[CSP 대본 051] What to Expect at the State of the Union
051_220411_220301_What to Expect at the State of the Union

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051_220411_220301_What to Expect at the State of the Union
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Return to Transcripts main page CNN 10 Tuesday`s State Of The Union Address; Sanctions On The Russian Economy; An Alternative To Plastic Tableware. Aired 4-4:10a ET Aired March 01, 2022 - 04:00:00 ET THIS IS A RUSH TRANSCRIPT. THIS COPY MAY NOT BE IN IT
** 원본 스크립트
March 01, 2022
• Tuesday`s State Of The Union Address; Sanctions On The Russian Economy; An Alternative To Plastic Tableware. Aired 4-4:10a ET
CNN 10
Tuesday's State Of The Union Address; Sanctions On The Russian Economy; An Alternative To Plastic Tableware. Aired 4-4:10a ET
Aired March 01, 2022 - 04:00:00 ET
The speaker, Mr. Vice President, Distinguished members Of the United States Congress, Members of the Supreme Court, Distinguished guests My fellow Americans, I can report to you the state of the union is stronger than ever before.
Think for a minute how far We've come in 200 years.
We find ourselves challenged by new problems. In this country, at home and abroad our values are renewed. There is demanded of us. Vigilance, determination and dedication. We must rise to make a nation better than any we have ever known For the road has been long, the burden heavy and the pace urgent, this is not going to be easy. We have Only begun. Let us have the will and the patience to do this job together. We need many different kinds of strength. Military, economic, political and moral. Nothing is impossible. No Victory is beyond our reach. No Glory will ever be too great. We are Americans. Part of something larger than ourselves. God bless you and God bless the United States of America.
Thank you.
And some of the themes you heard in that montage will likely be discussed tonight when U.S. President Joe Biden gives his first official State of the Union Address.
He gave this kind of speech last year in April appearing in front of a joint session of Congress.
But it wasn't technically called the State of the Union because it was his first such address after his election.
And traditionally, presidents aren't yet considered authorities on the State of the Union after just a couple months in office.
The U.S. constitution does not say when a president has to give this speech or even that a president should give a speech.
Article 2 Section 3 only says, quote: He shall from time to time give to the Congress information of the State of the Union and recommend to their consideration such measures as he shall judge necessary and expedient.
So the fact that a speech like this is given every year, the fact that it's done in person, the fact that it's televised and put online, the fact that it's followed up by a response from the opposing political party -- all of these are traditions associated with the State of the Union, but they're not required by the Constitution itself.
Still the event is an extraordinary opportunity for the president and the party in opposition to lay out their visions for the country.
President Biden's speech on March 1st will be the first one held in March since 1934.
All the others have taken place in January or February.
There's a lot going on in the U.S. and abroad that'll factor into tonight's speeches.
The Russian invasion of Ukraine, the president's Supreme Court nominee, the problem of inflation, the upcoming U.S. midterm elections issues related to COVID-19.
You can expect all of this and more when President Biden enters the House of Representatives at nine o’clock p.m. Eastern and when Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds gives the Republican Party's response afterward.
AZUZ (voice-over):
Ten-second trivia:
What is the currency of Russia?
Euro, rial, ruble, or dinar?
The ruble is the official currency of Russia and Belarus.
The Russian ruble has crashed during the country's invasion of neighboring Ukraine.
By that we mean it lost 25 percent of its value on Monday and the Russian stock market was closed on Monday and Tuesday.
We've reported how the U.S. is one of numerous countries imposing sanctions on Russia.
It's an effort to hurt the nation's economy and pressure it to withdraw from Ukraine.
Critics had said the sanctions were too little too late and President Biden acknowledged last week, quote, no one expected the sanctions to prevent anything from happening, suggesting it'd take time after Russia's invasion for sanctions to take effect.
But economic analysts say they're starting to bite now.
For years, Russia's government's been preparing for something like this, saving up international currencies and gold.
But some of those assets are in other countries, which aren't giving Russia access to them.
This is part of an interruption in the flow of money to Russia, hurting its ability to do business.
