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Question Diary 241223MON: Q1008 241223MON: Q1008Do you love yourself?당신은 자신을 사랑하나요?Yes, I love myself by taking care of my well-being and embracing who I am.네, 저는 제 자신을 사랑하며, 제 건강을 돌보고 저 자신을 있는 그대로 받아들이고 있습니다. - 241223MON: Q1008Do you love yourself? Yes, I love myself, and I believe it’s essential for a healthy, fulfilling life.Self-love for me isn’t about being perfect but about accepting who I am and taking responsibility fo..
Question Diary 241222SUN: Q1007 241222SUN: Q1007Are you happy now?당신은 지금 행복하나요?Yes, I’m happy now because I focus on the good and choose to appreciate the present.네, 저는 지금 행복합니다. 좋은 것들에 집중하고 현재를 감사하며 살아가고 있기 때문입니다. - 241222SUN: Q1007Are you happy now? Yes, I’m happy now, and I’m grateful for it.Happiness, for me, is a choice, and I try to focus on the positive aspects of my life.I feel satisfied and fulfilled with where I am, ..
Question Diary 241221SAT: Q1006 241221SAT: Q1006What are your hobbies?당신의 취미는 무엇인가요?My main hobbies are swimming and studying English, both of which I enjoy daily as part of my personal growth.제 주된 취미는 수영과 영어 공부인데, 둘 다 개인적인 성장의 일환으로 매일 즐겁게 하고 있습니다. - 241221SAT: Q1006What are your hobbies? One of my main hobbies is swimming, and I absolutely love it.It’s not just a way to stay fit, but also a time when I can clear my mind and f..
Question Diary 241220FRI: Q1005 241220FRI: Q1005What challenge did you try recently?최근에 어떤 도전을 했나요?I recently completed my certificate course, a tough but rewarding challenge that taught me resilience and commitment.저는 최근에 자격증 과정을 완료했는데, 이는 어렵지만 보람 있는 도전이었으며, 저에게 끈기와 헌신의 가치를 가르쳐주었습니다. - 241220FRI: Q1005What challenge did you try recently? My most recent challenge was completing my certificate course.It wasn’t easy, but I staye..
Question Diary 241219THU: Q1004 241219THU: Q1004What do you do in your free time?여가 시간에 무엇을 하시나요?In my free time, I balance being productive and relaxing with planning, hobbies, and rest.여가 시간에는 계획, 취미, 휴식과 함께 생산적이고 편안함을 균형 있게 유지합니다. - 241219THU: Q1004What do you do in your free time? In my free time, I like to balance being productive and relaxing.I usually start by checking my schedule, tasks, and plans to stay organized.Eve..
Question Diary 241218WED: Q1003 241218WED: Q1003What do you do during the break?쉬는 시간에는 무엇을 하시나요?During breaks, I plan, rest, or relax with music, books, or shows, depending on how I feel.쉬는 시간에는 기분에 따라 계획을 세우거나, 휴식을 취하거나, 음악, 책, 또는 프로그램을 보며 시간을 보냅니다. - 241218WED: Q1003What do you do during the break? What I do during a break depends on the situation and how I feel at the moment.Sometimes, I use my breaks to plan ahead.I like ..
Question Diary 241217TUE: Q1002 241217TUE: Q1002When was the last time you cried in front of someone?마지막으로 누군가의 앞에서 울었던 때가 언제였나요?I cried today because I express my emotions easily, and it helps me process my feelings.오늘 울었습니다. 감정을 참지 않고 표현하는 것은 마음을 편하게 해주기 때문입니다. - 241217TUE: Q1002When was the last time you cried in front of someone? The last time I cried in front of someone was today.I cry easily, and I don’t try too hard to ..
Question Diary 241216MON: Q1001 241216MON: Q1001What is your priority or the most important value in your life?당신의 우선순위 또는 인생에서 가장 중요한 가치는 무엇입니까?My most important values are responsibility and freedom, which keep me grounded and guide me toward a fulfilling life.제 삶에서 가장 중요한 가치는 책임감과 자유이며, 이는 제가 중심을 잡고 만족스러운 삶을 살아가도록 이끌어줍니다. - 241216MON: Q1001What is your priority or the most important value in your life? The most important va..
