[CSP 대본 054] Measuring The Snowpack
054_220502_220404_Measuring The Snowpack
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CNN 페이지 원본 스크립트
** 원본 스크립트
April 04, 2022
• A Change In U.S. Policy Could Further Complicate Conditions At The U.S.-Mexico Border; Reduced Snowpack In Sierra Nevada Mountains Is Another Symptom of Drought. Aired 4-4:10a ET
CNN 10
A Change In U.S. Policy Could Further Complicate Conditions At The U.S.-Mexico Border; Reduced Snowpack In Sierra Nevada Mountains Is Another Symptom of Drought. Aired 4-4:10a ET
Aired April 04, 2022 - 04:00 ET
Hi. I'm Carl Azuz.
Hope your week and month are off to a good start.
Today's coverage begins with a down the middle look at a change in U.S. immigration policy and some of the effects it could have in America's southern border with Mexico.
Two years ago, as the COVID-19 pandemic was spreading in America, the administration of President Donald Trump announced a rule called Title 42.
What it did was allow the U.S. government to deport or expel people trying to enter the United States in an effort to keep those who might have been sick with coronavirus from carrying it into America.
Title 42 was initially a temporary law, but it was extended indefinitely in May of 2020, and it has remained in place under the administration of President Joe Biden.
Late last week though, the Biden administration announced it would end Title 42.
Government health officials said better conditions concerning COVID and the presence of more tools to fight it meant that the border rule was no longer necessary.
So starting on May 23rd, people who are seeking asylum, those who say they've been discriminated against in their home countries will have an easier time getting into America.
But the decision to end Title 42 is controversial, just like the rule itself.
When the Trump administration put it in place, critics said it was an illegal and unfair way to keep asylum seekers out of the U.S.
When the Biden administration announced it would get rid of the rule, critics said it would lead to an uncontrollable number of people wanting to cross the U.S.-Mexico border.
As many as 18,000 migrants per day could try to do that when the rule is lifted.
The Department of Homeland Security is preparing temporary facilities and deploying hundreds more officers to try to handle the increase in migrants.
Analysts predict that the number of people who will attempt to cross the border will overwhelm facilities that are already full.
Last year, a record number of migrants were either expelled from the U.S. or taken into custody to have their cases heard.
This year's numbers were on pace to break that record before the government announced that Title 42 would be lifted.
With a predicted surge in migrant families expected in the coming weeks, the Department of Homeland Security in the United States saying that it is preparing for a worst-case scenario and that could mean according to the federal government up to 18,000 asylum-seeking people showing up at the nation's doorstep.
That's certainly concerning.
Some critics of that by the administration and the announcement that was made on Friday have said it expressed concern that the infrastructure in many of these border communities is not ready to handle an expected uptick in these migrant families.
And the key issue here are these communities -- these temporary communities of migrants that have basically popped up in Mexican border towns, including this one that you can see and brand new CNN drone video in Reynosa, Mexico, which is just across the Rio Grande just a few blocks from where I'm standing at this hour.
And these are migrants that according to sources, many of them have been basically expelled back.
There are others who have made that journey to the doorstep of the United States but due to that Title 42 public health authority have decided to simply wait out that policy until it's no longer an issue.
And then that announcement made by the Biden administration on Friday that it will essentially allow that to expire come May 23rd,
there's some concern of some of these fight administration critics that many of those people that are still waiting there potentially up to ten thousand in this border town alone will seize that opportunity to finally show up at ports of entry and declare asylum,
and that is what's dividing many people in border towns throughout the country.
Polo Sandoval, CNN, Hidalgo, Texas.
The U.S. government is sending an additional $300 million worth of military equipment to Ukraine as it continues to battle forces from Russia which launched an invasion of Ukraine in late February.
The new arms will include attack drones, rocket systems, night vision devices, machine guns and medical supplies.
The Biden administration has made announcements like this several times over the past month.
It says it has sent more than $2.3 billion in security assistance to Ukraine so far and a few weeks ago, President Biden signed legislation worth $13.6 billion for emergency aid to Ukraine. The fighting in the Eastern European country has not let up.
AZUZ (voice-over):
Ten-second trivia:
Which of these U.S. states was admitted to the union in 1850 before any of the others?
