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3_____Writing Practice/Question Diary (2202-)

Question Diary 240119FRI: Q669


240119 Q669.m4a


240119FRI: Q669

Name three gifts that you wish to have the most.


When contemplating the three gifts I wish for the most, I find myself straddling the realms of practicality and personal indulgence, seeking a balance between the tangible and the experiential.


First on my list is a gift that intertwines with my daily pursuits – a high quality swimsuit.

As swimming has become a significant focus in my life, I envision a swimsuit that not only complements my style but also enhances my comfort and performance in the water.

Imagining the feel of the fabric against my skin, the vibrant colors that resonate with my personality, and the perfect fit that allows unrestricted movement, this swimsuit would symbolize dedication to my daily swimming routine.

Donning it each morning, I would dive into the water with a renewed sense of enthusiasm, embracing the highs and lows of each stroke.


Moving from the waters to the digital realm, my second wish is for the latest model of the iPhone.

While this might seem like a conventional choice, my current device has gracefully weathered over three years of use.

A new iPhone would not only bring a technological upgrade but also introduce me to enhanced features and capabilities.

Beyond its utilitarian purpose, I envision this smartphone as a companion that seamlessly integrates into my daily life – capturing moments, connecting with loved ones, and serving as a versatile tool for both work and leisure.

Each interaction with this sleek device would be a testament to the ever-evolving landscape of technology and the seamless integration of innovation into our lives.


The third gift is a nod to comfort and personal style – a beautifully designed homewear dress that aligns perfectly with my tastes.

Imagining the softness of the fabric against my skin and the graceful drape of the dress, I see it as more than just clothing.

This homewear dress would encapsulate a sense of coziness and personal expression, making me feel at ease and stylish within the confines of my home.

Whether it's lounging with a book, working from the comfort of my living room, or simply enjoying a quiet evening, this dress would be a cherished possession that embodies both comfort and aesthetics.


While these gifts may seem more tangible than fantastical, they hold significance in the context of my current lifestyle and aspirations.

Each item, in its own way, speaks to a facet of my daily existence – from the dedication to physical well-being with the swimsuit to the seamless integration of technology with the iPhone and the simple joy of comfort and style with the homewear dress.

These gifts, though seemingly mundane, represent the intersection of functionality and personal expression, creating a tapestry of items that enhance my daily experiences and bring a touch of joy to the ordinary moments of life.


Words 457 of 135453

Characters 2765 of 776109

Characters excluding spaces 2321 of 651236

