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PPLEB061 7-6 A/V-지 않아도 되다 (안 A/V-아/어도 되다) - 230215WED PPLEB061 7-6 A/V-지 않아도 되다 (안 A/V-아/어도 되다) - 230215WED PPLEB061 7-6 A/V-지 않아도 되다 (안 A/V-아/어도 되다) - 230215WED 교재 페이지 179-180 Unit 7. Demands and Obligations, Permission and Prohibition - 6 A/V-지 않아도 되다 (안 A/V-아/어도 되다) 6 A/V-지 않아도 되다 (안 A/V-아/어도 되다) Adjective (형용사) / Verb (동사) -지 않아도 되다 (안 A/V-아/어도 되다) 유치원생은 버스 요금을 내지 않아도 돼요. Preschool students don't have to pay the bus fare. 평일이니까 영화표를 미리 사지 않아도 돼..
Question Diary 230214TUE: Q330 230214TUE: Q330 What do you think the world must have? I think the world must have faith, hope, and charity. As I always say, love is all you need in life too. Looking after neighbors, contributing to your communities, keeping our planet sustainable, and prioritizing peace in the world should be what the world and individuals need to consider to make this world better. I always think education i..
PPLEB060 7-5 A/V-(으)면 안 되다 - 230214TUE PPLEB060 7-5 A/V-(으)면 안 되다 - 230214TUE PPLEB060 7-5 A/V-(으)면 안 되다 - 230214TUE 교재 페이지 176-178 Unit 7. Demands and Obligations, Permission and Prohibition - 5 A/V-(으)면 안 되다 5 A/V-(으)면 안 되다 Adjective (형용사) / Verb (동사) -(으)면 안 되다 실내에서 담배를 피우면 안 돼요. Smoking indoors is not allowed. 운전 중에 전화하면 안 돼요. Using the phone while driving is not allowed. 지금 길을 건너면 안 돼요. You may not cross the street now. ** Gramm..
Question Diary 230213MON: Q329 230213MON: Q329 Is there anyone who is bothering you? Why? Yes, of course there are some people who are bothering me. I might be the first person who is giving me a hard time because everything depends on my mindset. Mainly, some specific customers at my work are bothering me because they are so stinky. It's an extremely hot summer and more people are getting a haircut because it's literally hot..
PPLEB059 7-4 A/V-아/어도 되다 - 230213MON PPLEB059 7-4 A/V-아/어도 되다 - 230213MON PPLEB059 7-4 A/V-아/어도 되다 - 230213MON 교재 페이지 174-175 Unit 7. Demands and Obligations, Permission and Prohibition - 4 A/V-아/어도 되다 4 A/V-아/어도 되다 Adjective (형용사) / Verb (동사) -아/어도 되다 사진을 찍어도 돼요? May I take a picture? 여기 앉아도 돼요? May I sit here? 펜을 써도 돼요? May I use that pen? ** Grammar Focus -아/어도 되다 expresses permission or approval for a behavior. It corresponds t..
Question Diary 230212SUN: Q328 230212SUN: Q328 How can you express the future in three words? I am not sure whether I should talk about my future or just the future of everyone in general though, in general, I would say the future is full of opportunities, hopes, and happiness. I wish I could stay healthier, richer, and happier in the future. Many times, I talked about 3F, Fitness, Family, and Freedom. These are the three fac..
PPLEB058 7-3 A/V-아/어야 되다/하다 - 230212SUN PPLEB058 7-3 A/V-아/어야 되다/하다 - 230212SUN PPLEB058 7-3 A/V-아/어야 되다/하다 - 230212SUN 교재 페이지 171-173 Unit 7. Demands and Obligations, Permission and Prohibition - 3 A/V-아/어야 되다/하다 3 A/V-아/어야 되다/하다 Adjective (형용사) / Verb (동사) -아/어야 되다/하다 내일 시험이 있어요. 그래서 공부해야 돼요. I have an exam tomorrow. So I must study. 여자 친구 생일이라서 선물을 사야 돼요. It's my girlfriend's birthday, so I have to buy her a present. 먹기 전에 돈을 내야 해요..
Question Diary 230211SAT: Q327 230211SAT: Q327 Please write down one secret you have. I don't think it can be a secret if I can write it down in public. People love to know about other people's secrets and gossips though, I would rather not to know because knowing someone's secret is a kind of burden. To make this scroll longer, I might write down something minor that relates to my personal story. I am a very ambitious person..
