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[CSP 대본 031] $1.2 Trillion Bill Sent To The President's Desk

[CSP 대본 031] $1.2 Trillion Bill Sent To The President's Desk

031_220117_211108_$1.2 Trillion Bill Sent To The President's Desk | November 8, 2021


Youtube 원본 영상




November 08, 2021

$1.2 Trillion Bill Sent To The President`s Desk; Latest Jobs Report Shows Addition Of 531,000 New Jobs; U.S. Falls Back From Daylight Saving Time to Standard Time. Aired 4-4:10a ET


CNN.com - Transcripts

Return to Transcripts main page CNN 10 $1.2 Trillion Bill Sent To The President`s Desk; Latest Jobs Report Shows Addition Of 531,000 New Jobs; U.S. Falls Back From Daylight Saving Time to Standard Time. Aired 4-4:10a ET Aired November 08, 2021 - 04:00:00





031_220117_211108_$1.2 Trillion Bill Sent To The President's Desk | November 8, 2021

031_220117_211108_$1.2 Trillion Bill Sent To The President's Desk | November 8, 2021 Youtube 원본 영상 https://youtu.be/qhPDsX8jYgM November 08, 2021 • $1.2 Trillion Bill Sent To The President's Desk; Latest Jobs Report Shows Addition Of 531,000 New



November 08, 2021

$1.2 Trillion Bill Sent To The President's Desk; Latest Jobs Report Shows Addition Of 531,000 New Jobs; U.S. Falls Back From Daylight Saving Time to Standard Time. Aired 4-4:10a ET


2021년 11월 8일

• 대통령 집무실로 보내진 1조 2천억 달러짜리 청구서; 최근 일자리 보고서는 53만 1천 개의 새로운 일자리가 추가되었음을 보여준다; 미국은 서머타임제에서 표준시로 돌아간다. 4-4:10a ET 방송


Bill 1.고지서, 청구서 2.(식당의) 계산서


President 1.대통령 2.(클럽 등의) 회장 3.(사업체 등의) 회장[-장]


Daylight Saving Time 서머타임제


The main purpose of Daylight Saving Time (called "Summer Time" in many places in the world) is to make better use of daylight. We change our clocks during the summer months to move an hour of daylight from the morning to the evening. Countries have different change dates.


CNN 10


$1.2 Trillion Bill Sent To The President's Desk; Latest Jobs Report Shows Addition Of 531,000 New Jobs; U.S. Falls Back From Daylight Saving Time to Standard Time. Aired 4-4:10a ET


Aired November 08, 2021 - 04:00:00   ET




CNN 10


대통령 집무실로 보내진 1조 2천억 달러짜리 청구서; 최근 일자리 보고서는 53만 1천 개의 새로운 일자리가 추가되었음을 보여준다; 미국은 서머타임제에서 표준시로 후퇴한다. 4-4:10a ET 방송


2021년 11월 08일 - 동부 표준시 04:00 방영


이 문서는 급하게 작성한 기록입니다. 이 사본은 최종 형식이 아닐 수 있으며 업데이트될 수 있습니다.




CNN 10 앵커, 칼 아주즈 :


Infrastructure and you. It sounds like an old-timey school informational video, but that is the topic that leads off today's objective coverage on CNN 10 and we're happy to have you watching. I'm Carl Azuz.


인프라, (사회기반시설) 그리고 당신. 옛날 학교 교육 영상처럼 들리지만, 그것이 오늘의 CNN 10의 객관적인 보도를 이끌어내는 주제입니다. 여러분께서 시청해 주셔서 기쁩니다. 칼 아주즈입니다.

- infrastructure[ˈɪnfrəstrʌktʃə(r)]infrastructure

Noun 1.사회[공공] 기반 시설


On Friday night, the U.S. House of Representatives passed a spending bill worth $1.2 trillion.

It is called the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act.

The bill had been passed by the Senate in August, so it's now headed to President Joe Biden's desk for his signature into law.


금요일 밤, 미 하원은 1조 2천억 달러 규모의 지출 법안을 통과시켰습니다.

그것은 인프라 투자 및 일자리 법이라고 합니다.

이 법안은 지난 8월 상원을 통과해 조 바이든 대통령의 책상으로 넘어가 법안으로 서명하게 됐습니다.