California, Kansas, Washington or Arizona?
California was the first of these states to be admitted.
All the others achieved statehood after 1850.
Officials in California are telling residents to fix any leaks in their homes, make sure the tap isn't running when they brush their teeth and they consider letting their lawns go brown.
And California's ongoing drought is the reason why.
The current one has lasted for more than two years now, though California's government says droughts are a recurring feature of the climate.
Things were looking up in December.
More than 17 feet of snow fell in part of the Sierra Nevada Mountains, breaking records that had stood for decades.
But then things started drying up again in January.
And now, the mountain range's snowpack is at 38 percent of where it normally is at this time.
That's not the lowest it's ever been.
"The Mercury News" reports that the Sierra Nevada snowpack has been lower on several occasions since 1950, but here's why the measurement is so important to the state.
I am standing south of Lake Tahoe in California and it is an absolutely beautiful day here.
That's actually bad, and the reason that that's bad is because this is where California snowpack is.
And what the snowpack is, is basically a frozen reservoir.
It's a place where water is stored throughout the cold months so when it storms and they get snow up here at Lake Tahoe, all of that snow that's throughout the Sierra Nevada mountains that is called the snowpack and it accumulates and then slowly it melts off and it finds its way down rivers and makes its way into our reservoirs and that is pretty much a large way of how we get our drinking water.
In fact, according to California, this is where 30 percent of our water, including our drinking water, comes from in the state.
So we really do care and really do need to know how much water is up here.
So what they do routinely is several different times throughout the cold months is that they will have a few people come out and measure how much snow is on the ground.
And sometimes, it's a lot.
This could be like taller than, you know, me.
It could be more snow than that.
And then other times, there's not a lot.
In fact, I want you to take a look at this video because it's really cool.
This is a scientist from the Department of Water Resources for California,
and he's got this cool pool that's got a hollow center to it and he can stick that into the ground to see how much snow is there.
And they do this in different parts of the state or different parts of the Sierra Nevada Mountains and they do it on the same days every year just to make sure that they have a routine measurement.
And so with this most recent measurement, you can see there's not a lot there.
In fact, they said there was only two and a half inches of snow.
That's it, just two and a half inches of snow.
And that means about one inch of water once it melts off.
And so, once it melts off, you would like for it to take its time to come down the mountain because if you take a look behind me and you look at that shot, you can see there's already a lot of water that's making its way down out of the mountains.
That's going to make its way into our reservoirs.
It's also going to make sure those habitats for some of the fish out there.
It's very important that this happens.
But that's very little, and this is concerning because California is already in a drought for now going into its third year.
So this is going to show to us and it does indicate to us that we are not going to have the normal amount of water that we would normally rely on for those dry hot months that are ahead of us.
So this is why they take these measurements and this is why we look at them.
This is not good.
I mean, they've been measuring at the same location since 1941, and the average is like 66 inches.
It's somewhere around there.
So if you look at just that two and a half inches, that shows you just how little is there and that is exactly why we come up here to see this.
Okay. The way to look at this and not be completely grossed out is to think of it like chocolate?
This is slime and not just any old toxic sludge.
Researchers at the Chinese University of Hong Kong say it can be controlled like a robot using magnets.
Okay, that's nice, Carl. But why?
Well, if they make it safe to ingest, it's not at this point, this slime could be used to remove deadly substances from the body.
It could also be used in electronics.
Or maybe it's just the stuff of movies.
Think the green slime, the slime people or Ghostbusters, he slimed me.
There's I know what you did last slimer, Franken-slime, Valenslime's day, the slime side.
Of course, everybody's favorite, slimedog millionaire.
It's sure to find slime for a leading role.
I'm Carl Azuz.
Marietta High school in Marietta, Georgia, gets today's shout out.
You guys are like Fridays and we hope to see all y'all again tomorrow.
** 파파고 번역
파파고 번역기의 영한 번역 그대로의 문장을 다듬지 않고 붙여넣기한 것이기 때문에 학습에 혼동을 줄 수 있는 오역이 있는 점 참고하시기 바랍니다.
