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3_____Writing Practice/366일 영어 일기 (2202-2302)

영어 일기 Q012 - 220215TUE

Q012 - 220215TUE

Q012. Do you believe in fortune-telling?

점을 믿나요?


This routine is always uploaded with another routine, which is daily reading practice of a 60 days curriculum book.

That one is now on the 12th day and one day ahead from this.

So I am writing one more answer today because I just felt like proceeding the same day count for the two, then It allows me to remember easier.

In my previous answer which is not too bad, I believe in fortune-telling, but I believe it just 70%.

People can change their destiny with their own will on some part of it.

Now I would answer in my changed opinion.

I might believe fortune-telling 50% but it all depends on what it is.

Some fortune-telling concepts are kind of scamming, so you should be aware of the purpose they are saying it for.

I decided to avoid mentioning bad stuff so I won't talk about this.

I still think everyone can change their life and nothing can be irresistible if they have their own will.

According to the author's answer, they don’t really believe in fortune-telling, especially if it is predicting bad things for them.

They like to be positive as much as they can so that they can enjoy every day.

My gratitude diary, I would write that I found a song really cool and it gives me multiple emotions in a special way.

Music always inspires people and some people say music is the words of angels. I agreed with the saying when I saw and still remember the quote.



