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3_____Writing Practice/Question Diary (2202-)

Question Diary 240822THU: Q885

240822THU: Q885
How are you?
어떻게 지내세요?

I'm doing okay, staying busy but managing well.

저는 그냥 괜찮아요, 바쁘지만 잘 해내고 있습니다.




240822THU: Q885

How are you?


I’m doing okay, not too bad at all.

It’s been a busy day, with a lot of tasks and plans to complete, but I’m managing.

The day has been filled with various activities, some of which were planned, while others just popped up unexpectedly.

As a result, I’ve been keeping myself occupied, trying to stay on top of everything that needs to be done.


Sometimes, having a lot to do can be overwhelming, but it also gives me a sense of purpose and keeps me focused.

There’s something satisfying about checking things off my to-do list, even if the tasks themselves are small.

Each completed task brings me a little closer to my goals, which helps me stay motivated.


Right now, I’m just taking things one step at a time.

While I’m not feeling overly excited or particularly relaxed, I’m content with how the day is going.

It’s one of those days where I’m just doing okay.


In the end, it’s days like these that remind me of the importance of balance.

While it’s great to be productive and get things done, it’s equally important to find moments of calm amidst the busyness.

So, while I’ve been busy today, I’m making sure to stay mindful of how I’m feeling and not push myself too hard.

I’m okay, and that’s a good place to be right now.


Words 226 of 69269

Characters 1214 of 416342

Characters excluding spaces 1002 of 352661








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