Senate senate[ˈsenət] (Adjective : senatorial)

Noun 1.(미국·오스트레일리아·캐나다·프랑스 등의) 상원 (→Congress, the House of Representatives) a member of the Senate 상원 의원

2.(일부 국가에서) 대학 평의회 the senate of London University 런던 대학 평의회

3.(고대 로마의) 원로원, 원로원 건물


Getting this plan through congress has been a major priority for the President, so its passage is considered a legislative victory for him, but it took months and several setbacks before the bill was passed even though it had bipartisan support in Congress.


이 계획을 의회에서 통과시키는 것은 대통령에게는 주요한 우선순위였고, 그래서 이 계획의 통과는 그에게 입법적인 승리로 여겨졌지만, 그 법안이 의회에서 초당적인 지지를 받았음에도 불구하고 통과되기까지 몇 달이 걸렸고 몇 번의 차질을 겪었습니다.


legislative legislative[ledʒɪsleɪtɪv]

ADJ. 1.입법의, 입법부의

a legislative assembly/body/council 입법 회의/입법부/입법 의회


bipartisan bipartisan[ˌbaɪˈpɑːrtɪzn]

(Noun : bipartisanìsm, bipartisanshìp, bipartisanship)

ADJ. 1.양당의

a bipartisan policy 양당 정책


The final House vote was 228 to 206, a majority of Democrats and a minority of Republicans voted for it though a handful of Democrats joined most Republicans in voting against it.


최종 하원 투표는 228대 206으로 민주당원 과반수와 공화당원 소수만이 찬성표를 던졌습니다.


There is a lot in this bill. Here is where some of the spending is going with the largest allocation of money in this graphic intended for upgrades to roads and bridges. But if you add up all the funding for everything you see here, it amounts to $540 billion, less than half the total cost of the $1.2 trillion law. So, there are a lot of smaller spending categories that factor in.


이 청구서에는 많은 것이 들어 있습니다. (많은 항목이 포함되어 있습니다.) 여기가 도로 및 교량의 업그레이드를 위한 이 그래픽의 가장 큰 금액 할당으로 지출되는 일부 항목입니다. 하지만 여기에 보이는 모든 것에 대한 자금을 합치면 5400억 달러에 달하는데, 이는 1조 2000억 달러의 총비용의 절반에도 미치지 못합니다. 그래서, 많은 작은 지출 항목들이 고려됩니다.


Some lawmakers were concerned this spending would add to the Federal deficit -- the amount the government spends that exceeds the revenue it takes in. President Biden and the bill's supporters have said it wouldn't have a negative impact, but the Congressional Budget Office, which aims to give non-partisan estimates on government spending and budgets says the bill will add $256 billion to the deficit over the next 10 years.


일부 의원들은 이 지출이 연방정부의 적자를 가중시킬 것을 우려했습니다. 즉, 정부가 수입보다 더 많이 지출하는 액수입니다. 바이든 대통령과 법안 지지자들은 부정적인 영향은 없을 것이라고 밝혔지만 정부 지출과 예산에 대한 초당적 추정을 목표로 하는 의회예산처는 법안이 향후 10년간 2,560억 달러의 적자를 더 늘릴 것이라고 밝혔습니다.


Concerned about spending is one reason why the infrastructure bill got held up in Congress. There is another separate spending plan that the Biden administration wants passed, it is called the Build Back Better Bill. It is focused on social programs like government-funded preschool, lower-cost child care, money for low-cost housing, and more than half a trillion dollars in spending on climate programs.


지출에 대한 우려가 인프라 법안이 의회에서 지연된 한 이유입니다. 바이든 행정부가 통과시키길 원하는 또 다른 별도의 지출 계획이 있는데, 바로 '빌드 백 베러 법안(Build Back Better Bill)입니다. 그것은 정부가 지원하는 유치원, 저비용 보육, 저비용 주택을 위한 돈, 기후 프로그램에 대한 5조 달러 이상의 지출과 같은 사회 프로그램에 초점을 맞추고 있습니다.


That bill's planned cost is currently $1.75 trillion, but unlike the Infrastructure Bill, the social spending plan has no bipartisan support. All Republicans oppose it and even though Democrats control both Chambers of Congress, they've had a number of disagreements over what should go into the social spending plan and what it should cost.


