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3_____Writing Practice/Question Diary (2202-)

Question Diary 240502THU: Q773

240502THU: Q773
How many Bias do you have?
얼마나 많은 편견을 가지고 있나요?

Biases are common but can be addressed for a fairer society.

편견은 흔하지만 더 공정한 사회를 위해 해결할 수 있습니다.




240502THU: Q773

How many Bias do you have?


I don't believe there's a specific number that accurately represents the biases I possess.

Biases are ingrained in human nature and can take on various forms, from unconscious preferences to deeply rooted beliefs.

While some biases may be more noticeable than others, we all harbor a multitude of biases that shape our thoughts, actions, and perceptions.


For instance, my biases may stem from my cultural background, upbringing, personal experiences, and interactions with different social groups.

These biases can influence my perspectives on a wide range of issues, including gender roles, stereotypes, as well as racial, ethnic, and socioeconomic dynamics.


It's essential to recognize that biases aren't inherently negative, they're simply a natural aspect of being human.

However, acknowledging our biases and actively working to challenge and address them is vital for creating a more inclusive and fair society.


In my own life, I make an effort to identify and confront my biases through continuous self-reflection, education, and exposure to diverse viewpoints.

This may involve questioning my assumptions, seeking out alternative perspectives, and listening empathetically to the experiences of others.


By acknowledging the existence of biases and taking steps to address them, I aim to contribute to the creation of a more equitable and empathetic world where individuals are valued for their unique qualities, rather than being judged based on preconceived notions or stereotypes.


Words 223 of 38431

Characters 1481 of 232143

Characters excluding spaces 1268 of 196581








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