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3_____Writing Practice/Question Diary (2202-)

Question Diary 241012SAT: Q936

241012SAT: Q936
Was I the one I wanted to be in the past?
과거에 내가 되고 싶었던 사람이었나요?

I didn’t become exactly who I imagined in the past, but I’m happy with who I am now and how I’ve grown.

과거에 제가 상상했던 사람은 되지 않았지만, 지금의 저와 제가 성장한 모습에 만족합니다.




241012SAT: Q936

Was I the one I wanted to be in the past?


No, but I’m okay with that.

Life doesn’t always go the way we expect, and it often takes us in directions we didn’t plan for.

Looking back, I had bigger goals and dreams of becoming more successful, but I didn’t quite reach the version of myself I imagined.

Still, I’m happy with who I am now.


When I was younger, I set high expectations for myself.

I wanted to achieve certain milestones and thought that success would look a certain way.

But as time went on, I realized that life is rarely that straightforward.

Challenges came up, plans changed, and new opportunities arose that shifted my focus.

I didn’t end up where I thought I would, but I grew in ways I didn’t expect.


What I’ve learned is that success isn’t always about hitting every goal.

It’s more about the journey, the lessons you learn, and the person you become along the way.

While I didn’t achieve everything I wanted, I developed resilience, adaptability, and patience.

These qualities have shaped me into someone I’m proud of, even if the path was different from what I imagined.


In the end, I’m not the person I once envisioned, but I’m okay with that.

I’m happy with who I’ve become, and I know I’ll continue to grow.

Life has its twists and turns, but as long as I keep learning and evolving, I’m confident I’ll be content with wherever I end up.


Words 239 of 83982

Characters 1304 of 498006

Characters excluding spaces 1081 of 420855








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