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3_____Writing Practice/366일 영어 일기 (2202-2302)

영어 일기 Q013 - 220216WED

Q013 - 220216WED

Q013. Do you have any hobbies?

취미가 있나요?


Q013. Do you have any hobbies?


I used to enjoy various hobbies regularly, but after Covid-19 outbreaks, I stopped almost all of them.

It was lucky that I could start this English journey not long after it, so I could have a more productive and fulfilling time.

I love singing, drawing, working on my computer, swimming, ballet and pilates classes, and eating out with my husband on weekends.

Nowadays I only focus on improving English and don't really do anything else enjoyable.

I am giving a thought about physical activities, just simple stretches or following some yoga videos.

My previous answer was about going to a small karaoke place. I used to go to coin karaoke a couple of times every week.

I love to sing and listen to music.

It helps you cure your depression or trouble sleeping, and It worked for me really great.

The author's hobby is playing badminton.

They started playing the sport when they were in high school, and the speed of the sport fascinated them.

These days it’s a great exercise for them.

One thing I'm grateful to share today is the good people around me. One of my study group members shared her gratitude diary and it was really great and inspiring.

I was happy to have the moment today and appreciated it.