April 04, 2022
• A Change In U.S. Policy Could Further Complicate Conditions At The U.S.-Mexico Border; Reduced Snowpack In Sierra Nevada Mountains Is Another Symptom of Drought. Aired 4-4:10a ET
2022년 4월 4일
• 미국 정책의 변화는 미국과 멕시코 국경의 상황을 더욱 복잡하게 만들 수 있다; 시에라 네바다 산맥의 적설량 감소는 가뭄의 또 다른 증상이다. 방송 4-4:10a ET
CNN 10
A Change In U.S. Policy Could Further Complicate Conditions At The U.S.-Mexico Border; Reduced Snowpack In Sierra Nevada Mountains Is Another Symptom of Drought. Aired 4-4:10a ET
Aired April 04, 2022 - 04:00 ET
CNN 10
미국 정책의 변화는 미국과 멕시코 국경의 상황을 더욱 복잡하게 만들 수 있다; 시에라 네바다 산맥의 적설량 감소는 가뭄의 또 다른 증상이다. 방송 4-4:10a ET
2022년 4월 4일 방영 - 04:00 ET
급하게 작성된 대본입니다. 이 사본은 최종 양식이 아닐 수 있으며 업데이트될 수 있습니다.
Hi. I'm Carl Azuz.
Hope your week and month are off to a good start.
칼 아주즈, CNN 10 앵커:
안녕, 난 칼 아주즈야
당신의 한 주와 한 달이 좋은 출발을 하기를 바랍니다.
Today's coverage begins with a down the middle look at a change in U.S. immigration policy and some of the effects it could have in America's southern border with Mexico.
오늘 보도는 미국의 이민 정책의 변화와 그것이 미국 남부 멕시코 국경에서 미칠 수 있는 영향의 일부를 하향식으로 보는 것으로 시작합니다.
Two years ago, as the COVID-19 pandemic was spreading in America, the administration of President Donald Trump announced a rule called Title 42.
What it did was allow the U.S. government to deport or expel people trying to enter the United States in an effort to keep those who might have been sick with coronavirus from carrying it into America.
2년 전, 코로나19 범유행이 미국에서 퍼지고 있을 때, 도널드 트럼프 미국 행정부는 타이틀 42라고 불리는 규칙을 발표했다.
그것은 미국 정부가 코로나바이러스에 감염되었을지도 모르는 사람들이 미국으로 그것을 옮기는 것을 막기 위한 노력으로 미국에 입국하려는 사람들을 추방하거나 추방하는 것을 허용했다.
Title 42 was initially a temporary law, but it was extended indefinitely in May of 2020, and it has remained in place under the administration of President Joe Biden.
타이틀 42는 당초 임시법이었으나 2020년 5월 무기한 연장되었고, 조 바이든 대통령 시절에는 그대로 유지되었다.
Late last week though, the Biden administration announced it would end Title 42.
Government health officials said better conditions concerning COVID and the presence of more tools to fight it meant that the border rule was no longer necessary.
So starting on May 23rd, people who are seeking asylum, those who say they've been discriminated against in their home countries will have an easier time getting into America.
But the decision to end Title 42 is controversial, just like the rule itself.
그러나 지난 주 말 바이든 행정부는 타이틀 42를 종료할 것이라고 발표했다.
정부 보건 관계자들은 코로나19와 관련된 더 나은 조건과 코로나19와 싸우기 위한 더 많은 도구들이 있다는 것은 국경 통치가 더 이상 필요하지 않다는 것을 의미한다고 말했다.
그래서 5월 23일부터, 망명을 원하는 사람들, 고국에서 차별을 받았다고 말하는 사람들은 미국에 입국하는 것이 더 쉬워질 것입니다.
하지만 타이틀 42를 끝내기로 한 결정은 그 규칙 자체와 마찬가지로 논란의 여지가 있다.
When the Trump administration put it in place, critics said it was an illegal and unfair way to keep asylum seekers out of the U.S.
When the Biden administration announced it would get rid of the rule, critics said it would lead to an uncontrollable number of people wanting to cross the U.S.-Mexico border.
As many as 18,000 migrants per day could try to do that when the rule is lifted.
트럼프 행정부가 이를 제자리걸음을 하자 망명 신청자들이 미국에 들어오지 못하게 하는 불법적이고 불공정한 방법이라는 비판이 나왔다.
