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3_____Writing Practice/Question Diary (2202-)

Question Diary 240619WED: Q821

240619WED: Q821
If you could choose your own name what would it be? why?
만약 자신의 이름을 선택할 수 있다면 그것은 무엇일까요? 그 이유는 무엇일까요?

If I could choose my name, I’d pick a simple, one-syllable name like Ann, Young, Sue, or Jin that is easy to remember and works well in both Korean and English.

제 이름을 선택할 수 있다면, 기억하기 쉽고 한국어와 영어 모두 잘 어울리는 Ann, Young, Sue, Jin처럼 한 음절로 된 단순한 이름을 선택하겠습니다.




240619WED: Q821

If you could choose your own name what would it be? why?

If I could choose my name, I'd pick a simple, one-syllable name that's easy to remember and works in both Korean and English.

Names like Ann, Young, Sue, and Jin come to mind.


A one-syllable name is easy to pronounce and avoids issues with mispronunciation or misspelling.

Names like Ann or Jin are straightforward, making them easy for everyone to get right.


Short names are memorable and often convey confidence and strength.

Names like Sue or Young have a clean sound that fits well in both professional and casual settings.


In our globalized world, having a name that works in both Korean and English is very useful.

A name like Jin is simple and familiar in both languages, helping connect with people from different cultures.


A simple name allows for a wide range of personal expressions and identities.

With a name like Young or Jin, there's room to grow and evolve without being limited by the name itself.

This flexibility ensures the name suits different phases of life and various personal and professional endeavors.


If I could choose my own name, it would be a one-syllable name that is simple, memorable, and effective in both Korean and English.

Names like Ann, Young, Sue, and Jin embody these qualities, offering elegance, cultural resonance, and practicality.


Words 214 of 51924

Characters 1265 of 313025

Characters excluding spaces 1064 of 265111









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