Those disagreements held up passage of the infrastructure bill until last Friday. So what's next?


그 법안의 계획 비용은 현재 1조 7,500억 달러이지만, 사회기반시설 법안과 달리, 이 사회적 지출 계획은 초당적인 (여야 양쪽 모두의) 지지를 받지 못하고 있습니다. 모든 공화당원들은 이에 반대하고 있으며 비록 민주당이 상하 양원을 장악하고 있지만, 사회 지출 계획에 무엇이 들어가야 하는지 그리고 비용이 얼마가 들어가는지에 대해서는 여러 가지 의견 차이를 보여 왔습니다.


그 의견 불일치로 사회기반시설 법안 통과는 지난 금요일까지 미뤄졌습니다. 그럼 다음은 뭐죠?


Well, Congress continues to debate the social plan and wait for the Congressional Budget Office to give estimates on what it would finally cost, but the Infrastructure Bill is a done deal and the President says he'll sign it this week.


의회는 사회 계획에 대해 계속 논의하고 있으며 의회 예산처가 최종적으로 얼마가 들 것인지에 대한 견적을 내기를 기다리고 있습니다. 그러나 인프라 법안은 이미 결정된 사항이며 대통령은 이번 주에 서명할 것이라고 밝혔습니다.

— (00:00 - 02:56) —


Ten-second trivia: Which U.S. President signed a law creating the Department of Labor in 1913? Theodore Roosevelt, William Howard Taft, Woodrow Wilson or Warren G. Harding?


In the closing hours of his presidency, William Howard Taft signed the Department of Labor Bill.


10초짜리 퀴즈: 1913년에 어떤 미국 대통령이 노동부를 창설하는 법에 서명했는가? 시어도어 루스벨트, 윌리엄 하워드 태프트, 우드로 윌슨, 워렌 G. 하딩?


대통령 임기가 끝날 무렵 윌리엄 하워드 태프트는 노동부 법안에 서명했다.


The Labor Department issues a monthly jobs report looking at the state of employment in America and it has been on a roller coaster ride recently.


노동부는 매달 미국의 고용 상황을 살펴보는 일자리 보고서를 발행하는데, 최근엔 롤러코스터를 타고 있다.


The initial jobs report for July, for instance, indicated the U.S. economy had added 943,000 jobs, but in August, 235 000 jobs were added when economists expected hundreds of thousands more.


예를 들어, 7월의 최초 일자리 보고서는 미국 경제가 94만 3천개의 일자리를 늘렸음을 나타내지만, 경제학자들이 수십만 개의 일자리가 더 늘어날 것으로 예상했을 때 8월에는 23만 5천개의 일자리가 늘어났다.


And September was worse with initial estimates at 194,000 additions, but the latest report with the numbers for October indicated an addition of 531,000 new jobs that exceeded economists' expectations.


그리고 9월은 당초 194,000개의 일자리가 증가해 더 나빴지만, 10월의 수치와 함께 최근 보고서는 경제 전문가들의 예상을 뛰어넘는 531,000개의 일자리가 새로 늘어난 것으로 나타났다.


Analysts say America's decreasing COVID cases likely factored in here, so might have Holiday hiring and a government stimulus program that gave financial aid to people who weren't working also expired recently. Critics of that program say that prompted some people to go back to work.


분석가들은 미국의 COVID 사례 감소가 여기에 영향을 미쳤기 때문에 홀리데이 고용과 일하지 않는 사람들에게 재정 지원을 해주는 정부 부양 프로그램 또한 최근에 만료되었다고 말한다. 그 프로그램에 대한 비평가들은 그것이 일부 사람들로 하여금 직장으로 돌아가게 만들었다고 말한다.


More possible reasons for the rebound:


반등의 더 가능한 이유는 다음과 같다.




DUSTIN JONES, JOB SEEKER: There's been a lot of different options.


BRIAN TODD, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice over): At a job fair in Charlotte this week, Dustin Jones was looking for a position requiring a commercial driver's license, or in an office.


(BEGIN 비디오 클립)


더스틴 존스, 구직자: 많은 다른 선택지들이 있습니다.


