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3_____Writing Practice/Question Diary (2202-)

Question Diary 230316THU: Q360


230316 Q360.m4a


230316THU: Q360

Do you believe in 'miracles"?


Yes, I do believe in miracles.

I would like to say why not? to the questioner.

Just meeting someone by accident can be a miracle, some events that you have been looking forward to happen also can be a miracle.

Some people would say that any moment that they are breathing and alive is also a miracle.

It can be dramatic or huge, but something minor could be called miracles too.


Today's gratitude diary.

I appreciate that I can meet some new people that are really enthusiastic and interested in the same thing with me.

It feels like blessing and luck to me especially when you know that it's really hard to find those kinds of people and also the right people.

I would say that this is also a miracle that happened to me this week and I am grateful for this.


Words 143 of 43627

Characters 751 of 230742

Characters excluding spaces 617 of 190677
