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3_____Writing Practice/Question Diary (2202-)

Question Diary 240126FRI: Q676


240126 Q676.m4a


240126FRI: Q676

What is the biggest difference between the you that others know of and your own perception of yourself?


The biggest difference between how others perceive me and my own perception of myself lies in the fact that people often form their opinions based on external observations and limited interactions, while my own self-perception is shaped by my personal experiences, thoughts, and emotions. 


When others see me, they may notice certain aspects of my physical appearance or observe my actions in specific situations.

They might make assumptions about my personality, abilities, or even my character based on these surface-level observations.

However, these external factors can only provide a glimpse into who I truly am.


On the other hand, my own perception of myself is much deeper and more nuanced.

It is influenced by the collection of my experiences, both positive and negative, which have shaped my beliefs, values, and aspirations.

I have a unique perspective on the world, shaped by my thoughts and reflections on these experiences.


One of the biggest differences I notice is that I am a lot stronger than what people may observe from me.

While others may see certain vulnerabilities or limitations, I know that I possess a hidden inner strength that has helped me overcome challenges and persevere in difficult times.

This strength may not always be visible on the surface, but it is a significant part of who I am.


Furthermore, I recognize that I have an extraordinary sensitivity that others may not immediately perceive.

I am attuned to the emotions and needs of those around me, and I often strive to create a compassionate and supportive environment for others.

This sensitivity allows me to connect with people on a deeper level and offer genuine empathy and understanding.


In summary, the biggest difference between how others perceive me and my own perception of myself is the depth and complexity of my self-awareness.

While others may form judgments based on external factors, I understand the intricacies of my own experiences, thoughts, and emotions.

I am aware of my inner strength and sensitivity, which contribute to my unique identity and shape my interactions with the world.


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