And one example of how that happens is through SWIFT.
It's like the pipe work of international banking.
Founded in 1973, to replace the dated Telex transfer system, SWIFT handles the majority of international money transfers and settlement of trades.
It's short for Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunications and now connects over 11,000 financial institutions.
Removing Russia from SWIFT would make it extremely difficult for financial institutions to send money in or out of the country, delivering a sudden shock to Russian companies and their foreign customers.
Kicking Russia out of SWIFT was considered in 2014 in response to the annexation of Crimea.
At the time, former Russian finance minister Alexei Kudrin estimated that the expulsion could shrink the country's economy by 5 percent.
And it's not just Russia that would be affected, there's no globally accepted alternative to SWIFT so Russia's expulsion could potentially hit everyone who has international business dealings with the country.
After Russia, Germany and the U.S. might have the most to lose.
The Carnegie Moscow Center says German and American institutions are the most frequent users of SWIFT to communicate with Russian banks.
Next today, the world's plastic pollution problem is not a new subject for us.
Waste is growing in landfills and oceans worldwide.
What's also growing though are the number of proposed solutions.
We couldn't find exact costs for the disposable plates and bowls you're about to see.
Similar products run about 50 to 80 cents per plate, while plastic foam plates cost around three cents apiece.
But the newer technology comes at a lower cost for the environment.
In the South Indian city of Hyderabad, employees at Bollant Industries are making disposable products like colorful plates and sheets of cardboard.
Their materials, fallen leaves from Areca, a palm species and recycled paper.
I call myself a waste person because I really love waste.
I want to recycle all the waste that I could in this world, and be a hero and be a symbol of the next generation.
Srikanth Bolla is part of a small but growing field of Indian entrepreneurs hoping to prove that companies can help the environment and turn a profit.
His country is one of the world's top polluters.
India produces more than 15 million tons of plastic waste every year, according to the U.N.
This summer, India is slated to ban most single-use plastics which experts say will dramatically drive up demand for eco-friendly products, as well as packaging in the country.
Bollant Industries is also notable for the leader at its helm.
Bolla was born blind to poor and illiterate parents in a village in Atta Pradesh.
Growing up in India as a child, I had to overcome a lot of stigma, barriers and unacceptability in the society as I was blind from birth.
My childhood was very lonely -- not that I was poor because I was made separated by the world.
He founded his company in 2012 with an aim to employ as many people with disabilities as possible, like Kavala Krishnaya (ph) whose legs are not fully formed due to polio.
His job is to make disposable plates and bowls at Bollant's manufacturing unit.
Our core vision is to employ as many people as possible who are at the margins of the society.
We want to empower this big stream of people who are in many millions.
The company currently employs around 400 people, a quarter of whom have disabilities, Bolla says.
The MIT graduate says his products are currently sold to around 200 small and medium enterprises across India, such as restaurants.
Sight is just for the eye and not for the vision of the mind.
So if you have vision, sight cannot do anything.
If you have strong passion, willpower and confidence in your mind and soul, I'm sure your physical disability can never stop you from achieving success.
Miles Harris is a news reporter in Ohio and his mom Sandy is super proud of him.
As Miles was setting up for an on camera segment about a crime story, guess who stopped by?
This is my mom, hold on.
The person you hear laughing is his photographer D'Angelo Byrd (ph).
He didn't just record it. He put it on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and now, Miles and his mom are both famous.
And that's just like a prime example of one a mom being a mom, but just trying to get that front row seat to kind of see what -- what I'm doing.
I once heard the pun: if it's not one thing, it's your mother.
And some do tend to offspring into action, embarrassing their kids whenever they (can) kin.
In family matters, there are always growing pains.
Miles might have been thinking give me a break.
But it takes different strokes to keep family ties regardless of whether there's a full house.
I'm Carl Azuz.
Rancho High School in North Las Vegas, Nevada, gets today's shout out.
Thank you for your request on our YouTube channel,
and thanks to all y'all for watching CNN.
