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3_____Writing Practice/Question Diary (2202-)

Question Diary 250117FRI: Q1033

250117FRI: Q1033
Do you believe in destiny?
여러분은 운명을 믿나요?

I believe in destiny, but I also think our actions shape the outcome.

저는 운명을 믿지만, 우리의 행동이 그 결과를 만들어낸다고도 생각합니다.




250117FRI: Q1033

Do you believe in destiny?


Yes, I believe in destiny, but not entirely.

To me, destiny is something that exists alongside human effort and choice.

While there are certain moments or paths in life that feel inevitable, I also believe we have the power to shape our lives through our actions.


I think of destiny as a natural flow that guides us toward certain experiences or opportunities.

Sometimes things happen in ways that feel too perfectly timed to be a coincidence, and I take those moments as signs of destiny at work.


That said, I don’t believe destiny controls everything.

Our decisions and determination play a huge role in how our lives unfold.

Even if something is meant to happen, how we respond to it and what we do with it is entirely up to us.


For me, life is a balance between destiny and free will.

There might be larger events or flows that are inevitable, but within those, we have the freedom to act, adapt, and grow.

This combination of fate and personal effort makes life both mysterious and empowering.


So yes, I believe in destiny, but I also believe that our actions define the outcome.

Destiny might set the stage, but how the story plays out is up to us.


Words 208 of 3918

Characters 1142 of 22834

Characters excluding spaces 947 of 19327








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