브라이언 토드 CNN 특파원 (보이스 오버): 더스틴 존스는 이번 주 샬럿에서 열린 취업 박람회에서 상업용 운전면허를 요구하거나 사무실에서 일자리를 찾고 있었다.


Jones said he wanted a job that could hold if there is another shutdown due to COVID, and he was optimistic.


JONES: This is the best time to go job hunting. People are very desperate to hire, so as far as like qualifying, there is a lot of paid training on the job.


존스는 COVID로 인해 또 다른 셧다운이 발생해도 버틸 수 있는 직업을 원했고, 낙관적이었다고 말했다.


지금이 구직하러 가기에 가장 좋은 때야. 사람들은 고용에 매우 필사적이기 때문에 자격을 갖추는 한, 그 직무에 대한 많은 유급 훈련이 있다.


TODD (voice over): The U.S. Labor Department wholeheartedly agrees with Dustin Jones. It says the U.S. economy added a whopping 531,000 new jobs last month, about 80,000 more than economists had predicted.


토드(음성 오버): 미 노동부는 더스틴 존스의 의견에 전적으로 동의한다. 지난달 미국 경제가 경제학자들이 예측했던 것보다 약 8만 개가 많은 53만 1천 개의 일자리를 새로 늘렸다고 밝혔습니다.


RANA FOROOHAR, CNN GLOBAL ECONOMIC ANALYST: What this says to me is that the delta variant is ebbing, more people have been vaccinated and there is a lot of pent up demand in the system post-COVID. People want to spend and people are getting back to work.


RANA FOROHAR, CNN 글로벌 경제 분석가: 이것은 델타 변종이 사라지고 있고, 더 많은 사람들이 백신 접종을 받았고, COVID 이후 시스템에 많은 억눌린 수요가 있다는 것을 말해줍니다. 사람들은 돈을 쓰고 싶어하고 사람들은 다시 일을 하고 있다.


TODD (voice over): Twenty-two million jobs were lost when the pandemic hit in March of last year, but since then, 18 million have been gained, a rebound of about 80 percent.


토드(음성 오버): 지난해 3월 대유행으로 2,200만개의 일자리가 사라졌지만 이후 약 80%의 반등률을 보인 1,800만개의 일자리가 생겼다.


The leisure and hospitality sector of the U.S. economy which was hit hardest during the pandemic recession is still about a million and a half jobs short of its pre-pandemic level, but analysts say the latest job numbers indicate a healthy rebound for that sector.


대유행 경기 침체기에 가장 큰 타격을 받았던 미국 경제의 레저 및 접대 부문은 여전히 빈혈 이전 수준에는 약 150만개의 일자리가 부족하지만, 분석가들은 최근의 일자리 수치가 이 부문이 건전한 회복세를 나타내고 있다고 말한다.

MARK ZANDI, CHIEF ECONOMIST, MOODY'S ANALYTICS: Leisure and hospitality, that's where obviously we saw some really big gains, but you know, construction, manufacturing, professional services, healthcare all added very significantly, so all very encouraging.


MARK ZANDI, 수석 이코노미스트, 무디스 분석: 레저와 환대는 분명히 큰 이득을 보았습니다. 하지만 아시다시피, 건설, 제조, 전문 서비스, 의료는 모두 매우 크게 증가했습니다. 그래서 매우 고무적입니다.


Really the only part of the economy that didn't add to jobs was government.


TODD (voice over): And analysts say certain demographics of people who re- entered the workforce recently are fueling this surge.


정말로 일자리를 늘리지 않은 유일한 경제 부분은 정부였다.


토드(음성 오버): 그리고 분석가들은 최근에 재취업한 사람들의 특정 인구 통계가 이러한 급증을 부채질하고 있다고 말한다.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Women were hurt especially badly early on in the in the pandemic as you can imagine because of the child care crunch, and I think we're finally seeing women catch up.


정체불명의 여성: 보시다시피 대유행 초기에 특히 여성들이 심하게 다쳤고, 저는 마침내 여성들이 따라잡는 것을 보고 있다고 생각합니다.


TODD (voice over): But overall, the American economy is not free and clear of the pandemic.


토드(음성 오버): 그러나 전반적으로 미국 경제는 대유행으로부터 자유롭고 명확한 것은 아니다.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: You have supply chain problems that are leading to inflation and shortages. You have consumers worried about the price of gas or the about the price of groceries.


