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3_____Writing Practice/Question Diary (2202-)

Question Diary 250115WED: Q1031

250115WED: Q1031
What do you do during the break?
쉬는 시간에는 무엇을 하시나요?

During breaks, I balance planning, learning, and resting to stay refreshed and productive.

쉬는 시간 동안 계획, 학습, 휴식의 균형을 맞춰 회복과 함께 생산적인 상태를 유지합니다.




250115WED: Q1031

What do you do during the break?


During my breaks, I like to keep things balanced between productivity and relaxation.

It’s a time for me to reset, catch up on what’s important, and enjoy small moments of rest or learning.


One of the first things I usually do is check my plans and to-do list in my memo app.

Staying organized helps me feel in control of my day, so I review what I’ve already accomplished and plan my next steps.

If I think of anything new, I write it down immediately to keep track.


When I want to unwind, I often watch YouTube videos from channels I enjoy.

Whether it’s educational content, motivational talks, or something lighthearted, it’s a fun way to relax while still learning or being entertained.


I also use my break time to focus on improving things I’m interested in.

For example, I might work on my English skills through language learning apps or read eBooks that help me grow in areas I care about.

Reading is one of my favorite ways to spend time.

It’s calming and helps me gain new insights or knowledge.


If I feel like I need a deeper rest, I allow myself to take a nap.

Sometimes, just lying down on the couch or bed for a short while can do wonders for recharging my energy and clearing my mind.


Overall, my break time is a mix of staying productive, learning, and giving myself the rest I need.

It’s about finding a balance that leaves me feeling refreshed and ready to take on the rest of the day.


Words 260 of 3416

Characters 1389 of 19940

Characters excluding spaces 1144 of 16893








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