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1_____PPLE/Korean Textbook 1 (2202-)

PPLEB004. Intro-4. Sentence Types - 220302WED

PPLEB004. Intro-4. Sentence Types - 220302WED

PPLEB004. Intro-4. Sentence Types - 220302WED

교재 페이지 17, 18, 19
Introduction to the Korean Language - 4. Sentence Types



4. Sentence Types

Korean has four main sentence types:
and propositive.


설명, 질문, 명령, 제안

Moreover, the sentence type is influenced by Korean speech styles, which can be divided into three
main types:
formal polite,
informal polite,
and informal plain.

The formal polite style -(스)ㅂ니다
is used most in formal or public situations, including the military, news reporting, presentations, meetings,
and lectures.

The informal polite style -아/어요
is the honorific form used most in daily life. Compared to the formal polite style, the informal polite style is softer and less formal, and therefore it is used mainly among family members, friends, and other close acquaintances.
Furthermore, although the formal polite style has different forms for each of the four sentence types (declarative, interrogative,
imperative, and propositive), the informal polite style uses the same form for all four types.
Thus, sentence types in this style are determined by the situation and sentence intonation.
For this reason, the informal polite style is less complicated than the formal polite style.

As for the informal plain style -아/어,
it is mainly used among intimate friends, by superiors toward persons of lower-rank, and among family members. It is considered rude to use the informal plain style with somebody one does not know personally or with whom one is not very close.



Korean has four main sentence types:

** 설명하는 문장. 설명문.

formal polite style
저는 학교에 갑니다.
저는 빵을 먹습니다.

informal polite style
저는 학교에 가요.
저는 빵을 먹어요.

** 질문하는 문장. 질문문.

formal polite style
학교에 갑니까?
빵을 먹습니까?

informal polite style
학교에 가요?
빵을 먹어요?

** 명령하는 문장. 명령문.

formal polite style
공책에 쓰십시오.
책을 읽으십시오.

informal polite style

공책에 쓰세요.
책을 읽으세요.

and propositive.
** 제안하는 문장. 제안문.

formal polite style

11시에 만납시다.
여기에서 점심을 먹읍시다.

informal polite style

11시에 만나요.
여기에서 점심을 먹어요.



This week's practice.

오늘 배운 총 8가지 유형을 한가지 동사를 이용해서 8가지 각 유형의 문장으로 써보세요.

쓰다. - 먹습니다. 먹어요. 먹습니까? 먹어요? 드십시오. (존댓말 - 드시다) 먹으세요. 먹읍시다. 먹어요.

한국인은 매 끼니마다 밥을 먹습니다.
지금 동생이랑 같이 밥 먹어요.
여러분은 아침에 보통 무엇을 먹습니까?
언제 점심 먹어요?
약을 먼저 드시고 식사를 드십시오.
먼저 먹으세요.
저도 같이 좀 먹읍시다.
그만 하고 얼른 와서 저녁 먹어요.


the second type, and eighth type look same but the second one is explaining the situation not asking anyone to do something.


설명, 질문, 명령, 제안
