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1_____PPLE/Korean Textbook 1 (2202-)

PPLEB005. Intro-5. Honorific Expressions - 220307MON

PPLEB005. Intro-5. Honorific Expressions - 220307MON

PPLEB005. Intro-5. Honorific Expressions - 220307MON

교재 페이지 20-24
Introduction to the Korean Language - 5. Honorific Expressions



5. Honorific Expressions

Due to the influence of Confucian thought on Korean society, it is common for Korean
speakers to use both honorific and humble forms of speech in conversation according to age, family relationships, social status, and social distance (degree of intimacy).

(1) Honoring the Subject of the Sentence

Honorifics are used when the subject of a sentence is a person older than the speaker, a senior member of one's family, or a person of higher social rank. To honor the subject, -(으)시 is
added to the stems of adjectives and verbs. For verb stems ending in a vowel, -시 is added,
and for those ending in a consonant, -으시 is added.

가다 (to go)
가 + -시- + -ㅂ니다 = 가십니다
가 + -시- + -어요 = 가세요
가 + -시- + -었어요 = 가셨어요
가 + -시- + -(으)ㄹ 거예요 = 가실 거예요

읽다 (to read)
읽 + -으시- + -ㅂ니다 = 읽으십니다
읽 + -으시- + -어요 = 읽으세요
읽 + -으시- + -었어요 = 읽으셨어요
읽 + -으시- + -(으)ㄹ 거예요 = 읽으실 거예요

선생님께서 한국말을 가르치십니다.
The teacher teaches Korean.

아버지께서는 작년에 부산에 가셨어요.
My father went to Busan last year.

(2) Honoring the Listener

Honorifics are used when the listener is older or of higher social status than the speaker and also when the speaker and listener are not acquainted with each other, regardless of age. Final
endings are used to express the degree of respect, and they can be formed from each of the formal polite, informal polite, and informal plain styles.
(See also Korean Sentence Structure 4. Sentence Types)

도와주셔서 감사합니다. (formal polite style)
도와주셔서 감사해요. (informal polite style)
도와줘서 고마워. (informal plain style)

(3) Other Honorifics

1. The honorific forms of some verbs are not expressed by adding -(으)시 to the verb stem but rather by using a different verb form altogether.

Base Form - Honorific Form

자다 (to sleep) - 주무시다
말하다 (to speak) - 말씀하시다
먹다 (to eat) - 잡수시다/드시다
마시다 (to drink) - 드시다
죽다 (to die) - 돌아가시다
데려가다 (to take) - 모셔가다
있다 (to exist) - 계시다
있다 (to have) - 있으시다

어머니께서 집에 안 계세요.
Mother is not home right now.

내일 시간 있으세요?
Do you have time tomorrow?

(2) Some nouns have honorific counterparts.
Base Form - Honorific Form
나이 (age) - 연세
말 (words) - 말씀
밥 (meal/food) - 진지
사람 (person) - 분
생일 (birthday) - 생신
집 (house) - 댁
0|름 (name) - 성함
아내 (wife) - 부인

할아버지, 진지 잡수세요.
Grandpa, please have some dinner.

부인께서도 안녕하십니까?
How is your wife?

3. Honorific particles can be used after nouns indicating people.

이/가 -> 께서
은/는 -> 께서는
에게(한테) -> 께

동생이 친구에게 선물을 줍니다.
My younger sibling gives a present to a friend.

할아버지께서 친구에게 선물을 주십니다.
Grandpa gives a present to a friend.

저는 딸기를 좋아해요.
I like strawberries.

할머니께서는 딸기를 좋아하세요.
Grandma tkes strawberies.

4. Nouns designating persons can be made honorific by adding the suffix -님.

Base Form - Honorific Form
선생 (teacher) - 선생님
사장 (president) - 사장님
목사 (pastor) - 목사님
교수 (professor) - 교수님
박사 (doctor) - 박사님
원장 (director) - 원장님

저희 사장님은 마음이 넓으십니다.
Our company president is a generous person.

목사님, 기도해 주셔서 감사합니다.
Pastor, thank you for your prayer.

