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3_____Writing Practice/Question Diary (2202-)

Question Diary 240611TUE: Q813

240611TUE: Q813
How are you?
어떻게 지내세요?

I am feeling okay but not great due to a challenging week filled with final exams and personal issues, though I remain hopeful for improvement soon.

이번 주가 기말고사와 개인적인 문제들로 힘든 주라서 아주 좋지는 않지만 괜찮습니다. 곧 나아질 것이라는 희망을 가지고 있습니다.




240611TUE: Q813

How are you?


I am doing okay, but not as great as usual.

It's been a challenging week for me, and I have found it hard to maintain my usual positive outlook.

Sometimes life throws curveballs, and this week has been one of those times.


This week, I will be busy taking final exams.

The pressure of finals is always intense, and it feels like the culmination of all the hard work I've put in throughout the semester.

Despite my best efforts, there is always a lingering worry about whether I have done enough.

The pressure to perform well academically is a constant companion, adding to the stress of the exams themselves.


On top of the academic stress, I have been feeling a bit down because of personal reasons.

Life outside of school has its own set of challenges, and sometimes these personal issues can weigh heavily on my mind.

It is not always easy to separate personal feelings from academic responsibilities, and they often intertwine in ways that make everything feel more daunting.

These personal struggles have made it harder for me to focus and stay motivated.

I have been dealing with feelings of sadness and frustration, which have been affecting my overall mood and energy levels.

It is difficult to stay upbeat when you are carrying emotional burdens.


Despite the difficulties I am facing, I am hopeful that things will improve soon.

I know that this tough period will pass, and I am looking forward to feeling better.

Life has its ups and downs, and it is important to remember that bad times do not last forever.

I am trying to stay positive and focus on the things I can control.

By taking things one step at a time, I believe I can get through this challenging period.


Words 297 of 49570

Characters 1657 of 298531

Characters excluding spaces 1378 of 252756








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