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3_____Writing Practice/Question Diary (2202-)

Question Diary 240121SUN: Q671


240121 Q671.m4a


240121SUN: Q671

Do you think the 'you' at present time is the person you wanted to be in the past?


This question prompts deep introspection and contemplation.

Personally, I can confidently say that my answer would be no.

Reflecting on my past self, I recall being filled with ambition and setting lofty goals for the future.

However, as I stand here in the present, I realize that I have not become the exact person I once envisioned.


Nevertheless, it is important to note that my response of "no" does not imply any feelings of discontent or sadness about my current state.

On the contrary, I am filled with gratitude and contentment for who I have become.

Life is a journey of constant growth and transformation, and I have come to embrace the idea that the person I am today is a product of various experiences, challenges, and unforeseen circumstances.


While I may not have achieved all the specific goals I had set for myself in the past, I have learned to appreciate the valuable lessons and personal growth that have come from unexpected paths and detours.

I have discovered new passions, honed different skills, and developed a greater understanding of myself and others along the way.


Rather than dwelling on the disparity between the person I wanted to be and who I am now, I choose to focus on the present moment and the opportunities it presents.

I strive to embrace each day as an opportunity for growth and improvement.

I am continuously learning, adapting, and evolving, allowing my experiences to shape me into a better version of myself.


In conclusion, while I may not be the exact person I once aspired to be, I am grateful for the journey that has led me here.

I have come to appreciate the beauty in the unexpected twists and turns of life, and I am excited to see what the future holds.

Each day, I embrace the opportunity to become the best version of myself, knowing that the person I am today is a culmination of my past, present, and future aspirations.


Words 330 of 136188

Characters 1865 of 780492

Characters excluding spaces 1550 of 654935

