don't kn..
DPM220411MON Daily Practice Materials DPM220411MON Daily Practice Materials Today's Quotes from Instagram app, Cake app, BBC NEWS app, ABC NEWS app, KBS NEWS app 인스타그램 오늘의 긍정 메세지, 케이크 어플, BBC 뉴스, ABC 뉴스, KBS 뉴스 어플 말하기와 읽기 연습 및 공부를 함께 하기 위해 영어 및 한국어 공부 자료를 스터디 그룹챗에 매일 공유하고 있습니다. 케이크 미션의 텍스트를 직접 소리내어 읽고 연습하신 녹음 파일을 언어교환 채팅방에도 공유해주세요. 카카오톡 오픈채팅 그룹챗 PPLE LANGUAGE EXCHANGE 언어교환 스터디그룹 https://open.kakao.com/o/gFrlHrHd PPLE Language exchan..
영어 일기 Q067 - 220411MON Q067 - 220411MON Q067. What has been your greatest mistake in life? 인생에서 가장 큰 실수는 무엇인가요? This is a hard question. I don’t like to open too private things officially, especially something humiliating will be the one everyone wants to hide the most. When I make mistakes, I don’t usually figure out that it is a mistake at that time. Sometimes, some choices looking great to have might become the wor..
Question Diary 220410SUN 220410SUN "Remember, today is the tomorrow you worried about yesterday." Dale Carnegie We need to focus on today and current situations. You don't really have to worry about tomorrow and focusing on today is better for your life. Most of your worries are not really necessary. Today I was feeling so negative and super annoyed. I know this is a really inefficient emotion to have but I couldn't sto..
DPM220410SUN Daily Practice Materials DPM220410SUN Daily Practice Materials Today's Quotes from Instagram app, Cake app, BBC NEWS app, ABC NEWS app, KBS NEWS app 인스타그램 오늘의 긍정 메세지, 케이크 어플, BBC 뉴스, ABC 뉴스, KBS 뉴스 어플 말하기와 읽기 연습 및 공부를 함께 하기 위해 영어 및 한국어 공부 자료를 스터디 그룹챗에 매일 공유하고 있습니다. 케이크 미션의 텍스트를 직접 소리내어 읽고 연습하신 녹음 파일을 언어교환 채팅방에도 공유해주세요. 카카오톡 오픈채팅 그룹챗 PPLE LANGUAGE EXCHANGE 언어교환 스터디그룹 https://open.kakao.com/o/gFrlHrHd PPLE Language exchan..
영어 일기 Q066 - 220410SUN Q066 - 220410SUN Q066. When was the last time you had a cold? 마지막으로 감기에 걸린 때가 언제인가요? It was in the middle of January. I think that might not be exactly the last time I had a cold but pretty much similar. After I got a second jab, I was really sick. I had a really high fever, severe coughing and chest pain. I was a little bit scared that I might die from a heart attack or side effects of vaccinat..
