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3_____Writing Practice/Question Diary (2202-)

Question Diary 240812MON: Q875

240812MON: Q875
Take the nearest food item and make up a slogan, tagline.
가장 가까운 음식을 가지고 슬로건인 태그라인을 만들어 보세요.

Capsicum: Nature’s Crunch for a Healthier Me. Fighting Inflammation, One Bite at a Time.

파프리카: 더 건강한 나를 위한 자연의 아삭함. 한 입 한 입 염증 퇴치.




240812MON: Q875

Take the nearest food item and make up a slogan, tagline.


Right now, the closest food item to me is capsicum.

Every morning, I grab a few random items from my fridge to prepare for brunch, and today, I chose capsicum for my lunch.

I’ve seasoned it with a bit of olive oil, salt, and pepper and packed it into a container, planning to enjoy it later.

Capsicum has such a satisfying crunch and a refreshing taste, which is something I genuinely enjoy.


But it’s not just about the taste; capsicum is also great for health, especially when it comes to fighting inflammation.

Recently, I went through a rough bout of flu and still have a bit of a runny nose.

To help my body fully recover, I made sure to buy some capsicum during my last grocery shopping trip.

I want to ensure I’m giving my body the nutrients it needs to heal completely.


When I think about capsicum, it’s more than just a vegetable; it’s a conscious choice I make for my well-being.

That’s why I came up with this slogan: "Capsicum: Nature’s Crunch for a Healthier Me. Fighting Inflammation, One Bite at a Time."

It perfectly captures how I feel about making small but meaningful choices that contribute to my overall health.


Words 204 of 66368

Characters 1121 of 399625

Characters excluding spaces 928 of 338618








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