** 파파고 번역
파파고 번역기의 영한 번역 그대로의 문장을 다듬지 않고 붙여넣기한 것이기 때문에 학습에 혼동을 줄 수 있는 오역이 있는 점 참고하시기 바랍니다.
March 01, 2022
• Tuesday`s State Of The Union Address; Sanctions On The Russian Economy; An Alternative To Plastic Tableware. Aired 4-4:10a ET
2022년 3월 1일
• 러시아 경제 제재 플라스틱 식기의 대안 4-4:10a ET 방송
CNN 10
Tuesday's State Of The Union Address; Sanctions On The Russian Economy; An Alternative To Plastic Tableware. Aired 4-4:10a ET
Aired March 01, 2022 - 04:00:00 ET
CNN 10
화요일 연두교서; 러시아 경제에 대한 제재; 플라스틱 식기에 대한 대안. 4-4:10a ET 방송
2022년 3월 1일 방영 - ET 04:00
이건 급작스러운 성적표야 이 사본은 최종 형식이 아닐 수 있으며 업데이트될 수 있습니다.
(BEGIN 비디오테이프)
The speaker, Mr. Vice President, Distinguished members Of the United States Congress, Members of the Supreme Court, Distinguished guests My fellow Americans, I can report to you the state of the union is stronger than ever before.
연설자, 부통령 각하, 미 의회 의원들, 대법원 의원들, 귀빈 여러분, 미국 동포 여러분, 저는 연합의 상태가 그 어느 때보다 강하다는 것을 여러분께 보고할 수 있습니다.
Think for a minute how far We've come in 200 years.
우리가 200년 동안 얼마나 멀리 왔는지 잠시 생각해 보세요.
We find ourselves challenged by new problems.
우리는 새로운 문제에 봉착해 있다는 것을 알게 된다.
In this country, at home and abroad our values are renewed. There is demanded of us.
이 나라, 국내외에서 우리의 가치관이 새롭게 바뀐다. 우리에게 요구하는 것이 있다.
Vigilance, determination and dedication. We must rise to make a nation better than any we have ever known For the road has been long, the burden heavy and the pace urgent, this is not going to be easy.
경계심, 결단력 그리고 헌신. 우리는 우리가 아는 어떤 나라보다 더 나은 나라를 만들기 위해 일어나야 한다. 길이 길고, 짐이 무겁고, 속도가 급하기 때문에, 이것은 쉽지 않을 것이다.
We have Only begun. Let us have the will and the patience to do this job together. We need many different kinds of strength. Military, economic, political and moral. Nothing is impossible.
우린 이제 시작일 뿐이야. 우리 함께 이 일을 할 의지와 인내심을 갖자. 우리는 많은 다른 종류의 힘이 필요합니다. 군사, 경제, 정치, 도덕. 불가능한것은 없다.
No Victory is beyond our reach. No Glory will ever be too great. We are Americans. Part of something larger than ourselves.
어떤 승리도 우리 손에 닿지 않는다. 그 어떤 영광도 너무 크지는 않을 것이다. 우리는 미국인이다. 우리 자신보다 더 큰 무언가의 일부입니다.
God bless you and God bless the United States of America.
Thank you.
하느님은 너를 축복하시고 하느님은 미국을 축복하신다.
(끝 비디오테이프)
And some of the themes you heard in that montage will likely be discussed tonight when U.S. President Joe Biden gives his first official State of the Union Address.
CNN 10 앵커 칼 아즈즈였습니다.
그리고 그 몽타주에서 들으신 주제들 중 일부는 오늘 밤 조 바이든 미국 대통령이 첫 공식 국정연설을 할 때 논의될 것으로 보입니다.
He gave this kind of speech last year in April appearing in front of a joint session of Congress.
But it wasn't technically called the State of the Union because it was his first such address after his election.
And traditionally, presidents aren't yet considered authorities on the State of the Union after just a couple months in office.
그는 지난해 4월 상하원 합동회의 앞에 나와 이런 종류의 연설을 했다.
그러나 그것은 그의 당선 후 그의 첫 번째 연설이었기 때문에 엄밀히 말하면 연두교서라고 불리지 않았다.