바이든 행정부가 이 규칙을 없애겠다고 발표했을 때, 비평가들은 이것이 미국과 멕시코 국경을 넘기를 원하는 걷잡을 수 없는 수의 사람들로 이어질 것이라고 말했다.
하루에 18,000명이나 되는 이민자들이 이 법이 해제되면 그렇게 하려고 할 수 있다.
The Department of Homeland Security is preparing temporary facilities and deploying hundreds more officers to try to handle the increase in migrants.
Analysts predict that the number of people who will attempt to cross the border will overwhelm facilities that are already full.
국토안보부는 임시 시설을 마련하고 수백 명의 장교를 추가로 배치해 이민자 증가에 대처하고 있다.
분석가들은 국경을 넘으려고 시도할 사람들의 수가 이미 꽉 찬 시설들을 압도할 것이라고 예측한다.
Last year, a record number of migrants were either expelled from the U.S. or taken into custody to have their cases heard.
This year's numbers were on pace to break that record before the government announced that Title 42 would be lifted.
작년에, 기록적인 수의 이민자들이 그들의 사건을 심리하기 위해 미국에서 추방되거나 구금되었다.
올해의 숫자는 정부가 타이틀 42가 해제될 것이라고 발표하기 전에 그 기록을 깨는 속도에 있었다.
(비디오 테이프 시작)
With a predicted surge in migrant families expected in the coming weeks, the Department of Homeland Security in the United States saying that it is preparing for a worst-case scenario and that could mean according to the federal government up to 18,000 asylum-seeking people showing up at the nation's doorstep.
폴로 샌도발 CNN 특파원:
미국 국토안보부는 앞으로 몇 주 안에 이민자 가정이 급증할 것으로 예상됨에 따라 최악의 시나리오에 대비하고 있으며 이는 18,000명에 달하는 망명 신청자들이 미국 현관에 나타날 수 있다고 밝혔다.
That's certainly concerning.
Some critics of that by the administration and the announcement that was made on Friday have said it expressed concern that the infrastructure in many of these border communities is not ready to handle an expected uptick in these migrant families.
And the key issue here are these communities -- these temporary communities of migrants that have basically popped up in Mexican border towns, including this one that you can see and brand new CNN drone video in Reynosa, Mexico, which is just across the Rio Grande just a few blocks from where I'm standing at this hour.
And these are migrants that according to sources, many of them have been basically expelled back.
그것은 확실히 걱정된다.
행정부와 금요일에 발표된 발표에 대한 일부 비판자들은 이들 국경 지역 사회 중 많은 곳의 인프라가 이들 이주 가족의 예상되는 증가를 처리할 준비가 되어 있지 않다고 우려를 표명했다고 말했다.
그리고 여기서 중요한 이슈는 이 지역 사회입니다. 멕시코 국경의 마을에 일시적으로 생겨난 이주민들의 공동체입니다. 이 지역에서도 새로운 CNN 드론 비디오를 볼 수 있습니다. 지금 제가 서 있는 곳에서 몇 블록 떨어진 곳에 있는 멕시코 레이노사(Reynosa에서요.
그리고 이들은 이민자들인데, 소식통에 따르면, 그들 중 많은 사람들이 기본적으로 추방되었다고 합니다.
There are others who have made that journey to the doorstep of the United States but due to that Title 42 public health authority have decided to simply wait out that policy until it's no longer an issue.
미국 현관문까지 그런 여행을 한 다른 사람들도 있지만, 그 타이틀 42 때문에 공중 보건 당국은 더 이상 문제가 되지 않을 때까지 그 정책을 그냥 기다리기로 결정했습니다.
And then that announcement made by the Biden administration on Friday that it will essentially allow that to expire come May 23rd,
there's some concern of some of these fight administration critics that many of those people that are still waiting there potentially up to ten thousand in this border town alone will seize that opportunity to finally show up at ports of entry and declare asylum,
and that is what's dividing many people in border towns throughout the country.
그리고 바이든 행정부가 금요일에 발표한 그 선언은 5월 23일이 되어서야 유효기간이 만료됩니다.
이 전투 행정 비판가들 중 일부는 아직도 국경 마을에서 만 명까지 기다리고 있는 많은 사람들이 마침내 입국 항구에 나타나 망명을 선언할 기회를 잡을 것이라는 우려가 있다.
