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3_____Writing Practice/Question Diary (2202-)

Question Diary 241015TUE: Q939

241015TUE: Q939
When was my most proud moment?
가장 자랑스러웠던 순간은 언제였나요?

Passing the manual driving test in Australia and mastering the butterfly stroke were proud moments that showed my persistence.

호주에서 수동 운전 시험을 통과한 것과 접영을 완성한 것은 저의 끈기를 보여주는 자랑스러운 순간이었습니다.




241015TUE: Q939

When was my most proud moment?


It’s hard to pinpoint just one because there have been several times when I’ve felt proud of my accomplishments.

One moment that stands out is when I passed the practical test for my manual car driving license.

Learning to drive a manual car was a real challenge, and I struggled with shifting gears and the fear of stalling.

There were many frustrating moments, but when I finally passed, it felt incredible.

It wasn’t just about getting the license, but knowing I had overcome something difficult through persistence.


Another proud moment was when I finally mastered the butterfly stroke in swimming.

Swimming has always been something I enjoy, but the butterfly stroke is notoriously tough.

It took me a long time to get the coordination and strength right.

When I finally completed it with good form, I felt a deep sense of pride.

It was a small victory, but it meant a lot because it represented hard work and determination.


These may seem like small achievements, but they’re meaningful because they reflect personal growth.

I’ve learned that success isn’t just about big milestones.

It's about the effort and persistence that go into achieving any goal, no matter the size.

Whether it’s passing a driving test or mastering a swimming technique, these moments remind me of the value of hard work and the satisfaction that comes from sticking with something until I get it right.


Looking ahead, I know there will be more challenges and goals to tackle, but I carry these proud moments with me as reminders that persistence pays off.

For me, pride comes not from perfection but from progress, and it’s the small victories that often mean the most.

These moments inspire me to keep growing and pushing myself, knowing that even the smallest achievements are worth celebrating.


Words 299 of 84869

Characters 1763 of 503006

Characters excluding spaces 1481 of 425039








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