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3_____Writing Practice/Question Diary (2202-)

Question Diary 250131FRI: Q1047

250131FRI: Q1047
Please describe yourself using what you have now.
지금 가지고 있는 것을 사용하여 자신을 설명해 주세요.

My phone is neat, filled with memories, and reflects my tastes and personality.

제 휴대폰은 깔끔하고 추억으로 가득 차 있으며 제 취향과 개성을 반영합니다.




250131FRI: Q1047

Please describe yourself using what you have now.


My smartphone reflects a lot about me.

It’s neatly organized, just like how I like to keep things around me.

I prefer things to be clean and in order, and my phone is no exception.


It also holds many pictures I love, almost like a collection of memories.

Looking through them reminds me of moments I enjoyed, places I’ve been, and things that made me happy.


I play a few simple smartphone games in my free time, which shows my taste in entertainment.

I like games that are fun and easy to play without taking too much time.


Even my phone decorations, like wallpapers and themes, reflect what I like.

The colors and designs I choose show my style and what makes me feel comfortable.


Overall, my phone is like a small version of me, organized, filled with memories, and personalized to my tastes.

It might just be an object, but it gives a glimpse into who I am.


Words 159 of 6989

Characters 850 of 39659

Characters excluding spaces 702 of 33343








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