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3_____Writing Practice/366일 영어 일기 (2202-2302)

영어 일기 Q016 - 220219SAT

Q016 - 220219SAT

Q016. Do you have a favorite aroma?

좋아하는 향이 있나요?


My favorite aroma is nature smelling fragrances.

Forest, trees, grass which have phytoncide, and flowers that smell lovely, all of these are my favorite aromas.

Whenever I go hiking. I enjoy taking in the mountain's air.

I used to put on the perfume that smells like grass and is named Demeter Grass and now I put on Aesop deodorant and use Lush body products.

Refreshing or sweet aromas make me happy, and I love peach, coconut, mango and strawberry flavored products.

My laundry softener smells like coconut and my body soap smells like fresh strawberry.

I don’t really like artificial and strong aromas because it makes me sick and lose taste.

The author said, their favorite aroma has to be that of coffee. 

When they want to concentrate they always grab themselves a cup of coffee, and it makes them feel both relaxed and ready to work hard.

I don't enjoy coffee much but like the aroma that is deep and relaxing.

Speaking of aroma, one thing I am grateful for just popped up in my mind.

One of my co-worker, my supervisor, bought me my birthday gift last month which has a great aroma and it was really nice of her.





첨삭 (PPLE 'I'님)


Grass which have phytoncide -> grass with plenty phytoncide.
Flowers that smell lovely -> flowers with lovely smell.
Taking in -> breathing in (air).
Put on the -> Put on a (thing). (first person)
Is named <-> its called.
Aesop -> An Aesop (a,i,u,e,o)
Flavored (taste) -> Aromatic (aroma)
-> I don't really enjoy coffee that much, but I like the deep and relaxing aroma of it.
-> One grateful thing just popped up in my head (popped into my head).
-> Me a birthday gift. (Me already refers to "my")
