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3_____Writing Practice/Question Diary (2202-)

Question Diary 240825SUN: Q888

240825SUN: Q888
How do you feel toward your parents?
부모님에 대한 마음은 어떠신가요?

My feelings toward my parents are a mix of sympathy, gratitude, and understanding, as I've come to appreciate them more deeply over time.

시간이 지나면서 부모님을 더 깊이 감사하게 되면서 부모님에 대한 저의 마음은 연민과 감사와 이해가 뒤섞여 있습니다.




240825SUN: Q888

How do you feel toward your parents?


It's interesting that this question comes up now, as I just started reading Crying in H Mart yesterday.

The book dives deep into the complexities of family relationships, particularly the connection between a child and their parents, which has made me reflect more on my own feelings toward my parents.


Like many people, my feelings toward my parents are a mix of different emotions.

Families are often complicated, and the relationship between parents and children can evolve over time.

When I was younger, I might have felt a lot of admiration for my parents, seeing them as the people who knew everything and could do no wrong.

As I grew older, my perspective changed, and I began to see them as more human, with their own strengths and weaknesses.


Now, I find that I feel a lot of sympathy for my parents.

As I’ve gotten older and experienced more of life myself, I’ve come to understand some of the challenges they faced while raising me.

It’s not easy being a parent, and there are so many sacrifices and difficult decisions that they had to make.

I realize now that they were doing their best, even when it wasn’t perfect, and that makes me appreciate them more.


In summary, my feelings toward my parents are a blend of sympathy, gratitude, and understanding.

I see them not just as my parents, but as individuals who have their own stories, struggles, and dreams.

This understanding has deepened my connection with them, and I’m grateful for the relationship we have, with all its complexities and nuances.


Words 262 of 70180

Characters 1502 of 421241

Characters excluding spaces 1253 of 356719








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