그리고 그것이 전국의 국경도시에서 많은 사람들을 갈라놓고 있는 것입니다.
Polo Sandoval, CNN, Hidalgo, Texas.
폴로 산도발, CNN, 텍사스 이달고
(끝 비디오테이프)
The U.S. government is sending an additional $300 million worth of military equipment to Ukraine as it continues to battle forces from Russia which launched an invasion of Ukraine in late February.
The new arms will include attack drones, rocket systems, night vision devices, machine guns and medical supplies.
미국 정부가 지난 2월 말 우크라이나 침공을 감행한 러시아군과의 교전을 계속하면서 우크라이나에 3억 달러 상당의 군사장비를 추가로 보내고 있다.
새로운 무기에는 공격용 드론, 로켓 시스템, 야간 투시 장치, 기관총, 의료 용품 등이 포함될 것이다.
The Biden administration has made announcements like this several times over the past month.
It says it has sent more than $2.3 billion in security assistance to Ukraine so far and a few weeks ago, President Biden signed legislation worth $13.6 billion for emergency aid to Ukraine. The fighting in the Eastern European country has not let up.
바이든 행정부는 지난 한 달 동안 이런 발표를 여러 차례 했다.
지금까지 23억 달러 이상의 안보 지원을 우크라이나에 보냈고 몇 주 전 바이든 대통령은 136억 달러 규모의 긴급 지원 법안에 서명했다고 밝혔습니다. 동유럽 국가에서의 전투는 멈추지 않았다.
(비디오 클립 시작)
AZUZ (voice-over):
Ten-second trivia:
Which of these U.S. states was admitted to the union in 1850 before any of the others?
California, Kansas, Washington or Arizona?
아주즈 (나레이션):
10초짜리 상식 퀴즈:
미국의 어느 주가 1850년에 다른 어떤 주보다 먼저 연방에 가입했는가?
캘리포니아, 캔자스, 워싱턴 아니면 애리조나?
California was the first of these states to be admitted.
All the others achieved statehood after 1850.
캘리포니아는 이 주들 중 최초로 연방 가입 허가를 받은 주였다.
나머지 모든 주는 1850년 이후에 주 지위를 얻었다.
(끝 비디오 클립)
Officials in California are telling residents to fix any leaks in their homes, make sure the tap isn't running when they brush their teeth and they consider letting their lawns go brown.
And California's ongoing drought is the reason why.
캘리포니아 주 당국은 주민들에게 집에 새는 물이 없는지, 양치질을 할 때 수도꼭지가 돌아가지 않는지 확인하고 잔디밭을 갈색으로 물들이는 것을 고려하라고 말하고 있습니다.
그리고 캘리포니아의 계속되는 가뭄이 그 이유입니다.
The current one has lasted for more than two years now, though California's government says droughts are a recurring feature of the climate.
Things were looking up in December.
More than 17 feet of snow fell in part of the Sierra Nevada Mountains, breaking records that had stood for decades.
But then things started drying up again in January.
캘리포니아 정부는 가뭄이 기후의 반복적인 특징이라고 말하고 있지만, 현재의 가뭄은 현재 2년 이상 지속되고 있습니다.
12월에는 상황이 호전되고 있었다.
시에라 네바다 산맥 일부에 17피트 이상의 눈이 내려 수십 년 동안 지속된 기록을 깼다.
하지만 그 후 1월에 다시 상황이 악화되기 시작했습니다.
And now, the mountain range's snowpack is at 38 percent of where it normally is at this time.
That's not the lowest it's ever been.
"The Mercury News" reports that the Sierra Nevada snowpack has been lower on several occasions since 1950, but here's why the measurement is so important to the state.
그리고 현재, 이 산맥의 적설량은 이 시기에 평상시의 38%에 달합니다.
그것은 지금까지의 최저가 아니다.
머큐리 뉴스(Mercury News)는 시에라 네바다 주의 적설량이 1950년 이후 여러 차례 감소했다고 보도하지만, 이 측정이 주 정부에 중요한 이유는 여기에 있다.
