3_____Writing Practice (1605) 썸네일형 리스트형 입트영 영작 004 - 210818WED Korean Baseball League 입트영 영작 004 - 210818WED Korean Baseball League JESS 004 - 0818WED (0818WED Korean Baseball League) STUDY GROUP QUESTIONS 1. Do you prefer to play or watch sports? Explain your preference. I am not really physically blessed and prefer doing other activities like singing, drawing and reading than playing sports. I don’t enjoy watching sports either. I might prefer to play sports if I have to choose.. 입트영 영작 003 - 210817TUE Weekend Couples 입트영 영작 003 - 210817TUE Weekend Couples JESS 003 - 0817TUE (0817TUE Weekend Couples) STUDY GROUP QUESTIONS 1. What are some advantages of a long-distance or weekend-only relationship? I would say everyone actually needs some of their own space and time being alone. On this side, there could be some advantages of a distanced relationship. But I wouldn’t be happy with a long distance or long time s.. 입트영 영작 002 - 210816MON Moving Out to Live Alone 입트영 영작 002 - 210816MON Moving Out to Live Alone JESS 002 - 0816MON (0816MON Moving Out to Live Alone) STUDY GROUP QUESTIONS 1. What is the most difficult aspect of living apart from your family? I would say that the most difficult aspect of living apart from your family could be a lot of responsibilities. If you live alone, you can’t have any emotional support as well. You would feel some pressu.. 입트영 영작 001 - 210813FRI Friday the 13th 입트영 영작 001 - 210813FRI Friday the 13th 우연히 STUDY GROUP QUESTIONS을 연습하는 스터디 모집글을 발견하고 8월 14일부터 영작 후 낭독 녹음을 시작했다. JESS 001 - 0814SAT (0813 Friday the 13th) 1.What are some superstitions that you believe in or that interest you? I don’t really believe superstitions though, I believe what people say can actually become true. So I always try to be careful with what I am saying or even thinking. 2.Do .. 입트영 영작 시작 - 210726MON Haeundae, High level math 입트영 영작 시작 - 210726MON Haeundae, High level math 7월 23일에 교재를 구입해서 연습을 해보고 24일에 입트영 스터디방을 만들었다. 영작을 해야 실질적인 스피킹 실력 향상에 도움이 된다는 자료를 다시 체크하고 26일부터 조금씩 해보기로 결정했다. 입트영방 영작연습 제스 210726mon Summarising today’s topic / Haeundae Today's topic is about the Haeundae area in Busan. She is talking about a new tourist hotspot which is getting popular recently. She is recommending you to visit a fine walking tra.. 이전 1 ··· 98 99 100 101 다음