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영어 일기 Q313 - 221213TUE Q313 - 221213TUE Q313. Are you good at keeping a secret? 당신은 비밀을 잘 지키나요? Sample diary entry written by the author of this book. Yes, I am. But I don't want to keep anything from my husband, so I warn the person telling me the secret that I might tell him. My answer to this question. Yes, I am good at keeping a secret. I am not very confident with hiding something or faking people, to be honest, ..
Question Diary 221212MON 221212MON 266 What would you do if you were a billionaire? First of all, I will buy enough money trees, which means passive incomes. Money is the best money tree which brings more money. I will make sure that I can keep the wealth as a billionaire first and then I will travel around the world. I would like to contribute to the world and people around me after I look after myself and my life.
DPM221212MON Daily Practice Materials DPM221212MON Daily Practice Materials Today's Quotes from Instagram app, Cake app, BBC NEWS app, ABC NEWS app, KBS NEWS app 인스타그램 오늘의 긍정 메세지, 케이크 어플, BBC 뉴스, ABC 뉴스, KBS 뉴스 어플 말하기와 읽기 연습 및 공부를 함께 하기 위해 영어 및 한국어 공부 자료를 스터디 그룹챗에 매일 공유하고 있습니다. 케이크 미션의 텍스트를 직접 소리내어 읽고 연습하신 녹음 파일을 언어교환 채팅방에도 공유해주세요. 카카오톡 오픈채팅 그룹챗 PPLE LANGUAGE EXCHANGE 언어교환 스터디그룹 https://open.kakao.com/o/gFrlHrHd PPLE Language exchan..
영어 일기 Q312 - 221212MON Q312 - 221212MON Q312. What is your favorite number? 어떤 숫자를 좋아하나요? Sample diary entry written by the author of this book. My favorite number is 5 because I was born in the hospital's Room 5 at 5 p.m. on the fifth day of the month. My answer to this question. My favorite number is 8 because I simply like the shape. It looks like a snowman and also like the infinity symbol in 90 degree rotation. N..
CNN10 영작 후 낭독 연습 CWP086 - 221212MON Jess 영작 후 낭독 연습 1212 CWP086 - 221212MON 086_221212_221103_A Technology Lockdown 1. This installment's main keywords. The first topic: Foxconn, one of Apple's largest suppliers, is racing to control a COVID-19 outbreak at its campus in the central Chinese city of Zhengzhou. 10 Second Trivia: Manta, the word in Spanish refers to a type of cloak or blanket which is why manta rays share the name des..
PPLEB044. 5-1 N 전에, V-기 전에 - 221212MON PPLEB044. 5-1 N 전에, V-기 전에 - 221212MON PPLEB044. 5-1 N 전에, V-기 전에 - 221212MON 교재 페이지 130-132 Unit 5. Time Expressions - 1 N 전에, V-기 전에 1 N 전에, V-기 전에 Noun (명사) 전에, Verb (동사) -기 전에 2년 전에 한국에 왔습니다. I came to Korea two years ago. 식사 전에 이 약을 드세요. Please take this medicine before meals. 수영하기 전에 준비운동을 해요. I do warm-up exercises before swimming. ** Grammar Focus This pattern means 'before a certain per..
Question Diary 221211SUN 221211SUN 265 Who will be the saddest at your death? First of all, Isaac was popping up in my head. I think Isaac will be the saddest person at my death. My family and friends will be sad about my death too but I spend most of my time with him, so I think he will be feeling hard for a while. I hope everyone gets over and moves on even if that happens one day. Of course, I hope I can live my life..
DPM221211SUN Daily Practice Materials DPM221211SUN Daily Practice Materials Today's Quotes from Instagram app, Cake app, BBC NEWS app, ABC NEWS app, KBS NEWS app 인스타그램 오늘의 긍정 메세지, 케이크 어플, BBC 뉴스, ABC 뉴스, KBS 뉴스 어플 말하기와 읽기 연습 및 공부를 함께 하기 위해 영어 및 한국어 공부 자료를 스터디 그룹챗에 매일 공유하고 있습니다. 케이크 미션의 텍스트를 직접 소리내어 읽고 연습하신 녹음 파일을 언어교환 채팅방에도 공유해주세요. 카카오톡 오픈채팅 그룹챗 PPLE LANGUAGE EXCHANGE 언어교환 스터디그룹 https://open.kakao.com/o/gFrlHrHd PPLE Language exchan..