당신은 인플레이션과 부족을 초래하는 공급망 문제를 가지고 있습니다. 소비자들이 기름값이나 식료품 가격에 대해 걱정하고 있습니다.


TODD (on camera): And at least one analyst is warning of what he calls a potential hard landing in the housing market. Mark Zandi of Moody's Analytics points out, there's a shortage of affordable houses in America. House prices have skyrocketed in recent months.


TOD(카메라): 그리고 적어도 한 분석가는 주택 시장의 잠재적인 경착륙에 대해 경고하고 있습니다. 무디스 애널리틱스(Moody's Analytics)의 마크 잔디는 미국에는 적당한 가격의 주택이 부족하다고 지적합니다. 최근 몇 달간 집값이 폭등했다.


If interest rates go up to combat inflation, higher mortgage rates could really hurt demand for houses. It may not derail the economy, Zandi says, but homeowners could see some real declines in their house prices.


만약 이자율이 인플레이션과 싸우기 위해 오른다면, 더 높은 주택담보대출 금리는 정말로 주택 수요를 해칠 수 있다. 잔디 차관은 "경제가 탈선하지는 않겠지만 주택 소유자들은 실제 집값 하락을 볼 수 있다"고 말했다.


Brian Todd, CNN Washington.


CNN 워싱턴 브라이언 토드였습니다.




AZUZ: It's that time of year when you hear a whole lot about getting that extra hour of sleep as the U.S. falls back from Daylight Saving Time to Standard Time.


That happened on Sunday, it means it'll be dark outside an hour earlier, but it also means there will be more light outside when we get up in the morning.


(끝 비디오테이프)


AZUZ: 미국이 서머타임제에서 표준시로 후퇴함에 따라, 일년 중 추가 수면을 취하는 것에 대해 많이 듣는 시기입니다.


일요일에 그런 일이 있었네요, 밖이 한 시간 일찍 어두워지겠지만 아침에 일어나면 밖이 더 밝아진다는 뜻이기도 해요.


Calls to stop observing Daylight Saving Time seem to be louder in the spring when Americans have to move their clocks forward one hour and lose that hour of sleep. But one thing that's kept us springing ahead and falling back every year is the fact that there's been no agreement yet which time to choose year round -- Standard Time or Daylight Saving Time?


How did all this start anyway?




미국인들이 그들의 시계를 한 시간 앞당겨야 하고 그 한 시간의 수면을 잃어야 하는 봄에는 일광 절약 시간제를 준수하는 것을 중단하라는 요구가 더 큰 것처럼 보인다. 하지만 우리가 매년 앞서가고 뒤쳐지는 한 가지는 아직 합의가 이루어지지 않았다는 사실입니다. 1년 내내 어느 시간을 선택할 것인가 아니면 서머타임제?


이 모든 게 어떻게 시작된 거야?


(BEGIN 비디오테이프)

JENNIFER GRAY, CNN METEOROLOGIST: So why do we change the clocks ahead one hour in the spring and back one hour in the fall? Well, it's actually to reduce the electricity consumption by extending the daylight hours.


TEXT: Why do we change our clocks?

제니퍼 그레이, CNN 기상학자: 그렇다면 왜 우리는 봄에는 한 시간, 가을에는 한 시간씩 시계를 바꿀까요? 음, 사실 그것은 낮 시간을 연장함으로써 전기 소비를 줄이기 위한 것입니다.


왜 우리는 시계를 바꿀까?


GRAY: In the U.S. we change our clocks at 2:00 a.m. on the second Sunday in March. That begins Daylight Saving Time. That's when we spring ahead.


On the first Sunday in November, we change our clocks at 2:00 a.m. again, that's actually just going back to standard time.

미국에서는 3월 둘째 주 일요일 새벽 2시에 시계를 바꿉니다. 그러면 서머타임이 시작됩니다. 그때가 우리가 앞서 나가는 때입니다.


11월 첫째 주 일요일, 우리는 다시 새벽 2시에 시계를 바꾼다. 그것은 사실상 표준시로 돌아가는 것이다.


Believe it or not, this started with an idea from Benjamin Franklin.


