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3_____Writing Practice/366일 영어 일기 (2202-2302)

영어 일기 Q005 - 220209WED

Q005 - 220209WED

Q005. What is your favorite sport?

좋아하는 운동은 무엇인가요?


I am not really talented physically but still enjoy some easy life sports.

Last time for this answer, I wrote about swimming.

I am not great at it but I still like to swim.

I enjoy riding bicycles as well and also I hope I can make time for dance class I used to take for fun.

From a sample diary entry, their favorite sport is basketball.

They love to run up and down the court, catch and shoot the ball.

They also like to play defense and block other players.

One thing I am pretty good at is playing e-sports.

Since I was into computers and video games almost more than half of my life, I am still pretty confident with playing some video games.

I reckon I have been focusing on improving skills for using hands or doing something sitting on a chair or couch all my life.

Writing about this topic actually made me reconsider that I should look after my physical health more.

Recently, I have had some conversations with my people about this virus situation and people tested positive everywhere.

Only survivors through this crazy situation can keep working and more and more people get caught and stuck with this frustrating time now.

This could also be the main reason that I should start to work out regularly.



