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3_____Writing Practice/EBS 입트영 영작 (2108-2112)

입트영 영작 시작 - 210726MON Haeundae, High level math


입트영 영작 시작 - 210726MON Haeundae, High level math



7월 23일에 교재를 구입해서 연습을 해보고 24일에 입트영 스터디방을 만들었다.

영작을 해야 실질적인 스피킹 실력 향상에 도움이 된다는 자료를 다시 체크하고 26일부터 조금씩 해보기로 결정했다.


입트영방 영작연습 제스




Summarising today’s topic / Haeundae

Today's topic is about the Haeundae area in Busan. She is talking about a new tourist hotspot which is getting popular recently.

She is recommending you to visit a fine walking trail and take in the ocean view.




I think the study group questions are really good for practicing writing.

I will try to share my English composition more often. You all can always feel free to share your writing!!


Answer for question 2.

Is high level math necessary in daily life?

Why or why not?


Yes. I might half agree with this opinion that high level math is necessary in daily life.

One day I watched a video clip about someone’s advice to her 15 year old self.

She said she regrets not taking more math because it actually helps your understanding things in an intangible or ambiguous context. Some people would think learning high level math is definitely necessary, though it depends on their lifestyle.

