3_____Writing Practice/Question Diary (2202-) (1103) 썸네일형 리스트형 Question Diary 231214THU: Q633 231214THU: Q633 Who is your newest friend? My newest friends are the coriander sprouts that I'm nurturing in my nursery trays. Just yesterday morning, they began revealing their delicate green leaves, marking the initial stages of their growth. Recently, I've been passionately cultivating an assortment of vegetables and fruits, including chili peppers, spring onions, brown onions, coriander, che.. Question Diary 231213WED: Q632 231213WED: Q632 If you have something to keep for your entire life, what is it? Throughout our lives, we encounter countless experiences and moments that shape who we are. If I had the opportunity to keep something with me for the rest of my life, I would choose to cherish happy memories above all else. These are the moments that have brought joy, laughter, and a sense of fulfillment to my life... Question Diary 231212TUE: Q631 231212TUE: Q631 What would you do if you were a billionaire? If I found myself in the enviable position of being a billionaire, I'd see it as an incredible opportunity to create a lasting impact while ensuring the well-being of both my immediate circle and the broader community. Securing the financial stability of my family and loved ones would undoubtedly be among my top priorities. I'd aim to .. Question Diary 231211MON: Q630 231211MON: Q630 Who will be the saddest at your death? When pondering this question, the first person who comes to mind is my beloved partner, Isaac. Throughout the years, he has been my closest confidant and companion, sharing in both the joys and sorrows of life. The thought of my absence leaving a void in his heart fills me with a sense of melancholy. I can only hope that he finds solace in t.. Question Diary 231210SUN: Q629 231210SUN: Q629 What do other people say about you? What other people say about us can provide valuable insights into how we are perceived by others. It's important to listen to feedback and consider different perspectives, as it can help us understand ourselves better and identify areas for personal growth. When it comes to what other people say about me, I have been fortunate to receive a vari.. Question Diary 231209SAT: Q628 231209SAT: Q628 What do you hate about yourself? This question often invites us to focus on our flaws and shortcomings, but I believe it's more constructive to reflect on what we love about ourselves. Instead of dwelling on self-hatred, I choose to embrace self-acceptance and strive for personal growth. Rather than hating my perceived imperfections, I prefer to see them as areas for improvement .. Question Diary 231208FRI: Q627 231208FRI: Q627 What are you doing well? When it comes to my personal strengths and accomplishments, there are several aspects that I feel particularly confident and accomplished in. These qualities have helped shape my character and contribute to my overall success in various areas of my life. Firstly, one of my notable strengths is persistence. I have always been determined and dedicated to ac.. Question Diary 231207THU: Q626 231207THU: Q626 What book did you read recently? What did you feel while reading that book? Lately, I've been engrossed in the book "Tools of Titans." It's an enthralling read that delves deep into the minds and methodologies of successful individuals across various fields. Joining a book reading group has been a game-changer for me. It instilled a disciplined routine where I dedicate a minimum .. Question Diary 231206WED: Q625 231206WED: Q625 Without tomorrow what will you do today? Without the guarantee of tomorrow, it becomes even more important to make the most of today. If I knew that there wouldn't be a tomorrow, I would focus on living each moment to the fullest and cherishing every experience. First and foremost, I would spend quality time with my loved ones. I would express my love and gratitude to my family a.. Question Diary 231205TUE: Q624 231205TUE: Q624 If you were able to have any powers, what would you want? If granted the opportunity to possess any powers, the concept of choice becomes both thrilling and thought-provoking. The realm of abilities one could desire is as vast as imagination itself, leaving room for whimsical fantasies or profound reflections on the human condition. Firstly, the power of healing would be an extra.. Question Diary 231204MON: Q623 231204MON: Q623 Are you unhappy if you are poor? The concept of happiness is subjective and can vary from person to person. While financial stability can contribute to a sense of security and comfort, it does not guarantee happiness. Happiness is a complex emotion that can be influenced by various factors such as relationships, personal fulfillment, health, and overall life satisfaction. It's im.. Question Diary 231203SUN: Q622 231203SUN: Q622 what's wrong with you In response to the question, I would typically reply, "Nothing wrong." The inquiry "What's wrong with you?" carries a weighty undertone that can trigger a spectrum of emotional reactions, heavily influenced by the tone, context, and the relationship dynamics between the individuals involved. It's a loaded question that often stirs feelings of confusion, hurt.. Question Diary 231202SAT: Q621 231202SAT: Q621 What is life? Life is a complex and fascinating phenomenon that encompasses a wide range of experiences, emotions, and interactions. It is the existence and journey of living beings, including human beings, on this planet. Life is characterized by growth, reproduction, adaptation, and the ability to respond to stimuli. At its core, life is about the constant pursuit of survival a.. Question Diary 231201FRI: Q620 231201FRI: Q620 What do you think is the purpose of life? As an individual, I believe that the purpose of life is to find and fulfill our own unique purpose. Each of us has our own set of talents, passions, and experiences that contribute to our individuality and uniqueness. Discovering and nurturing those talents and passions helps us to find meaning and purpose in our lives. Furthermore, I bel.. Question Diary 231130THU: Q619 231130THU: Q619 Do you have a reckless behavior you did recently? At first, I hesitated to answer, as I have indeed experienced some unusual incidents. However, upon reflection, I can confidently say that I have not engaged in any reckless behavior. While some may argue that certain decisions I made could be considered reckless, I firmly believe that each decision was made with careful considera.. Question Diary 231129WED: Q618 231129WED: Q618 What did you most appreciate today? Today, my deepest sense of appreciation centers around the tranquility and comfort of being back home after an extensive journey. Having just returned from a prolonged trip, the fatigue from organizing and transporting numerous boxes and belongings had begun to weigh heavily on me. Yet, upon arriving home, a wave of relief swept over me, provid.. 이전 1 ··· 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 ··· 69 다음