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3_____Writing Practice/Question Diary (2202-)

Question Diary 240815THU: Q878

240815THU: Q878
Personalities I like?
내가 좋아하는 성격?

I like people who are humble, mature, kind, considerate, and hardworking because they reflect the values I appreciate most.

저는 겸손하고 성숙하며, 친절하고 배려심 있으며, 성실한 사람들을 좋아합니다.




240815THU: Q878

Personalities I like?


When it comes to personalities, I’m drawn to people who share traits similar to mine.

I value humility and maturity because they show a person’s grounded and sincere approach to life.

Humble people are confident without needing constant praise, and that’s something I really admire.

Maturity, on the other hand, means someone has faced life’s challenges, learned from them, and now handles situations with calmness and grace.


I also appreciate warmth and kindness.

There’s something comforting about being around warmhearted people, those who show empathy, compassion, and understanding.

These individuals make you feel at ease, listen without judgment, and offer support without expecting anything in return.

Kindness can brighten someone’s day, and I’m always drawn to those who practice it naturally.


Consideration is another trait I look for in people.

I respect those who are thoughtful in their actions and words, who take the time to think about how their behavior might affect others.

This shows respect and awareness, which are important for building strong, positive relationships.

Being considerate also means paying attention to the small details, like remembering someone’s favorite things or offering help when needed.

I truly appreciate people who make this extra effort.


Diligence is a quality I admire as well.

I have great respect for people who are hardworking and dedicated, who put effort into everything they do, no matter how small the task.

Diligent individuals take pride in their work and always strive to do their best, which I find inspiring.

Their determination and perseverance are key to personal and professional success.


In summary, the personalities I’m drawn to reflect a mix of humility, maturity, warmth, kindness, consideration, and diligence.

These traits align with my values and create the foundation for meaningful and lasting connections.

Whether in friendships, family, or work, I believe these qualities bring out the best in people and lead to a more positive and fulfilling life.


Words 315 of 67190

Characters 2007 of 404495

Characters excluding spaces 1712 of 342734








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