Franklin did write an essay suggesting that people could use less candles if they got up early and made better use of daylight.


믿거나 말거나, 이것은 벤자민 프랭클린의 아이디어에서 시작되었습니다.


프랭클린은 사람들이 일찍 일어나서 햇빛을 더 잘 이용할 수 있다면 양초를 덜 사용할 수 있다는 에세이를 썼다.


In 1918, the Standard Time Act established time zones and Daylight Saving Time, but not all states participate.


To this day, most of Arizona and all of Hawaii do not change their clocks.

1918년 표준시법은 표준시와 서머타임제를 제정했지만 모든 주가 참여하는 것은 아니다.


오늘날까지, 대부분의 아리조나주와 하와이는 시계를 바꾸지 않습니다.


Over 70 countries across the world observe Daylight Saving Time with notable exceptions of China and Japan.


In 2007, we actually changed the date of when we set our clocks back an hour to the first week in November. This helped protect trick-or-treaters by giving them an extra hour of daylight. One of the other lines of thinking was that we would have a better voter turnout on election years.


중국과 일본을 제외하고 전 세계 70개 이상의 나라들이 일광 절약 시간을 준수하고 있다.


2007년에 우리는 실제로 시계를 한 시간 뒤로 돌린 날짜를 11월 첫째 주로 바꿨습니다. 이것은 트릭 오어 트릿어들에게 한 시간의 추가 낮 시간을 줌으로써 그들을 보호하는데 도움을 주었다. 다른 생각 중 하나는 우리가 선거기간 동안 더 나은 투표율을 가질 수 있을 것이라는 것이었다.


Experts say each time you change your clocks, it's always a good idea to change those batteries in your smoke detector and always look forward to fall when you get that extra hour of sleep.


전문가들은 시계를 바꿀 때마다 연기 감지기에 있는 배터리를 교체하는 것이 항상 좋은 생각이며, 한 시간의 추가 수면을 취할 때 항상 떨어지는 것을 기대한다고 말한다.


AZUZ: For 10 out of 10, an art exhibition that just wrapped up in Egypt is really one of a kind. It is unique because of its background. I mean you won't find this anywhere else.


AZUZ: 10점 만점에 10점 코너, 이집트에서 막 막을 내린 미술 전시회는 정말로 유일무이한 것이다. 그것은 배경 때문에 독특합니다. 다른 곳에서는 이걸 찾을 수 없을 거야


The exhibition was called "Forever is Now," and it featured large-scale sculptures and installations by 10 contemporary artists. Some of their works appear to incorporate their ancient background more than others. The whole goal was to blend the past and the present.


그 전시회는 "Forever is Now"라고 불렸고, 그것은 10명의 현대 예술가들의 대규모 조각과 설치물을 선보였다. 그들의 작품들 중 일부는 다른 작품들보다 그들의 고대 배경을 더 많이 포함하고 있는 것으로 보인다. 전체 목표는 과거와 현재를 혼합하는 것이었다.

Well, some might not think it's worth the Monet to then go to a show like that, they might not Da Vinci the purpose or revere the modern methods if they believe in O'Keefe-ing or leaving the pyramids Cathelin. But for those who go Chagall into thinking the past and present rock well together, well, they'll see that just like with the pyramids themselves, there is a point.


글쎄, 어떤 사람들은 모네가 그런 쇼에 갈 가치가 없다고 생각할지 모르지만, 만약 그들이 오키페잉을 믿거나 피라미드 카텔린을 떠난다면, 그들은 다빈치의 목적을 존중하지 않을 수도 있다. 하지만 샤갈을 찾아가서 과거와 현재의 바위를 함께 생각하는 사람들은 피라미드 자체와 마찬가지로 일리가 있다는 것을 알게 될 것이다.

Before we leave we would like to point to our viewers in Bucharest, the capital of Romania. Shout out to the students of Bucharest Christian Academy. I'm Carl Azuz for CNN.




떠나기 전에 루마니아의 수도 부쿠레슈티의 시청자들을 짚어보고자 합니다. 부쿠레슈티 기독교 아카데미 학생들에게 소리 질러보세요. 저는 CNN의 칼 아주즈입니다.






