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3_____Writing Practice/Question Diary (2202-)

Question Diary 240810SAT: Q873

240810SAT: Q873
Who do you love more, your mom or dad?
엄마랑 아빠 중에 누가 더 좋아요?

Choosing between loving your mom or dad is unfair because both parents are loved equally but in different ways.

엄마와 아빠 중 누가 더 좋냐고 묻는 것은 부당한 질문이며, 부모님 두 분을 각각 다른 방식으로 똑같이 사랑합니다.




240810SAT: Q873

Who do you love more, your mom or dad?


When it comes to the question of who I love more, my mom or dad, it's one that many adults seem to think is clever to ask little kids.


Growing up, I always said I loved my mom more.

But now, I see how immature and unfair that question is.

It's not about choosing one over the other.

It's about recognizing that love for each parent is different but equally important.

Smart kids often avoid answering by saying they love both, and I think that's the best response.

It’s not about picking favorites.

It’s about appreciating the unique roles each parent plays in our lives.


As a child, it might have been easy to say I love one parent more because of immediate feelings or situations, but as I've grown, I've realized how unfair that is.

The love for a parent is something that evolves over time, influenced by shared experiences, values, and the support they've provided.


In conclusion, asking someone to choose between their parents is an immature and unfair question.

It's more meaningful to acknowledge that both parents are loved deeply and equally, though perhaps in different ways.

That's the kind of answer that truly reflects the depth of family bonds.


Words 203 of 65956

Characters 1147 of 397261

Characters excluding spaces 957 of 336632








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