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Question Diary 230712WED: Q478 230712WED: Q478 Why do I experience pain and suffering? I feel sympathy after reading this question because the person may have gone through really difficult situations. I have no idea about what kind of pain and suffering they have experienced, but it must have been so challenging that they felt compelled to ask this question. The reason why people experience pain and suffering is a difficult q..
Question Diary 230711TUE: Q477 230711TUE: Q477 When do you want to stop what you are doing now? This question encourages deep thought about our current pursuits and aspirations. As for me, I have no plans to halt any of my current endeavors in the near future. Therefore, "not anytime soon" would be my response to this question. Whether it's my job, study routines, or various hobbies and habits, I intend to continue engaging i..
Question Diary 230710MON: Q476 230710MON: Q476 What is your favorite TV program? When it comes to television programs, my tastes are quite diverse. I appreciate a wide range of genres and styles, from thought-provoking narratives to lighthearted humor. I would say my favorite TV show is definitely "Friends," which I consider to be the best TV show ever. This show never fails to entertain me because it is incredibly enjoyable...
Question Diary 230709SUN: Q475 230709SUN: Q475 What life lesson did you learn today? Today, I was reminded of a life lesson that is both simple and profound - the importance of gratitude. This reminder came from an unexpected source - my lovely colleague. As we were going about our usual work routine, she suddenly turned to me and said something that made me pause. She told me that I should be happier and more grateful for my..
Question Diary 230708SAT: Q474 230708SAT: Q474 Do you believe in limerence? Limerence is a term coined by psychologist Dorothy Tennov to describe an intense romantic infatuation or obsession with another person. It involves a combination of intense emotions, intrusive thoughts, and a strong desire for reciprocation. Whether one believes in limerence or not depends on personal experiences and perspectives. Some individuals may..
Question Diary 230707FRI: Q473 230707FRI: Q473 What do you need now? When it comes to what I need now, the list is quite extensive, as I have numerous aspirations and dreams that I strive to fulfill. While I don't have an urgent need for specific items at this moment, my focus lies primarily on achieving my goals. One of my main objectives for this year is to start my own business, which I set as a New Year's resolution. Curr..
Question Diary 230706THU: Q472 230706THU: Q472 What is the most interesting thing I've experienced today? Today, the most interesting thing I experienced was when I met my new colleague. I am always excited to meet new people, especially in a professional setting. She was friendly and had a positive energy that made me feel at ease. We had a great conversation and hit it off right away. What made this encounter even more fasc..
Question Diary 230705WED: Q471 230705WED: Q471 Which "nowhere" you prefer to go to? "no_where" or "now_here"? I would prefer to go with "now_here" instead of "no_where." If you dwell in your past or future, you might not be as happy as when you focus on your present, which is "now here." When it comes to the concept of "nowhere," it's interesting to explore the contrasting possibilities. On one hand, there is "no_where," whic..
Question Diary 230704TUE: Q470 230704TUE: Q470 Is life a fact, is life a responsibility, if life something that last? The definition of life can differ greatly based on each individual's perspective. Personally, I believe life is simply time itself. The question of whether life is a fact or a responsibility is one that has no simple answer. On one hand, life can be seen as a fact in that it is an observable and measurable phe..
Question Diary 230703MON: Q469 230703MON: Q469 What shirt are you wearing at this moment? I am currently wearing a black, half-sleeved cotton T-shirt with a dark orange fluffy jacket on top. It's quite freezing here in Australia right now, so I have to bundle up even at home. During the summer, I usually opt for a sleeveless long dress designed for homewear, which is both comfortable and easy to change. However, even in summe..
CNN10 STUDY PP 명예의 전당 2023-2분기, 202306 2023-2분기 출결 마감 결산 2023.04.01.-2023.06.30. 2023년 2분기 출결 결산표 2분기 100% 인증 개근 멤버 Jess, listener, 우디 2분기 최다 인증 성실 멤버 Jess, Joy, 까미, Bella, Yulkyo 2023년 6월 출결 마감 결산 2023.06.01-2023.06.30. 100% 인증 개근 멤버 Jess, Joy, listener, 우디 바쁜 일상 중에 귀한 시간 내어서 다같이 열심히 공부하고 계신 모든 스터디회원분들 항상 응원하고 감사합니다. CNN 10 STUDY 2023년 6월 개근 스티커 방 개설부터 현재까지 전체 출결 기록 https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1aydUoUVHf1SAT4KCGltCUPiCf-3..
Question Diary 230702SUN: Q468 230702SUN: Q468 Which controls your emotions, your brain or your emotions? My emotions. I hope that my brain controls my emotions, but most of the time, it feels like my emotions control me. Controlling emotions is a complex process that involves both the brain and emotions. While the brain is responsible for processing information and interpreting situations, emotions play a vital role in influ..
Question Diary 230701SAT: Q467 230701SAT: Q467 Have you ever talked to yourself as if there was a real person? Yes, I have talked to myself as if there were a real person. I have done it sometimes, but I think it's something I rarely do. I have witnessed and heard some people talking to themselves when there is no one around them, including my older sister. I remember that I actually talked to myself only when I was upset or ..
Question Diary 230630FRI: Q466 230630FRI: Q466 How to feel don't care? Learning how to not care can be a challenging process, but it's possible to achieve with time and effort. One of the first steps is to recognize what you can and can't control. Many things in life are beyond our control, and no matter how much we worry about them, they won't change. Therefore, it's essential to focus on what we can control, such as our tho..
Question Diary 230629THU: Q465 230629THU: Q465 What can you say to your haters? I guess just being silent could be the best way to conserve my energy, but mainly, it's about not paying any attention to negative stuff. If I really had to say something to my haters, I would ask them questions they would love to answer, so I can learn something from them. Perhaps I did something wrong or unintentionally irritated them in some wa..
Question Diary 230628WED: Q464 230628WED: Q464 Are you honest? Yes, I am an honest individual. However, I understand the importance of balancing honesty with sensitivity towards others' feelings. While I value being straightforward, I also strive to deliver my honesty in a considerate manner. Honesty is indeed a fundamental value that I prioritize in all areas of my life. I strongly believe in the power of truthful, sincere, ..