그리고 전통적으로, 대통령들은 취임 후 몇 달만 지나면 아직 연두국가의 권위자로 간주되지 않는다.
The U.S. constitution does not say when a president has to give this speech or even that a president should give a speech.
Article 2 Section 3 only says, quote: He shall from time to time give to the Congress information of the State of the Union and recommend to their consideration such measures as he shall judge necessary and expedient.
미국 헌법은 대통령이 언제 이 연설을 해야 하는지, 심지어 대통령이 연설을 해야 하는지조차 명시하지 않는다.
제2조 제3절에는 인용문만 있습니다. 그는 수시로 연립국가의 정보를 의회에 제공하고, 필요성과 편의성을 판단하는 조치를 그들의 고려에 권고하여야 한다.
So the fact that a speech like this is given every year, the fact that it's done in person, the fact that it's televised and put online, the fact that it's followed up by a response from the opposing political party -- all of these are traditions associated with the State of the Union, but they're not required by the Constitution itself.
그래서 이런 연설이 매년 있다는 사실, 실제로 행해지는 사실, TV로 방영되고 온라인에 올려지는 사실, 야당으로부터 반응이 뒤따른다는 사실, 이 모든 것들이 연두교서와 관련된 전통들이지만, 헌법 자체에서 요구하는 것은 아닙니다.
Still the event is an extraordinary opportunity for the president and the party in opposition to lay out their visions for the country.
President Biden's speech on March 1st will be the first one held in March since 1934.
All the others have taken place in January or February.
그러나 이 행사는 대통령과 야당인 당에게 나라를 위한 비전을 제시할 수 있는 특별한 기회이다.
바이든 대통령의 3월 1일 연설은 1934년 이후 3월에 열리는 첫 연설이다.
다른 모든 행사는 1월이나 2월에 열린다.
There's a lot going on in the U.S. and abroad that'll factor into tonight's speeches.
The Russian invasion of Ukraine, the president's Supreme Court nominee, the problem of inflation, the upcoming U.S. midterm elections issues related to COVID-19.
오늘 밤 연설에 영향을 미칠 많은 일들이 미국과 해외에서 일어나고 있습니다.
러시아 연방대법관 지명자인 우크라이나 침공, 인플레이션 문제, 이번 미국 중간선거 이슈 등이 코로나19와 관련돼 있다.
You can expect all of this and more when President Biden enters the House of Representatives at nine o’clock p.m. Eastern and when Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds gives the Republican Party's response afterward.
바이든 대통령이 오후 9시 하원에 들어서면 이 모든 것, 그 이상을 기대할 수 있다. 김 레이놀즈 아이오와 주지사가 공화당의 입장을 밝힐 때, 이스턴과 아이오와 주지사는 이에 대한 답변을 내놓았습니다.
(BEGIN 비디오 클립)
AZUZ (voice-over):
Ten-second trivia:
What is the currency of Russia?
Euro, rial, ruble, or dinar?
10초짜리 퀴즈:
러시아의 통화는 얼마입니까?
유로, 리알, 루블, 디나르?
The ruble is the official currency of Russia and Belarus.
루블은 러시아와 벨라루스의 공식 통화입니다.
(비디오 클립 종료)
The Russian ruble has crashed during the country's invasion of neighboring Ukraine.
By that we mean it lost 25 percent of its value on Monday and the Russian stock market was closed on Monday and Tuesday.
러시아의 루블화는 이웃 국가인 우크라이나를 침공하는 동안 폭락했다.
즉, 월요일에는 25%의 가치가 하락했고 월요일과 화요일에는 러시아 주식시장이 문을 닫았다는 뜻입니다.
We've reported how the U.S. is one of numerous countries imposing sanctions on Russia.
It's an effort to hurt the nation's economy and pressure it to withdraw from Ukraine.
미국이 러시아에 제재를 가하는 수많은 나라 중 하나라는 소식을 전해드렸습니다.
그것은 국가 경제에 타격을 입히고 우크라이나에서 철수하도록 압력을 가하려는 노력입니다.
