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3_____Writing Practice/366일 영어 일기 (2202-2302)

영어 일기 Q004 - 220208TUE

Q004 - 220208TUE

Q004. What three words would you use to describe today?

오늘을 세 단어로 표현한다면, 어떤 단어를 쓸 건가요?


I had to skip this routine yesterday since I was almost dying with my exhausted body.

To be honest, yesterday wasn’t a very good day to describe and choose words for it, but today was an unbelievably amazing and grateful day.

I would describe today as having been “proud”, because I did a great job at work and felt more confident with my work, also “grateful”, because I always appreciate everything even with daily minor stuff, lastly, “refreshing”, because I’ve been feeling so refreshed with my mind and body somehow.

Bringing the sample diary entry in the book, they described today as having been “rainy”, because it rained all day, “fun”, because they did a lot, and “short”, because it seemed to go by quickly.

Written by Isaac, relaxing, short, and beautiful.

He had a few things to do, but he could not complete them all.

This is the answer almost 2 years ago, and he seemed to have a pretty busy and exhausting day today.

I might say busy, exhausting but also a fulfilling day for him today.

Now he sounds quite peaceful and relaxed with mild snoring.