영어 일기 Q311 - 221211SUN Q311 - 221211SUN Q311. Is there a World Heritage Site that you would like to visit? 가 보고 싶은 세계문화유산이 있나요? Sample diary entry written by the author of this book. I would like to visit the ancient city of Petra, in Jordan. Carved into vibrant red, white, pink, and sandstone cliffs, the city was "lost" to the Westem world for hundreds of years. My answer to this question. No, not really. When I have..
Question Diary 221210SAT 221210SAT 263 what do you hate about yourself This is quite a negative question. I think it's not a good question to answer but I might write something about this. If you hate something about yourself, you should stop it because it doesn't help the situation. Only the way to fix this is to just do what you can do for the best and focus on the positive aspect instead of getting into a dark spiral..
DPM221210SAT Daily Practice Materials DPM221210SAT Daily Practice Materials Today's Quotes from Instagram app, Cake app, BBC NEWS app, ABC NEWS app, KBS NEWS app 인스타그램 오늘의 긍정 메세지, 케이크 어플, BBC 뉴스, ABC 뉴스, KBS 뉴스 어플 말하기와 읽기 연습 및 공부를 함께 하기 위해 영어 및 한국어 공부 자료를 스터디 그룹챗에 매일 공유하고 있습니다. 케이크 미션의 텍스트를 직접 소리내어 읽고 연습하신 녹음 파일을 언어교환 채팅방에도 공유해주세요. 카카오톡 오픈채팅 그룹챗 PPLE LANGUAGE EXCHANGE 언어교환 스터디그룹 https://open.kakao.com/o/gFrlHrHd PPLE Language exchan..
영어 일기 Q310 - 221210SAT Q310 - 221210SAT Q310. What is your favorite sound? 어떤 소리를 좋아하나요? Sample diary entry written by the author of this book. My favorite sound is the sound of nature. I love the sound of birds in the forest. I also love the sound of the wind blowing at the beach, or through the trees. My answer to this question. My favorite sound is the sound of music, singing, and any sound of rhythm. Specifically,..
Question Diary 221209FRI 221209FRI 262 What are you doing well? As usual, I am doing my work and studying English. I think I am doing pretty well, even though sometimes I am not fully satisfied with the results because everything has its ups and downs. I actually ended up starting some new projects recently. I am planning to upgrade my English study journey with the new project and maybe, some more people will join my j..
DPM221209FRI Daily Practice Materials DPM221209FRI Daily Practice Materials Today's Quotes from Instagram app, Cake app, BBC NEWS app, ABC NEWS app, KBS NEWS app 인스타그램 오늘의 긍정 메세지, 케이크 어플, BBC 뉴스, ABC 뉴스, KBS 뉴스 어플 말하기와 읽기 연습 및 공부를 함께 하기 위해 영어 및 한국어 공부 자료를 스터디 그룹챗에 매일 공유하고 있습니다. 케이크 미션의 텍스트를 직접 소리내어 읽고 연습하신 녹음 파일을 언어교환 채팅방에도 공유해주세요. 카카오톡 오픈채팅 그룹챗 PPLE LANGUAGE EXCHANGE 언어교환 스터디그룹 https://open.kakao.com/o/gFrlHrHd PPLE Language exchan..
영어 일기 Q309 - 221209FRI Q309 - 221209FRI Q309. What qualities do you look for in a friend? 친구에게 어떤 특성을 기대하나요? Sample diary entry written by the author of this book. Someone who is independent but also willing and excited to collaborate. I love working on different projects, so my best friends are usually those who I can work with for the long term. My answer to this question. First of all, manners and a kind heart will..
Question Diary 221208THU 221208THU 261 What book did you read recently? What did you feel while reading that book? The book named Meta Shadowing is what I am reading now. Recently I started reading books on my smartphone again, so this is quite a timely question. What I felt while reading that book was mainly good inspirations and strong impressions. I am trying to start a different style in my English study and adjust ..