Critics had said the sanctions were too little too late and President Biden acknowledged last week, quote, no one expected the sanctions to prevent anything from happening, suggesting it'd take time after Russia's invasion for sanctions to take effect.
But economic analysts say they're starting to bite now.
비평가들은 제재조치가 너무 늦었다고 말했고 바이든 대통령은 지난 주, 인용하자면, 러시아의 침공 이후 제재조치가 발효되기까지 시간이 걸릴 것이라고 아무도 예상하지 못했다는 것을 인정했다.
그러나 경제 분석가들은 그들이 이제 물기 시작했다고 말한다.
For years, Russia's government's been preparing for something like this, saving up international currencies and gold.
But some of those assets are in other countries, which aren't giving Russia access to them.
This is part of an interruption in the flow of money to Russia, hurting its ability to do business.
And one example of how that happens is through SWIFT.
수년 동안, 러시아 정부는 국제 통화와 금을 절약하면서 이와 같은 것을 준비해왔다.
그러나 그 자산들 중 일부는 다른 나라에 있고, 러시아는 그 자산들에 접근할 수 없다.
이는 러시아로의 자금 유입이 중단되면서 러시아 사업 능력에 타격을 입게 된 것이다.
그리고 그것이 어떻게 일어나는지에 대한 한 예는 SWIFT를 통해서이다.
(BEGIN 비디오테이프)
It's like the pipe work of international banking.
Founded in 1973, to replace the dated Telex transfer system, SWIFT handles the majority of international money transfers and settlement of trades.
It's short for Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunications and now connects over 11,000 financial institutions.
CNN 특파원 안나 스튜어트:
그것은 국제 은행의 파이프 작업과 같다.
1973년에 설립된 SWIFT는 텔렉스 송금 시스템을 대체하기 위해 대부분의 국제 송금과 무역 결제를 담당하고 있다.
Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunications의 줄임말이며 현재 11,000개가 넘는 금융 기관을 연결하고 있다.
Removing Russia from SWIFT would make it extremely difficult for financial institutions to send money in or out of the country, delivering a sudden shock to Russian companies and their foreign customers.
스위프트에서 러시아를 제거하면 금융기관들이 국내로 돈을 보내거나 해외로 송금하는 것이 극도로 어려워져 러시아 기업과 외국인 고객들에게 갑작스러운 충격을 줄 것이다.
Kicking Russia out of SWIFT was considered in 2014 in response to the annexation of Crimea.
At the time, former Russian finance minister Alexei Kudrin estimated that the expulsion could shrink the country's economy by 5 percent.
2014년 크림반도 합병에 대응해 스위프트에서 러시아를 축출하는 방안이 검토됐다.
당시 알렉세이 쿠드린 전 러시아 재무장관은 이번 추방으로 러시아 경제가 5% 위축될 수 있다고 추정했다.
And it's not just Russia that would be affected, there's no globally accepted alternative to SWIFT so Russia's expulsion could potentially hit everyone who has international business dealings with the country.
그리고 영향을 받는 것은 러시아뿐만이 아니라, 국제적으로 SWIFT를 대체할 수 있는 대안이 없기 때문에 러시아의 추방은 잠재적으로 그 나라와 국제적인 사업 거래를 하는 모든 사람들에게 타격을 줄 수 있다.
After Russia, Germany and the U.S. might have the most to lose.
The Carnegie Moscow Center says German and American institutions are the most frequent users of SWIFT to communicate with Russian banks.
러시아 다음으로 독일과 미국이 잃을 것이 가장 많을지도 모른다.
카네기 모스크바 센터는 독일과 미국의 기관들이 러시아 은행들과 소통하기 위해 SWIFT를 가장 자주 이용하는 기관이라고 밝혔습니다.
(끝 비디오테이프)
Next today, the world's plastic pollution problem is not a new subject for us.
Waste is growing in landfills and oceans worldwide.
What's also growing though are the number of proposed solutions.
We couldn't find exact costs for the disposable plates and bowls you're about to see.
다음 날, 세계의 플라스틱 오염 문제는 우리에게 새로운 주제가 아닙니다.
