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3_____Writing Practice/Question Diary (2202-)

Question Diary 240710WED: Q842

240710WED: Q842
When do you want to stop what you are doing now?
지금 하고 있는 일을 언제 멈추고 싶습니까?

I stop what I'm doing when I lose motivation, face too many challenges, have shifting priorities, experience burnout, or see no strategic benefit.

동기부여를 잃거나, 너무 많은 문제에 직면하거나, 우선순위가 바뀌거나, 번아웃을 경험하거나, 전략적 이점이 없을 때는 제가 하던 일을 중단합니다.




240710WED: Q842

When do you want to stop what you are doing now?


Deciding when to stop what I'm doing depends on several factors.


One main reason I might stop an activity is losing motivation.

When I'm no longer excited or interested, it becomes hard to keep going.

If efforts to reignite my passion fail, it might be time to move on.


Sometimes, I face challenges that are too difficult to overcome.

Whether it's lack of resources, support, or personal issues, if the obstacles seem insurmountable, I might consider stopping the activity.


Priorities can change over time.

What was once important might not be anymore.

If new opportunities or responsibilities emerge, I might need to stop some activities to focus on what matters most now.


My well-being is crucial.

If I feel constantly exhausted or stressed, it might be a sign to stop and take care of myself.

Preventing burnout by prioritizing rest and self-care is essential.


Lastly, I consider the potential outcomes and risks.

If continuing an activity doesn't align with my long-term goals or isn't beneficial, it might be wise to stop and re-evaluate.


In conclusion, I stop what I'm doing when I lose motivation, face too many challenges, have shifting priorities, experience burnout, or see no strategic benefit.

Recognizing these signs helps me focus on meaningful and fulfilling activities, maintaining a healthy balance and staying motivated.


Words 216 of 57620

Characters 1323 of 347669

Characters excluding spaces 1123 of 294613








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