Question Diary 241215SUN: Q1000 241215SUN: Q1000Have you ever failed to try because of fear of failure?실패에 대한 두려움 때문에 시도하지 못한 적이 있나요?I rarely let fear of failure stop me and try to focus on learning and growth instead.실패에 대한 두려움으로 시도하지 못한 경우는 거의 없습니다. 저는 그 대신 배움과 성장에 집중하려고 합니다. - 241215SUN: Q1000Have you ever failed to try because of fear of failure? I can’t recall specific moments, but I’m sure there have been times when fear..
Question Diary 241214SAT: Q999 241214SAT: Q999Have you ever confessed to someone else?다른 사람에게 고백한 적이 있습니까?I’ve never directly confessed romantically, but I express feelings through actions and subtle gestures instead.저는 직접 고백한 적은 없지만, 대신 행동과 미묘한 제스처를 통해 감정을 표현합니다. - 241214SAT: Q999Have you ever confessed to someone else? I’ve never directly confessed my feelings to someone for a romantic relationship.Instead, I tend to expres..
Question Diary 241213FRI: Q998 241213FRI: Q998Who is your newest friend?당신의 새로운 친구는 누구입니까?My newest friend is someone I met in person yesterday after connecting online, and I hope we build a lasting friendship.가장 최근에 사귄 친구는 온라인으로 이미 알던 사이였다가 어제 처음 만나게 된 사람이고 저는 우정이 오래 지속되기를 바랍니다. - 241213FRI: Q998Who is your newest friend? My newest friend is someone I met in person for the first time yesterday, though we had already connecte..
Question Diary 241212THU: Q997 241212THU: Q997If you have something to keep for your entire life, what is it?평생 동안 간직해야 할 것이 있다면, 그것은 무엇일까요?If I could keep one thing forever, it would be good habits because they shape who I am and guide me through life.만약 평생 하나를 간직할 수 있다면, 그것은 좋은 습관일 것입니다. 좋은 습관은 제 정체성을 형성하고 삶을 이끌어주기 때문입니다. - 241212THU: Q997If you have something to keep for your entire life, what is it? If I could keep one th..
Question Diary 241211WED: Q996 241211WED: Q996What would you do if you were a billionaire?만약 당신이 억만장자라면 무엇을 하시겠습니까?If I were a billionaire, I’d invest wisely, help others, and make a positive impact while enjoying life.제가 억만장자라면 현명하게 투자하고, 다른 사람들을 돕고, 삶을 즐기면서 긍정적인 영향을 미칠 것입니다. - 241211WED: Q996What would you do if you were a billionaire? If I were a billionaire, the first thing I’d do is learn more about investing to create p..
Question Diary 241210TUE: Q995 241210TUE: Q995Who will be the saddest at your death?당신이 죽으면 누가 가장 슬퍼할까요?I believe my partner, Isaac, would be the saddest because we share a deep connection and spend the most time together.제 생각에 저의 배우자 아이작이 가장 슬퍼할 것 같습니다. 우리는 깊은 유대감을 가지고 가장 많은 시간을 함께 보내기 때문입니다. - 241210TUE: Q995Who will be the saddest at your death? I think my partner, Isaac, would be the saddest if I were to pass away.He spen..
Question Diary 241209MON: Q994 241209MON: Q994What do other people say about you?다른 사람들은 당신에 대해 뭐라고 말하나요?People say I’m kind and thoughtful, and I value feedback but prioritize staying true to myself.사람들은 제가 친절하고 배려심 있다고 말합니다. 그리고 저는 피드백을 소중히 여기긴 하지만 그보다 제 자신에게 충실한 것을 더 중요하게 생각합니다. - 241209MON: Q994What do other people say about you? People usually say good things about me, like that I’m kind and thoughtful, which I really ap..
Question Diary 241208SUN: Q993 241208SUN: Q993What do you hate about yourself?자신에 대해 무엇이 싫습니까?I accept my flaws and focus on improving with patience and understanding, without hating myself.저는 제 결점을 받아들이며 자신을 싫어하지 않고 인내심과 이해로 개선하는 데 집중합니다. - 241208SUN: Q993What do you hate about yourself? I try not to hate anything about myself because I believe that self-criticism can be harmful to mental health.Instead of focusing on what I..