쓰레기는 전세계 매립지와 바다에서 자라고 있다.
그러나 제안 솔루션의 수도 증가하고 있습니다.
지금 보시는 일회용 접시와 그릇의 정확한 가격을 찾지 못했습니다.
Similar products run about 50 to 80 cents per plate, while plastic foam plates cost around three cents apiece.
But the newer technology comes at a lower cost for the environment.
플라스틱 폼 접시는 한 접시에 3센트 정도 하는 반면, 비슷한 제품들은 한 접시에 약 50-80센트입니다.
그러나 새로운 기술은 환경에 대한 더 낮은 비용으로 다가온다.
(BEGIN 비디오테이프)
In the South Indian city of Hyderabad, employees at Bollant Industries are making disposable products like colorful plates and sheets of cardboard.
크리스티 루 스타우트 CNN 특파원 (보이스오버):
인도 남부 도시 하이데라바드에서 볼란트 인더스트리의 직원들은 다채로운 접시나 판지와 같은 일회용품을 만들고 있다.
Their materials, fallen leaves from Areca, a palm species and recycled paper.
그들의 재료, 아레카에서 떨어진 낙엽, 종려, 재활용 종이.
I call myself a waste person because I really love waste.
I want to recycle all the waste that I could in this world, and be a hero and be a symbol of the next generation.
SRIKANT BOLLA, 볼란트 인더스트리의 설립자 겸 CEO:
저는 쓰레기를 정말 좋아하기 때문에 저를 쓰레기 인간이라고 부릅니다.
이 세상에서 할 수 있는 모든 쓰레기를 재활용하여 영웅이 되어 다음 세대의 상징이 되고 싶습니다.
Srikanth Bolla is part of a small but growing field of Indian entrepreneurs hoping to prove that companies can help the environment and turn a profit.
Srikanth Bolla는 작지만 성장하는 인도 기업가 분야의 일부로서 기업들이 환경을 돕고 수익을 창출할 수 있다는 것을 증명하기를 바라고 있다.
His country is one of the world's top polluters.
India produces more than 15 million tons of plastic waste every year, according to the U.N.
This summer, India is slated to ban most single-use plastics which experts say will dramatically drive up demand for eco-friendly products, as well as packaging in the country.
그의 나라는 세계 최고의 오염국 중 하나입니다.
유엔에 따르면 인도는 매년 1,500만 톤 이상의 플라스틱 쓰레기를 생산한다.
올 여름, 인도는 포장뿐만 아니라 친환경 제품에 대한 수요를 극적으로 증가시킬 것이라고 전문가들이 말하는 대부분의 일회용 플라스틱 사용을 금지할 예정이다.
Bollant Industries is also notable for the leader at its helm.
Bolla was born blind to poor and illiterate parents in a village in Atta Pradesh.
볼란트인더스트리는 선두 주자로도 주목 받고 있다.
볼라는 아타프라데시 주의 한 마을에서 가난하고 문맹인 부모에게서 장님으로 태어났다.
Growing up in India as a child, I had to overcome a lot of stigma, barriers and unacceptability in the society as I was blind from birth.
My childhood was very lonely -- not that I was poor because I was made separated by the world.
어린 시절 인도에서 자라면서 저는 태어날 때부터 맹인이었기 때문에 사회에서 많은 낙인, 장벽, 그리고 용납할 수 없는 것들을 극복해야 했습니다.
제 어린 시절은 매우 외로웠습니다. 제가 가난했던 것은 세상과 분리되어 있었기 때문이 아닙니다.
He founded his company in 2012 with an aim to employ as many people with disabilities as possible, like Kavala Krishnaya (ph) whose legs are not fully formed due to polio.
His job is to make disposable plates and bowls at Bollant's manufacturing unit.
그는 소아마비로 다리가 완전히 형성되지 않은 카발라 크리슈나야(ph)처럼 장애인을 최대한 많이 고용하겠다는 취지로 2012년 회사를 설립했다.
그의 직업은 볼랑의 제조 공장에서 일회용 접시와 그릇을 만드는 것입니다.