PPLEB057 7-2 V-지 마세요 - 230211SAT PPLEB057 7-2 V-지 마세요 - 230211SAT PPLEB057 7-2 V-지 마세요 - 230211SAT 교재 페이지 169-170 Unit 7. Demands and Obligations, Permission and Prohibition - 2 V-지 마세요 2 V-지 마세요 Verb (동사) -지 마세요 술을 마시지 마세요. Please don't drink alcohol. 전화하지 마세요. Please don't use the phone. 수업 시간에 자지 마세요. Please don't sleep during class. ** Grammar Focus -지 마세요 is used when requesting, persuading, indicating, or ordering the lis..
Question Diary 230210FRI: Q326 230210FRI: Q326 Who has had the greatest impact on your life direction? At first, I was thinking I don't have any specific person who has had the greatest impact on my life direction because I am the first person who decides everything in my life, but I have had some people who made a positive impact on my life and who I should appreciate still. Some authors that wrote my favorite books, my home..
PPLEB056 7-1 V-(으)세요 - 230210FRI PPLEB056 7-1 V-(으)세요 - 230210FRI PPLEB056 7-1 V-(으)세요 - 230210FRI 교재 페이지 166-168 Unit 7. Demands and Obligations, Permission and Prohibition - 1 V-(으)세요 1 V-(으)세요 Verb (동사) -(으)세요 여기 앉으세요. Please sit here. 책 15쪽을 보세요. Please see (look at) page 15 in the book. 이 길로 쭉 가세요. Please go straight up this road. ** Grammar Focus -(으)세요 is used when politely asking the listener to do something or when mak..
Question Diary 230209THU: Q325 230209THU: Q325 Who gave you the most happiness? Why? I believe Isaac is the one who gave me the most happiness aside from me, because in recent years, he has been the person who spends the biggest effort and time to make me happy. I am really thankful for him trying hard to make sure that I always stay happy. That's something I should consider as a blessing in my life. I am quite an individuali..
PPLEB055 6-2 V-(으)ㄹ 줄 알다/모르다 - 230209THU PPLEB055 6-2 V-(으)ㄹ 줄 알다/모르다 - 230209THU PPLEB055 6-2 V-(으)ㄹ 줄 알다/모르다 - 230209THU 교재 페이지 163-164 Unit 6. Ability and Possibility - 2 V-(으)ㄹ 줄 알다/모르다 2 V-(으)ㄹ 줄 알다/모르다 Verb (동사) -(으)ㄹ 줄 알다/모르다 딸기잼을 만들 줄 알아요. I know how to make strawberry jam. 휴대전화로 사진을 보낼 줄 알아요. I know how to send pictures by mobile phone. 된장찌개를 맛있게 끓일 줄 알아요. I know how to cook a tasty doenjang stew. ** Grammar Focus This pattern..
Question Diary 230208WED: Q324 230208WED: Q324 What did you most appreciate today? I just started my day, so I would talk about what I most appreciated yesterday instead. The most appreciated event was definitely that I safely received all the items that I ordered from South Korea, and they look beautiful and a lot better than I expected. Retail therapy is definitely what makes your life wonderful and satisfying instantly. Ev..
PPLEB054 6-1 V-(으)ㄹ 수 있다/없다 - 230208WED PPLEB054 6-1 V-(으)ㄹ 수 있다/없다 - 230208WED PPLEB054 6-1 V-(으)ㄹ 수 있다/없다 - 230208WED 교재 페이지 160-162 Unit 6. Ability and Possibility - 1 V-(으)ㄹ 수 있다/없다 1 V-(으)ㄹ 수 있다/없다 Verb (동사) -(으)ㄹ 수 있다/없다 이 영화를 볼 수 있어요. (We) can see this movie. 저 영화를 볼 수 없어요. (We) can't see that movie. 한국말을 할 수 있어요. (I) can speak Korean. 아프리카 말을 할 수 없어요. (I) can't speak Afrikaans. 한자를 읽을 수 있어요. I can read Chinese characters. 한자를 ..
Question Diary 230207TUE: Q323 230207TUE: Q323 Have you been in tears recently? Of course, yes. As I have written about this quite many times already, I am a person who is full of emotions and crying easily, laughing more easily, getting upset, or feeling sympathy. I wouldn't detail the reason why I was tearing last time because it is a bit too much information and quite a personal story. I don't cry loud but just cry in mute..