5. Respect can be expressed toward the listener or target of an action by using the following words.

Base Form - Honorific Form
말하다 (to speak) - 말씀드리다
주다 (to give) - 드리다
묻다 (to ask) - 여쭙다, 여쭈다
보다/만나다 (to meet) - 뵙다

아버지께 말씀드릴까요?
Shall we speak with Dad?

할아버지께 이 책을 드리세요.
Please give this book to Grandpa.

6. The speaker can also show respect toward the listener by lowering his or her own status.

나 -> 저
우리 -> 저희
말 -> 말씀

저도 그 소식을 들었어요.
I also heard that news.

저희 집에 한번 놀러 오세요.
Please stop by our house sometime.

부장님, 말씀드릴 것이 있습니다.
Chief, I have someting to tllyou.

(4) Things to Remember when Using Honorifics

1. In Korean it is common to address others by repeatedly using their name or title rather than pronouns such as 당신 (you), 너 (you), 그 (he/him), 그녀 (she/her), and 그들 (they/them).

"요코 씨, 어제 회사에서 재준 씨를 만났어요? 재준 씨가 (그가 x) 요코 씨를 (당신을 x) 찾았어요. 그러니까 요코 씨가 (그가 x) 재준 씨한테 (당신을 x) 전화해 보세요."
"Yoko, did you see Jaejun at work yesterday? Jaejun (He) was looking for Yoko (you), so Yoko (you) need to give Jaejun (him) a call."

당신 is a mutual title of address used mainly between husband and wife, and therefore it is not used to address anyone other than one's spouse.
Similarly, 너 is a mutual title used only among close friends.

여보, 아까 당신이 나한테 전화했어요?
Dear did you call me?

너는 오늘 뭐 하니?
What are you going to do today?

2. Special expressions such as 성함이 어떻게 되세요? (What is your name?) and 연세가 어떻게 되세요? (How old are you?) are used when asking the name or age of someone you don't know or when the person you are asking is older or has a higher social status than you.

할아버지, 성함이 어떻게 되세요? (O)
할아버지, 이름이 뭐예요? (X)
Sir (elderly), may I ask your name?

사장님 연세가 어떻게 되세요? (O)
사장님 나이가 몇 살이에요? (X)
Mr. President (of a company), may I ask your age?

3. In most cases, the word 살 is not used to refer to the age of someone older than the speaker.

캐럴 씨, 할아버지 연세가 어떻게 되세요?
Carol, how oid is your grandfather?

올해 일흔 다섯이세요. (O)
올해 일흔다섯 살이세요. (X)
He will be 75 years old this year.

4. The two honorific forms of 주다 are 드리다 and 주시다.
When the giver is younger than the receiver, then 드리다 is used, but when the actor is older than the recipient of the action, 주시다 is used.

나는 선물을 어머니께 드렸어요.
I gave a present to Mom.

어머니께서 나에게 선물을 주셨어요.
Mom gave a present to me.

나는 동생에게 선물을 주었어요.
I gave a present to my little brother/sister.





This week's practice.

각 경우에 맞는 예문을 만들어보세요.

1. 문장의 주어를 존대
ex. 선생님께서는 교무실에 가셨어요.

2.  듣는 사람을 존대
ex. 편지 보내주셔서 감사해요. 감사합니다.
할아버지, 방에 계세요? 오셔서 진지 드세요.

3. 그외 존댓말 규칙

1) 동사 존댓말 형태
ex. 할머니도 얼른 진지 잡수세요. 드세요.

2) 명사 존댓말 형태
ex. 오늘은 저희 어머니 생신이세요.

3) 전치사 존댓말 형태
ex. 사장님께서 저희 할머니께 선물을 보내셨어요.
ex. 원장님께서는 어떻게 생각하세요?

4) -님
ex. 선생님, 사장님, 목사님, 교수님, 박사님, 원장님

5) 듣는 사람이나 문장 내 대상을 존대
ex. 내일 선생님께 여쭤볼 거예요.
ex. 어제 할머니를 뵙고 왔어요.
