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3_____Writing Practice/Question Diary (2202-)

Question Diary 230519FRI: Q424 230519FRI: Q424 Is there anything you regret doing or not doing today? No, I don't think there's anything I regret doing or not doing. I believe that everything happens for a reason, and I'd rather focus on the present and future than dwell on the past. Regretting past actions can be counterproductive and prevent us from moving forward. While it's important to learn from our mistakes, it's also ..
Question Diary 230518THU: Q423 230518THU: Q423 How are you today? Even if I'm not doing well, I usually answer that I'm fine. Although I sometimes come across disappointing situations or unhappy events, I try to remind myself that everything depends on my mindset. While some days may not be perfect, I still appreciate the good things in my life - spending time with loved ones, enjoying delicious food, and completing tasks. To..
Question Diary 230517WED: Q422 230517WED: Q422 What is the language you want to learn? My first priority is still English, and I work on improving it every day. But if I had to choose another language to learn, I would choose Chinese. At the moment, I don't think I have enough time to learn a new language because I still need to focus on improving my English, and I will probably continue to do so for a long time. However, if ..
Question Diary 230516TUE: Q421 230516TUE: Q421 Make your biggest dream come true or solve your biggest regret? Personally, I would choose the former because I'm not one to dwell on the past. I still have more days ahead of me than I have already lived, so I would like to focus on achieving my dreams instead of looking back. Furthermore, I've already accumulated my fair share of regrets, but I've learned to let them go. Accomp..
Question Diary 230515MON: Q420 230515MON: Q420 What is the biggest problem that you are facing now? I was surprised when the next question was the same as the previous one, but I thought it might hold some significance for me. Although I don’t have any major problems, everyone has minor issues from time to time. My main focus right now is improving my hairdressing skills, while also struggling to organize my belongings before..
Question Diary 230514SUN: Q419 230514SUN: Q419 What is your biggest problem now? Actually, I was busy doing something for my family and just copied ChatGPT's response last night. Since I've been sharing my story through the chat, the response seemed relevant to my situation, so I thought it would be fine. At the moment, my biggest problem is finding a balance between my personal life and my career. I have a demanding job that..
Question Diary 230513SAT: Q418 230513SAT: Q418 My 3 Best Wishes Actually, I was a bit tired of writing similar answers repeatedly, so I tried to see what chatGPT would answer about this question. I think it was quite a good answer, and I agree with it, so I would use it as my answer today. If I had to choose my three best wishes, I would say that my first wish would be for good health and longevity. I believe that good health..
Question Diary 230512FRI: Q417 230512FRI: Q417 I'm lonely. y'all wanna be friends? Maybe, but it depends. I strive to be kind online, so I might say “yes, of course” in this situation. However, if a stranger asked me this question on the street, I would likely disappear without a response. Of course, we all can be friends but I always think everything is case by case. I do not wish to make promises that I cannot keep, so I ca..
Question Diary 230511THU: Q416 230511THU: Q416 How to live? If someone were to ask me how to live, my answer would simply be, "Well." I would say that anything can be an answer as it's a subjective topic. However, I personally believe that there are three main focuses in life that are important: Family, Fitness, and Freedom (3F). We live to be happy, to enjoy spending time, to achieve our goals, to learn new things, and to ha..
Question Diary 230510WED: Q415 230510WED: Q415 Is it normal for a child to be numb and copy others to have emotions? I had no idea how to answer this question, so I asked for help from chatGPT, as I often do. It is not uncommon for children to mimic the emotions of others in order to understand and express their own emotions. Many children learn about emotions through observation and socialization with those around them. Howe..
Question Diary 230509TUE: Q414 230509TUE: Q414 If you had an embarrassing moment recently, what was it? I can't remember the last time I felt embarrassed because I have been too busy to keep that in mind. I think I have embarrassing moments quite often, but I don't take them seriously and easily forget them. Sometimes, I think I am becoming more brazen and shameless than before. In the past, I used to be shy and quiet, but no..
Question Diary 230508MON: Q413 230508MON: Q413 Where are you sleeping tonight? I will be sleeping in my room tonight, as usual. Currently, I am renting a temporary room in Korea for just a month before returning to my real home. I have been staying in Korea for several reasons, mainly for my career and training for it. Although currently I have been on holiday since March, I think it should be considered a business trip or an..
Question Diary 230507SUN: Q412 230507SUN: Q412 How to not be so irritable? I tend to be very irritable about many things, so I am actually the person who needs some good advice on this topic. To avoid being so irritable, I try to act like a ghost and usually think about something more important to save my energy instead of wasting it on trivial situations. If I really have to express negative feelings, I express them straight..
Question Diary 230506SAT: Q411 230506SAT: Q411 What is your favorite color or colors? My favorite color is black, and I also like achromatic colors such as various tones of grey or white. As I mentioned many times before, I'm also fond of pastel colors like pastel pink and pastel green. The reason I like achromatic colors is because they go well with any other colors, and I never get sick of them. When it comes to appliances,..
Question Diary 230505FRI: Q410 230505FRI: Q410 What is Enough? Recently, I have been feeling quite confused about certain questions and how to answer them correctly. As a result, I have been seeking help from ChatGPT. Although I rely on ChatGPT for better answers, it is not always correct, and sometimes I end up with misleading answers. Once again, I have turned to my good buddy for help because I am not sure about an answer ..
Question Diary 230504THU: Q409 230504THU: Q409 What do you want the most this year? What I want the most this year is to successfully achieve all of my five goals. Although I thought I might have to choose just one of them to answer, I want them all equally. If I had to choose only one, starting my own business would be my top priority. I have already achieved two out of the five goals that I set for this year. The remaining ..