Our core vision is to employ as many people as possible who are at the margins of the society.
We want to empower this big stream of people who are in many millions.
우리의 핵심 비전은 사회의 여백에 있는 사람들을 최대한 많이 고용하는 것이다.
우리는 수백만 명의 사람들에게 힘을 실어주고 싶습니다.
The company currently employs around 400 people, a quarter of whom have disabilities, Bolla says.
볼라 사장은 이 회사가 현재 고용하고 있는 직원들 400명 중 4분의 1이 장애를 가지고 있다고 말했다.
The MIT graduate says his products are currently sold to around 200 small and medium enterprises across India, such as restaurants.
MIT 졸업생인 그는 자신의 제품이 현재 식당과 같은 인도 전역의 약 200개의 중소기업에 판매되고 있다고 말한다.
Sight is just for the eye and not for the vision of the mind.
So if you have vision, sight cannot do anything.
If you have strong passion, willpower and confidence in your mind and soul, I'm sure your physical disability can never stop you from achieving success.
시각은 단지 눈을 위한 것이지 마음의 비전을 위한 것이 아니다.
그래서 만약 시력이 있다면, 시력은 아무것도 할 수 없습니다.
만약 여러분이 마음과 영혼에 강한 열정과 의지력, 자신감을 가지고 있다면, 저는 여러분의 신체적인 장애가 성공을 이루는 것을 결코 막을 수 없다고 확신합니다.
(끝 비디오테이프)
Miles Harris is a news reporter in Ohio and his mom Sandy is super proud of him.
As Miles was setting up for an on camera segment about a crime story, guess who stopped by?
Miles Harris는 오하이오의 뉴스 기자이고 그의 엄마 Sandy는 그를 매우 자랑스러워합니다.
마일스가 범죄 이야기에 대해 카메라 코너를 준비하고 있을 때 누가 들렀는지 알아?
(BEGIN 비디오 클립)
This is my mom, hold on.
마일스 해리스, 뉴스 기자:
우리 엄마야, 잠깐만.
(비디오 클립 종료)
The person you hear laughing is his photographer D'Angelo Byrd (ph).
He didn't just record it. He put it on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and now, Miles and his mom are both famous.
여러분이 웃음소리를 듣는 사람은 그의 사진작가 D'Angelo Bird입니다.
그냥 녹음한 게 아니야 그는 그것을 페이스북, 인스타그램, 트위터에 올렸고 지금은 마일스와 그의 엄마가 모두 유명합니다.
(BEGIN 비디오 클립)
And that's just like a prime example of one a mom being a mom, but just trying to get that front row seat to kind of see what -- what I'm doing.
그건 마치 엄마가 되는 가장 좋은 예와 같죠. 하지만 맨 앞줄에 앉아 제가 뭘 하고 있는지 보려고요.
(비디오 클립 종료)
I once heard the pun: if it's not one thing, it's your mother.
And some do tend to offspring into action, embarrassing their kids whenever they (can) kin.
In family matters, there are always growing pains.
Miles might have been thinking give me a break.
But it takes different strokes to keep family ties regardless of whether there's a full house.
한번은 익살맞은 말을 들은 적이 있다. 한 가지가 아니라면, 네 엄마다.
그리고 어떤 사람들은 자손을 행동으로 옮기는 경향이 있으며, 친척이 될 수 있을 때마다 그들의 아이들을 당황하게 합니다.
집안 일에는 늘 성장통이 있다.
마일스는 날 좀 내버려두라고 생각했을지도 몰라
하지만 만원이든 가족관계가 유지되려면 타격이 필요하다.
I'm Carl Azuz.
Rancho High School in North Las Vegas, Nevada, gets today's shout out.
Thank you for your request on our YouTube channel,
and thanks to all y'all for watching CNN.
난 칼 아즈야
네바다주 노스 라스베이거스에 있는 란초 고등학교가 오늘의 발표를 합니다.
저희 유튜브 채널에서 요청해주셔서 감사합니다.
모두 CNN을 시청해 주셔서 감사합니다
** END
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