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3_____Writing Practice/EBS 입트영 영작 (2108-2112)

입트영 영작 045 - 211014THU My Parents 나의 부모님


입트영 영작 045 - 211014THU My Parents 나의 부모님



영작 후 낭독 연습

JESS 045 - 211014THU 

(211014THU My Parents 나의 부모님)



1. Describe how your relationship with your parents has changed as you have gotten older.


My parents and I were not in a very good relationship when I was younger, but as I grew up, our relationship became much better. Most relationships get better and loving when they have a bit of distance in life. For me, I also became able to understand my parents more than before since I have grown up and been through hardships in life.


2. Do you have children? If so, how has it influenced your relationship with your parents?


I don't have a child yet, but my older sister has one boy. Since she has a child, she is a better daughter and more considerate to my parents. Being a parent makes you understand your parents' effort more than before.


3. What are some things you do to be a dutiful child?

I was helping with house chores and studied hard when I was young. Being a dutiful child is mostly all about their school grade or meeting their parents' specific expectations. For grown ups, just living well as an adult and relieving them with the fact that I am doing good is enough to be a dutiful child. They don't really expect many things for children, but maybe some allowance sometimes. I guess good parents just accept and love the way the kids are. I also would like to be a mature and good parent one day.