(비디오 테이프 시작)
I am standing south of Lake Tahoe in California and it is an absolutely beautiful day here.
That's actually bad, and the reason that that's bad is because this is where California snowpack is.
And what the snowpack is, is basically a frozen reservoir.
CNN 특파원 스테파니 엘람:
나는 캘리포니아의 타호 호수 남쪽에 서 있는데 이곳은 정말 아름다운 날이다.
사실 그건 나쁜 것이고, 나쁜 이유는 이곳이 캘리포니아의 스노우팩이 있는 곳이기 때문입니다.
그리고 스노우팩은 기본적으로 얼어붙은 저수지입니다.
It's a place where water is stored throughout the cold months so when it storms and they get snow up here at Lake Tahoe, all of that snow that's throughout the Sierra Nevada mountains that is called the snowpack and it accumulates and then slowly it melts off and it finds its way down rivers and makes its way into our reservoirs and that is pretty much a large way of how we get our drinking water.
이곳은 추운 달 내내 물이 저장되는 곳입니다. 폭풍이 몰아칠 때, 여기 타호 호수에 눈이 쌓이게 됩니다. 시에라 네바다 산맥을 가로지르는 모든 눈이 쌓이고 쌓입니다. 그리고 천천히 녹아서 강을 따라 내려가 우리의 저수지로 흘러들어갑니다. 정말 아름답죠. 우리가 식수를 얻는 큰 방법이죠.
In fact, according to California, this is where 30 percent of our water, including our drinking water, comes from in the state.
So we really do care and really do need to know how much water is up here.
So what they do routinely is several different times throughout the cold months is that they will have a few people come out and measure how much snow is on the ground.
And sometimes, it's a lot.
This could be like taller than, you know, me.
It could be more snow than that.
And then other times, there's not a lot.
사실, 캘리포니아에 따르면, 이곳은 우리 식수를 포함한 우리 물의 30%가 주에서 나오는 곳입니다.
그래서 우리는 정말로 관심을 갖고 이 위에 얼마나 많은 물이 있는지 알아야 합니다.
그래서 그들이 추운 달 동안 일상적으로 하는 일은 몇 명의 사람들이 나와서 땅에 얼마나 많은 눈이 있는지 측정하도록 하는 것입니다.
그리고 때때로, 그것은 많은 양입니다.
이건 나보다 더 클 수도 있어
그것보다 더 많은 눈이 올 수도 있어요.
그리고 다른 때는, 많지 않습니다.
In fact, I want you to take a look at this video because it's really cool.
This is a scientist from the Department of Water Resources for California,
and he's got this cool pool that's got a hollow center to it and he can stick that into the ground to see how much snow is there.
And they do this in different parts of the state or different parts of the Sierra Nevada Mountains and they do it on the same days every year just to make sure that they have a routine measurement.
사실, 저는 여러분이 이 비디오를 보셨으면 합니다. 왜냐하면 그것은 정말 멋지기 때문입니다.
캘리포니아 수자원부의 한 과학자입니다.
그는 중앙이 비어있는 멋진 수영장을 가지고 있습니다. 그리고 그는 얼마나 많은 눈이 있는지 보기 위해 그것을 땅에 붙일 수 있습니다.
그리고 그들은 이것을 주의 다른 지역이나 시에라 네바다 산맥의 다른 지역에서 합니다. 그리고 그들은 매년 같은 날에 그것을 합니다. 단지 그들이 정기적으로 측정하도록 하기 위해서죠.
And so with this most recent measurement, you can see there's not a lot there.
In fact, they said there was only two and a half inches of snow.
That's it, just two and a half inches of snow.
And that means about one inch of water once it melts off.
And so, once it melts off, you would like for it to take its time to come down the mountain because if you take a look behind me and you look at that shot, you can see there's already a lot of water that's making its way down out of the mountains.
That's going to make its way into our reservoirs.
It's also going to make sure those habitats for some of the fish out there.
It's very important that this happens.
그리고 이 가장 최근의 측정치를 보면, 거기에 많은 것이 없다는 것을 알 수 있습니다.
사실, 그들은 눈이 2.5인치 밖에 내리지 않았다고 말했다.
바로 그거예요, 겨우 2인치 반의 눈이 내렸어요.
