입트영 영작 001 - 210813FRI Friday the 13th
우연히 STUDY GROUP QUESTIONS을 연습하는 스터디 모집글을 발견하고 8월 14일부터 영작 후 낭독 녹음을 시작했다.
JESS 001 - 0814SAT
(0813 Friday the 13th)
1.What are some superstitions that you believe in or that interest you?
I don’t really believe superstitions though, I believe what people say can actually become true. So I always try to be careful with what I am saying or even thinking.
2.Do you like to watch scary movies? What is your favorite scary movie?
No, I don’t really enjoy watching scary movies, because it makes me stay with some negative ideas for a long time. I prefer watching comedy or romantic movies to scary one. I remember one scary movie that kept me feeling scared quite long, the movie was called ‘Orphan’. I get more scared with some thrilling movies about scary people, not about ghosts or invisible things.
3.Do you believe in good luck or bad luck? Why or why not?
I believe in good luck. Because I believe that everyone has their own magnetic energy. If you keep thinking about positive or negative things, it actually comes true. So I try to think about good things so I can bring good events in my real life.
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