- 원본 대본 -


CNN 10


$1.2 Trillion Bill Sent To The President`s Desk; Latest Jobs Report Shows Addition Of 531,000 New Jobs; U.S. Falls Back From Daylight Saving Time to Standard Time. Aired 4-4:10a ET


Aired November 08, 2021 - 04:00:00   ET





Infrastructure and you. It sounds like an old- timey school informational video, but that is the topic that leads off today`s objective coverage on CNN 10 and we`re happy to have you watching. I`m Carl Azuz.


On Friday night, the U.S. House of Representatives passed a spending bill worth $1.2 trillion. It is called the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act. The bill had been passed by the Senate in August, so it`s now headed to President Joe Biden`s desk for his signature into law.


Getting this plan through congress has been a major priority for the President, so its passage is considered a legislative victory for him, but it took months and several setbacks before the bill was passed even though it had bipartisan support in Congress.


The final House vote was 228 to 206, a majority of Democrats and a minority of Republicans voted for it though a handful of Democrats joined most Republicans in voting against it.


There is a lot in this bill. Here is where some of the spending is going with the largest allocation of money in this graphic intended for upgrades to roads and bridges. But if you add up all the funding for everything you see here, it amounts to $540 billion, less than half the total cost of the $1.2 trillion law. So, there are a lot of smaller spending categories that factor in.


Some lawmakers were concerned this spending would add to the Federal deficit -- the amount the government spends that exceeds the revenue it takes in. President Biden and the bill`s supporters have said it wouldn`t have a negative impact, but the Congressional Budget Office, which aims to give non-partisan estimates on government spending and budgets says the bill will add $256 billion to the deficit over the next 10 years.


Concerned about spending is one reason why the infrastructure bill got held up in Congress. There is another separate spending plan that the Biden administration wants passed, it is called the Build Back Better Bill. It is focused on social programs like government-funded preschool, lower-cost child care, money for low-cost housing, and more than half a trillion dollars in spending on climate programs.


That bill`s planned cost is currently $1.75 trillion, but unlike the Infrastructure Bill, the social spending plan has no bipartisan support. All Republicans oppose it and even though Democrats control both Chambers of Congress, they`ve had a number of disagreements over what should go into the social spending plan and what it should cost.


Those disagreements held up passage of the infrastructure bill until last Friday. So what`s next?


Well, Congress continues to debate the social plan and wait for the Congressional Budget Office to give estimates on what it would finally cost, but the Infrastructure Bill is a done deal and the President says he`ll sign it this week.


— (00:00 - 02:56) —


Ten-second trivia: Which U.S. President signed a law creating the Department of Labor in 1913? Theodore Roosevelt, William Howard Taft, Woodrow Wilson or Warren G. Harding?


In the closing hours of his presidency, William Howard Taft signed the Department of Labor Bill.


The Labor Department issues a monthly jobs report looking at the state of employment in America and it has been on a roller coaster ride recently.


The initial jobs report for July, for instance, indicated the U.S. economy had added 943,000 jobs, but in August, 235 000 jobs were added when economists expected hundreds of thousands more.


And September was worse with initial estimates at 194,000 additions, but the latest report with the numbers for October indicated an addition of 531,000 new jobs that exceeded economists` expectations.


Analysts say America`s decreasing COVID cases likely factored in here, so might have Holiday hiring and a government stimulus program that gave financial aid to people who weren`t working also expired recently. Critics of that program say that prompted some people to go back to work.


More possible reasons for the rebound:




DUSTIN JONES, JOB SEEKER: There`s been a lot of different options.


BRIAN TODD, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice over): At a job fair in Charlotte this week, Dustin Jones was looking for a position requiring a commercial driver`s license, or in an office.


Jones said he wanted a job that could hold if there is another shutdown due to COVID, and he was optimistic.


JONES: This is the best time to go job hunting. People are very desperate to hire, so as far as like qualifying, there is a lot of paid training on the job.


TODD (voice over): The U.S. Labor Department wholeheartedly agrees with Dustin Jones. It says the U.S. economy added a whopping 531,000 new jobs last month, about 80,000 more than economists had predicted.


RANA FOROOHAR, CNN GLOBAL ECONOMIC ANALYST: What this says to me is that the delta variant is ebbing, more people have been vaccinated and there is a lot of pent up demand in the system post-COVID. People want to spend and people are getting back to work.


