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3_____Writing Practice/Question Diary (2202-)

Question Diary 250123THU: Q1039

250123THU: Q1039
What is the first thing you did when you got up this morning?
오늘 아침에 일어났을 때 가장 먼저 한 일은 무엇인가요?

I started my day checking my phone, then played Nonogram for fun.

휴대폰을 확인하며 하루를 시작한 다음 재미로 노노그램을 플레이했습니다.




250123THU: Q1039

What is the first thing you did when you got up this morning?


The first thing I did this morning was check my phone.

It’s a habit I’ve picked up, and I usually start by looking at notifications, messages, emails, or updates from apps.

It helps me feel a bit more awake and ready to start the day.


After that, I played a quick game of Nonogram, which is one of my favorite puzzle games right now.

It’s similar to Sudoku but feels more creative since you reveal pictures as you solve the puzzles.

I used to play Sudoku all the time, but lately, Nonogram has become my go-to game.


Playing it in the morning helps me wake up my brain and puts me in a good mood.

It’s fun, but it also gives me a small sense of accomplishment before I move on to the rest of my day.

Checking my phone and playing a quick game may not be the most productive way to start the day, but it’s a nice and relaxing way to ease into things.


Words 167 of 5376

Characters 840 of 31005

Characters excluding spaces 682 of 26162








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