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3_____Writing Practice/Question Diary (2202-)

Question Diary 240202FRI: Q683 240202FRI: Q683 What do you think of the most when you are alone? When I find myself alone, my mind naturally gravitates towards various thoughts and reflections that occupy my mental space. While some moments of solitude may be filled with mundane considerations like work or household chores, my inner dialogue also delves into deeper realms of contemplation and introspection. At times, my thoug..
Question Diary 240201THU: Q682 240201THU: Q682 Please describe yourself using what you have (own) now. To describe myself using what I have now, I would begin by highlighting my hopes and aspirations. This is because my hopes are an integral part of who I am and what I strive to become. They are a reflection of my dreams, values, and desires, and they play a significant role in shaping my identity. By focusing on my hopes, I ..
Question Diary 240131WED: Q681 240131WED: Q681 What do you think you should do to be happier? I believe that experiencing personal growth and progress each day is key to living a fulfilling life. It has been said that without this sense of growth, one may lose their purpose and motivation to live. So, in order to be happier, I think it is crucial to focus on continuous improvement and learning. However, this is just one aspec..
Question Diary 240130TUE: Q680 240130TUE: Q680 What do you do in your free time? I'm starting to feel weary of answering the same or similar questions repeatedly. As I've mentioned before, I typically spend my free time checking my to-do list, watching YouTube videos, tending to my plants, or learning something new online. To make the most of my leisure time, I've embraced the habit of organizing and prioritizing tasks throug..
Question Diary 240129MON: Q679 240129MON: Q679 What gift have you wanted to receive the most? I would be happy and grateful for any gifts when I see their consideration and love from the gifts. I believe that the thought and effort put into selecting a gift is what truly matters. However, if I were to choose a specific gift that I have always wanted to receive, it would be something that holds both practicality and sentimenta..
Question Diary 240128SUN: Q678 240128SUN: Q678 What is the one word that you do not want to hear even as a joke? This question brings forth a sense of unease within me. It compels me to contemplate the existence of a word that holds such power over me, a word that I wish not to encounter, even in jest. It is difficult to pinpoint a specific word as the answer to this question, for any negative word has the potential to elicit..
Question Diary 240127SAT: Q677 240127SAT: Q677 Where do you place the most emphasis in your life, the past, the present or the future? Many people may place emphasis on different parts of their life, but for me, the present is the most important. While reminiscing on past memories or dreaming of future endeavors can be enjoyable, I find that focusing on the present brings me the most joy. The past is something that I cherish ..
Question Diary 240126FRI: Q676 240126FRI: Q676 What is the biggest difference between the you that others know of and your own perception of yourself? The biggest difference between how others perceive me and my own perception of myself lies in the fact that people often form their opinions based on external observations and limited interactions, while my own self-perception is shaped by my personal experiences, thoughts, and..
Question Diary 240125THU: Q675 240125THU: Q675 Do you have anything you wanted to do for a long while? Why didn't you do that so far? Certainly, there are several aspirations that have lingered in the corridors of my desires, patiently waiting to be brought to fruition. Among these, the overarching themes include travel, skill acquisition, and career-related goals. These dreams, although long-standing, have encountered a seri..
Question Diary 240124WED: Q674 240124WED: Q674 What is the first thing you did when you got up this morning? The first thing I did when I woke up this morning was check my sleep pattern on the health app. I recently discovered this feature on the iPhone health application, and it feels quite innovative and futuristic. It provides a detailed breakdown of my entire night's sleep, including each sleep mode like REM, core sleep, ..
Question Diary 240123TUE: Q673 240123TUE: Q673 What made you dissatisfied recently? Lately, I've found myself generally content with various facets of my life, not experiencing any significant dissatisfaction. However, it's crucial to acknowledge that emotions and perspectives on life are fluid and can undergo alterations over time. While I may not be grappling with any major sources of discontent, there are moments when I do..
Question Diary 240122MON: Q672 240122MON: Q672 What is the best place that you have been to? Why? Choosing the best place I've ever been is a challenging task, given the array of destinations etched in my memory. Nevertheless, Italy stands out as the one that left an indelible mark, beckoning me to revisit its enchanting landscapes. Italy's claim to the top spot is reinforced by its incredible weather. Sun-kissed days and cle..
Question Diary 240121SUN: Q671 240121SUN: Q671 Do you think the 'you' at present time is the person you wanted to be in the past? This question prompts deep introspection and contemplation. Personally, I can confidently say that my answer would be no. Reflecting on my past self, I recall being filled with ambition and setting lofty goals for the future. However, as I stand here in the present, I realize that I have not become..
Question Diary 240120SAT: Q670 240120SAT: Q670 Can a person live without love? Love is a complex and fundamental aspect of human existence. While it is subjective and can vary from person to person, it plays a significant role in our overall well-being and happiness. The question of whether a person can live without love is a thought-provoking one. On a basic level, it is possible for a person to physically survive without ex..
Question Diary 240119FRI: Q669 240119FRI: Q669 Name three gifts that you wish to have the most. When contemplating the three gifts I wish for the most, I find myself straddling the realms of practicality and personal indulgence, seeking a balance between the tangible and the experiential. First on my list is a gift that intertwines with my daily pursuits – a high quality swimsuit. As swimming has become a significant focus in..
Question Diary 240118THU: Q668 240118THU: Q668 Do you believe in destiny? It's a question that has fascinated humanity for centuries, sparking debates and contemplation. The concept of destiny suggests that our lives are predetermined, that there is a grand plan or purpose guiding our existence. Opinions on destiny vary greatly. Some people firmly believe that everything happens for a reason, that there are no coincidences in..
