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3_____Writing Practice/Question Diary (2202-)

Question Diary 241009WED: Q933

241009WED: Q933
What is my bad habit?
나의 나쁜 습관은 무엇입니까?

My bad habit is falling into negative thoughts, but I’m working on managing my emotions and focusing on the positive.

나쁜 습관은 부정적인 생각에 빠지는 것이지만, 기분을 관리하고 긍정적인 생각에 집중하기 위해 노력하고 있습니다.




241009WED: Q933

What is my bad habit?


Like everyone, I have a few bad habits, but the one that stands out recently is falling into a spiral of negative thoughts.

Lately, I’ve noticed that I spend too much time focusing on negative things, which leaves me feeling drained and frustrated.

Even though I know it’s not productive, it’s easy to get stuck in that pattern. 


One thing that helps me is remembering a quote I heard.

Life is all about how you manage your emotions.

It’s simple but powerful.

Whenever I catch myself falling into negative thinking, I repeat this to myself.

It reminds me that I have control over my emotions and how I react to things.

I can choose to focus on the positive or let the negative thoughts take over.


Negative thinking often starts with small worries.

It could be something that happened at work, a misunderstanding, or just a random thought that turns negative.

Before I know it, that one thought spirals into more negativity, and I feel stuck in a cycle.

I know it takes my focus away from the good things in life and leaves me feeling anxious.


To combat this, I try to practice gratitude and mindfulness.

I take time to think about what I’m thankful for, even if it’s something small like a good cup of coffee or a nice conversation.

This shift helps me break the cycle of negative thoughts.

I also use positive affirmations, like “This will pass” or “I can handle this,” which helps reset my mind when negativity starts creeping in.


Breaking this habit isn’t easy, and it takes time.

I’m learning to be patient with myself and view each small step forward as progress.

Every time I catch myself and redirect my thinking, I consider it a win.

With time, I’m confident I can turn this bad habit around and focus more on the positive things in life.


Words 314 of 83084

Characters 1726 of 493060

Characters excluding spaces 1432 of 416734








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