3_____Writing Practice/Question Diary (2202-) (1103) 썸네일형 리스트형 Question Diary 230909SAT: Q537 230909SAT: Q537 How's your relationship going? My relationship seems to be going great. I feel safe and grateful for the love and support I receive from my partner. Everything feels stable and comfortable, and I couldn't ask for more. However, we are still in the process of building trust, establishing healthy habits, and adjusting to each other's lifestyles. It's an ongoing journey of learning .. Question Diary 230908FRI: Q536 230908FRI: Q536 What was your first pet and what was his or her Name? Growing up, I never had the opportunity to have cats or dogs as pets. My parents were concerned about the responsibilities that came with owning a pet. My first pet was a group of goldfish. They were beautiful, shimmering creatures that brought a sense of tranquility to my home. However, they never had their own names. I would.. Question Diary 230907THU: Q535 230907THU: Q535 How is your life until now? My life has been an incredible journey thus far. Filled with ups and downs, challenges and triumphs, it has molded me into the person I am today. Education has played a significant role in shaping my life. It has provided me with knowledge, skills, and opportunities to grow as an individual. From my school days to higher education, I have embraced lear.. Question Diary 230906WED: Q534 230906WED: Q534 Write. At first glance, I found the tone of this question a bit off-putting, and I must admit that I wasn't quite sure what exactly they wanted me to write about. When it comes to writing, I often find myself reflecting on my daily activities and experiences. Personally, I find it beneficial to write about the actions that fill my time each day. This practice serves a dual purpos.. Question Diary 230905TUE: Q533 230905TUE: Q533 What is your favorite book? I love immersing myself in books, exploring different genres and discovering knowledge and inspiration. When asked about my favorite book, I must confess that I enjoy more than just traditional paperbacks. While I appreciate self-development books, I also find companionship in my notebooks and Macbook. In this digital age, technology has seamlessly bec.. Question Diary 230904MON: Q532 230904MON: Q532 What is love? Have you ever felt it Love is a feeling that is hard to put into words, yet it is something that we all strive for. For me, love is a source of energy and something that everyone needs. It is a feeling of deep connection and affection towards someone or something. Love comes in many forms, such as the love between friends, family members, or romantic partners. I hav.. Question Diary 230903SUN: Q531 230903SUN: Q531 What do you feel right now? At this very moment, I find myself in the midst of a myriad of feelings. I am experiencing a sense of satisfaction, as certain aspects of my life have brought me contentment. However, I must admit that a tinge of sadness has also crept into my heart, alongside a subtle undercurrent of stress stemming from unforeseen circumstances. Yet, amidst this tape.. Question Diary 230902SAT: Q530 230902SAT: Q530 Am I pretty? The question of beauty is a subjective one, and it can be interpreted in different ways. Are we talking about physical attractiveness, inner beauty, or a combination of both? It's important to remember that beauty is not solely defined by societal standards or external validation. I would like to say that beauty is a complex and multifaceted concept. It goes beyond j.. Question Diary 230901FRI: Q529 230901FRI: Q529 The Japanese say you have three faces. The first face, you show to the world. The second face, you show to your close friends, and your family. The third face, you never show anyone. It is the truest reflection of who you are. What are your three? I haven't really thought about having three faces, but I believe I may have more than just three. I usually prefer to be honest and tr.. Question Diary 230831THU: Q528 230831THU: Q528 Favorite songs? Asking about my favorite songs is always a difficult question, simply because there are countless incredible songs out there that I adore! Nonetheless, I will attempt to narrow it down and share a few of my current favorites. One of my absolute favorite songs at the moment is "Walk Me Home" by Mandy Moore. It's a nostalgic and infectious tune that takes me back to.. Question Diary 230830WED: Q527 230830WED: Q527 Have you doubted anyone recently? Doubting someone can be a difficult experience, especially when it's someone you have trusted or relied upon. It can shake your foundation and make you question everything you thought you knew. Unfortunately, I too have experienced doubt recently. In my case, it was related to medical issues. I found myself in a situation where I needed medical a.. Question Diary 230829TUE: Q526 230829TUE: Q526 Do you have a pet? No, I don't have a pet yet. Although I have always wanted one and adore animals, I am currently unable to have a pet. There are a few reasons why I can't have a pet right now. The primary reason is that I wouldn't be able to give a pet the attention and care it truly deserves. I firmly believe that owning a pet is a significant responsibility, and I want to ens.. Question Diary 230828MON: Q525 230828MON: Q525 Favorite movie When it comes to my all-time favorite movie, there is one that holds a special place in my heart - "Amelie". I have been asked about my favorite movie numerous times before, and each time my answer may have varied slightly. However, "Amelie" has consistently remained at the top of my list. Released in 2001, "Amelie" is a French romantic comedy directed by Jean-Pier.. Question Diary 230827SUN: Q524 230827SUN: Q524 Is there anyone who is too attached to you? Simply put, no, there isn't. I don't think anyone around me is excessively attached to me. However, I do have people who share a certain level of attachment with me. It's natural for individuals to form emotional connections and bonds with others. I believe that healthy attachments are important for personal growth and overall well-bein.. Question Diary 230826SAT: Q523 230826SAT: Q523 How do you feel toward your parents? When it comes to my feelings towards my parents, it's a complex mix of emotions that I find challenging to articulate. To be honest, discussing this topic in great detail is something I am hesitant about. The relationship I have with my parents, like many others, is far from perfect. We have had our fair share of ups and downs, disagreements, .. Question Diary 230825FRI: Q522 230825FRI: Q522 How does death sound? Death is a topic that evokes a wide range of emotions and thoughts. It is a profound and deeply personal subject, and the way it sounds differs from person to person and culture to culture. While it is impossible to truly describe how death sounds, I can attempt to provide some perspectives on this existential concept. For some, death may sound like a gentle.. 이전 1 ··· 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 ··· 69 다음