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3_____Writing Practice/Question Diary (2202-)

Question Diary 230216THU: Q332


230216 Q332.m4a


230216THU: Q332

What are you able to do the best?


First of all, I think I am able to do the best at doing tasks on the computer since I have been doing it for almost all my life.

Not programming and coding anymore, but for most tasks for the office, I am still confident enough.

I am good at playing games, organizing documents, office work, typing things, reading fast, and sorting out things in general and pretty fast and neat too.

My specialty is doing things by my hands and eyes fast and efficiently, especially doing things on computers.

I am not really physically blessed like sports or physical activities with moving my body nimble, but instead, I am quite talented at focusing on reading, watching, and listening for a long enough time.

Most online games require you to have good persistence to keep doing it and fast comprehension about the concept of the game, and I am pretty quick at figuring out and learning things on games.

People often say I am good at making people feel relaxed and comfortable even though I don't try it.

I am introverted and not really trying to talk to random people all the time, but I am good at listening and not losing the point of conversations.

I am good at memorizing things and keeping some memories that I consider really important.

It's like thousands of organized rooms that I can look through whenever I need to check.

In Korean culture, people usually expect everyone to be too humble and never showing off what they have, so I had to not be extraordinarily good at something if it can cause problems in the group.

Living abroad, if I do the same here, people would think I am not confident and not really able to do anything properly, so you always need to be more confident even if you are not as good as everyone expected.

I became more expressive about it and said what I am good at if I need to, otherwise no one knows I am the right person to get the opportunity that is prepared for me.

Talking about what I would really like to be the best at, it's hairdressing.

I would like to be able to do the best at hairdressing since I have been working on it and I chose the career for living 3 years ago.

Really good thing about being a hairdresser in Australia is that I don't have to deal with crazy drama or politics between colleagues like Korean groups always have, and customers treat the workers with better respect and pretty good payment.

I had never thought that I would be doing this job before the Covid19 outbreak, but now I love my job and think the decision was really good for my future.


Today's gratitude diary.

I appreciate that I can love my job, and do something that I am good at.

I wasn't actually good at many things in the first place but I kept working on what I wanted to be good at, and finally I achieved it as good as I wanted to be.

Nothing is impossible if you don't give up and as many people say 중꺾마, what's important is your heart that never surrenders.

I am glad that I can see the progress on my goals and still love what I have been doing.


Words 559 of 36486

Characters 2958 of 192302

Characters excluding spaces 2421 of 158836