TODD (voice over): Twenty-two million jobs were lost when the pandemic hit in March of last year, but since then, 18 million have been gained, a rebound of about 80 percent.


The leisure and hospitality sector of the U.S. economy which was hit hardest during the pandemic recession is still about a million and a half jobs short of its pre-pandemic level, but analysts say the latest job numbers indicate a healthy rebound for that sector.


MARK ZANDI, CHIEF ECONOMIST, MOODY`S ANALYTICS: Leisure and hospitality, that`s where obviously we saw some really big gains, but you know, construction, manufacturing, professional services, healthcare all added very significantly, so all very encouraging.


Really the only part of the economy that didn`t add to jobs was government.


TODD (voice over): And analysts say certain demographics of people who re- entered the workforce recently are fueling this surge.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Women were hurt especially badly early on in the in the pandemic as you can imagine because of the child care crunch, and I think we`re finally seeing women catch up.


TODD (voice over): But overall, the American economy is not free and clear of the pandemic.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: You have supply chain problems that are leading to inflation and shortages. You have consumers worried about the price of gas or the about the price of groceries.


TODD (on camera): And at least one analyst is warning of what he calls a potential hard landing in the housing market. Mark Zandi of Moody`s Analytics points out, there`s a shortage of affordable houses in America. House prices have skyrocketed in recent months.


If interest rates go up to combat inflation, higher mortgage rates could really hurt demand for houses. It may not derail the economy, Zandi says, but homeowners could see some real declines in their house prices.


Brian Todd, CNN Washington.




AZUZ: It`s that time of year when you hear a whole lot about getting that extra hour of sleep as the U.S. falls back from Daylight Saving Time to Standard Time.


That happened on Sunday, it means it`ll be dark outside an hour earlier, but it also means there will be more light outside when we get up in the morning.


Calls to stop observing Daylight Saving Time seem to be louder in the spring when Americans have to move their clocks forward one hour and lose that hour of sleep. But one thing that`s kept us springing ahead and falling back every year is the fact that there`s been no agreement yet which time to choose year round -- Standard Time or Daylight Saving Time?


How did all this start anyway?




JENNIFER GRAY, CNN METEOROLOGIST: So why do we change the clocks ahead one hour in the spring and back one hour in the fall? Well, it`s actually to reduce the electricity consumption by extending the daylight hours.


TEXT: Why do we change our clocks?


GRAY: In the U.S. we change our clocks at 2:00 a.m. on the second Sunday in March. That begins Daylight Saving Time. That`s when we spring ahead.


On the first Sunday in November, we change our clocks at 2:00 a.m. again, that`s actually just going back to standard time.


Believe it or not, this started with an idea from Benjamin Franklin.


Franklin did write an essay suggesting that people could use less candles if they got up early and made better use of daylight.


In 1918, the Standard Time Act established time zones and Daylight Saving Time, but not all states participate.


To this day, most of Arizona and all of Hawaii do not change their clocks.


Over 70 countries across the world observe Daylight Saving Time with notable exceptions of China and Japan.


In 2007, we actually changed the date of when we set our clocks back an hour to the first week in November. This helped protect trick-or-treaters by giving them an extra hour of daylight. One of the other lines of thinking was that we would have a better voter turnout on election years.


Experts say each time you change your clocks, it`s always a good idea to change those batteries in your smoke detector and always look forward to fall when you get that extra hour of sleep.


AZUZ: For 10 out of 10, an art exhibition that just wrapped up in Egypt is really one of a kind. It is unique because of its background. I mean you won`t find this anywhere else.


The exhibition was called "Forever is Now," and it featured large-scale sculptures and installations by 10 contemporary artists. Some of their works appear to incorporate their ancient background more than others. The whole goal was to blend the past and the present.


Well, some might not think it`s worth the Monet to then go to a show like that, they might not Da Vinci the purpose or revere the modern methods if they believe in O`Keefe-ing or leaving the pyramids Cathelin. But for those who go Chagall into thinking the past and present rock well together, well, they`ll see that just like with the pyramids themselves, there is a point.


Before we leave we would like to point to our viewers in Bucharest, the capital of Romania. Shout out to the students of Bucharest Christian Academy. I`m Carl Azuz for CNN.