그리고 그것은 일단 녹아버리면 약 1인치 정도의 물을 의미합니다.
그래서, 녹아버리면, 천천히 산을 내려오길 원하실 겁니다. 왜냐하면 여러분이 제 뒤를 보고 저 사진을 보시면, 이미 많은 양의 물이 산에서 흘러내리고 있다는 것을 알 수 있기 때문입니다.
그것은 우리의 저수지로 침투할 것이다.
그것은 또한 저 밖에 있는 물고기들의 서식지를 확실히 할 것입니다.
이런 일이 일어나는 것은 매우 중요합니다.
But that's very little, and this is concerning because California is already in a drought for now going into its third year.
So this is going to show to us and it does indicate to us that we are not going to have the normal amount of water that we would normally rely on for those dry hot months that are ahead of us.
So this is why they take these measurements and this is why we look at them.
하지만 그것은 매우 적습니다. 캘리포니아는 이미 3년째가 되는 지금 가뭄에 빠져 있기 때문에 걱정입니다.
그래서 이것은 우리에게 보여줄 것이고 그것은 우리에게 우리가 우리 앞에 있는 건조한 더운 달 동안 우리가 보통 의지할 수 있는 정상적인 양의 물을 가질 수 없다는 것을 암시합니다.
이것이 그들이 이러한 측정을 하는 이유이고 이것이 우리가 그것들을 보는 이유입니다.
This is not good.
I mean, they've been measuring at the same location since 1941, and the average is like 66 inches.
It's somewhere around there.
So if you look at just that two and a half inches, that shows you just how little is there and that is exactly why we come up here to see this.
이것은 좋지 않습니다.
제 말은, 1941년부터 같은 위치에서 측정해왔는데, 평균은 66인치입니다.
그 근처 어딘가에 있어.
만약 여러분이 2.5인치만 본다면, 그것은 얼마나 적은지 보여줍니다. 그리고 그것이 바로 우리가 이것을 보기 위해 여기에 온 이유입니다.
(끝 비디오테이프)
Okay. The way to look at this and not be completely grossed out is to think of it like chocolate?
좋아요. 완전히 역겹지 않게 보는 방법은 초콜릿처럼 생각하는 거죠?
This is slime and not just any old toxic sludge.
Researchers at the Chinese University of Hong Kong say it can be controlled like a robot using magnets.
이것은 슬라임이고 오래된 유독성 슬러지가 아닙니다.
홍콩 중문대학의 연구원들은 자석을 사용하는 로봇처럼 조종할 수 있다고 말합니다.
Okay, that's nice, Carl. But why?
Well, if they make it safe to ingest, it's not at this point, this slime could be used to remove deadly substances from the body.
It could also be used in electronics.
그거 좋군요. 하지만 왜 그랬을까?
음, 만약 그들이 안전하게 섭취할 수 있게 해준다면, 이 슬라임은 몸에서 치명적인 물질을 제거하는 데 사용될 수 있습니다.
그것은 또한 전자공학에도 사용될 수 있다.
Or maybe it's just the stuff of movies.
Think the green slime, the slime people or Ghostbusters, he slimed me.
There's I know what you did last slimer, Franken-slime, Valenslime's day, the slime side.
Of course, everybody's favorite, slimedog millionaire.
It's sure to find slime for a leading role.
아니면 그냥 영화의 소재일 수도 있습니다.
녹색 슬라임, 슬라임 피플, 고스트 버스터즈, 그가 날 죽였다고 생각해.
네가 마지막으로 뭘 했는지 알아, 프랑켄 슬라임, 발렌 슬라임의 날, 슬라임 쪽.
물론 모두가 좋아하는 슬리메독 백만장자죠.
주연을 위해 슬라임을 찾는 것이 확실합니다.
I'm Carl Azuz.
난 칼 아주즈야.
Marietta High school in Marietta, Georgia, gets today's shout out.
You guys are like Fridays and we hope to see all y'all again tomorrow.
조지아 주 마리에타에 있는 마리에타 고등학교가 오늘의 shout out 에 선정되었습니다.
여러분들은 모두 금요일 같아요. (멋져요.)
우리는 여러분 모두를 내일 또 뵐 수 있었으면 좋겠습니다.
** END
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