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3_____Writing Practice/Question Diary (2202-)

Question Diary 240617MON: Q819

240617MON: Q819
Do you like traveling?
여행가는 것을 좋아하나요?

I love traveling because it lets me experience new things, visit different places, and learn about cultures, while also enjoying my daily life.

새로운 것을 경험하고, 다양한 장소를 방문하고, 문화에 대해 배울 수 있기 때문에 저는 여행을 좋아합니다. 동시에 저는 일상적인 삶 또한 즐겁게 보냅니다.




240617MON: Q819

Do you like traveling?


Yes, I love traveling.

It’s a great way to experience new things, see different places, and learn about various cultures.

Traveling allows me to step out of my comfort zone and immerse myself in different environments.


One of the best parts about traveling is trying new things.

Whether it’s tasting a local dish, participating in a cultural activity, or learning a few words of a new language, every experience adds to my understanding of the world.


Visiting new places is also incredibly enriching.

Each destination has its unique charm, from bustling cities to peaceful villages and stunning natural landscapes.


Planning trips is almost as enjoyable as the travel itself.

I love researching destinations, reading travel blogs, and watching documentaries to build an exciting itinerary.


However, as much as I love traveling, I also appreciate the comfort of my daily life.

There’s something soothing about the familiarity of home and the routine of everyday activities.

After a trip, returning to my own bed, cooking my meals, and spending time with loved ones is incredibly grounding.


The balance between traveling and daily life makes both experiences valuable.

Traveling brings excitement and novelty, while everyday life offers stability and rest.

This balance helps me appreciate both the adventures and the simplicity of daily routines.


Traveling has also made me more patient and understanding.

Navigating different cultures and languages requires patience and respect, which has improved my communication skills and enriched my relationships.


In conclusion, traveling is a passion of mine.

It allows me to explore new places, learn about different cultures, and create lasting memories.

While I enjoy the thrill of travel, I also cherish the peace of everyday life.

The balance between the two enriches my life, making both travel adventures and ordinary moments fulfilling.


Words 293 of 51319

Characters 1864 of 309297

Characters excluding spaces 1592 of 261934








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