[CSP 대본 030] Jobs Of The Future
030_220114_211105_Jobs Of The Future | November 5, 2021
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November 05, 2021
CNN.com - Transcripts
Return to Transcripts main page CNN 10 Atrocities Reported in Ethiopia`s Civil War; Organization Helps Train America`s Future Factory Workers; Three Trick-Or Treaters Do Something Sweet. Aired 4-4:10a ET Aired November 05, 2021 - 04:00:00 ET THIS IS A R
CNN 10
Atrocities Reported in Ethiopia`s Civil War; Organization Helps Train America`s Future Factory Workers; Three Trick-Or Treaters Do Something Sweet. Aired 4-4:10a ET
Aired November 05, 2021 - 04:00:00 ET
CARL AZUZ, CNN 10 ANCHOR: It`s flannel Friday on CNN 10 and that`s pretty awesome. I`m Carl Azuz.
Last show of the week takes us to eastern Africa where the nation of Ethiopia is being torn apart by civil war and the nations around it are calling for a ceasefire. Ethiopia is no stranger to strife. Poverty, political struggles, ethnic tensions, they`ve been problems in this nation for decades.
A group called the TPLF, the Tigrai`s Peoples Liberation Front, it ruled Ethiopia until a few years ago. On one hand, the TPLF brought relative stability and economic growth to the country. On the other, it limited Ethiopians civil and political rights. A popular uprising forced its leader to resign in 2018 and a new Prime Minister named Abiy Ahmed was appointed. He won the Nobel Peace Prize for his efforts to bring reforms to Ethiopia and to end a long running conflict it had with Eritrea, it`s neighbor to the north.
But political tensions remained between his government and the TPLF, and last year after the group held elections in the northern region of Tigrai without the central government`s permission, back and forth retaliations between the two sides led to armed conflict. Thousands have died. More than 2 million Ethiopians have been forced to leave their homes.
The United Nations says famine conditions have set in for hundreds of thousands, and though Prime Minister Abiy said civilians weren`t being harmed at the start of the conflict, evidence started coming out early this year that numerous atrocities, including mass killings of civilians, have occurred in Ethiopia. All sides involved have been accused of committing war crimes.
Some of them have been linked to Ethiopian soldiers. Some have been linked to groups from Eritrea. That nation says it`s not involved in the atrocities and Ethiopia`s government has promised to investigate any wrongdoing. The fighting has spread beyond the region of Tigrai and analysts say Ethiopia`s civil war threatens to cause instability throughout the Horn of Africa.
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UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Through a year of bloody conflict, Ethiopia`s crisis was centered mostly here in Tigrai, the far north. That`s changing fast. Tigrai defense force rebels showed in Dessie this week, just 250 miles from Addisababa. They are threatening to move on the capital and in unlikely alliance, they`ve joined up with the Oromo Liberation Army, that has links to the country`s largest ethnic group.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: United against this man, Prime Minister and Nobel Peace Prize Winner Abiy Ahmed, promised the conflict would be swift. Now he`s asking citizens to take up arms to defend Addis and the nation is in a state of emergency.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: But this conflict has embarrassed Abiy and threatened the very make-up of Ethiopia, a key U.S. ally in the region. The U.S. has sent a senior diplomat to try and stable the collapse.
MR. NED PRICE, U.S. STATE DEPARTMENT: We are gravely concerned by the escalating violence, by the expansion of the fighting that we`ve seen in northern Ethiopia and regions throughout the country. We are concerned with the growing risk to the unity and the integrity of the Ethiopian state.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The conflict has been marked by allegations of awful human rights atrocities and indiscriminate killings, highlighted by CNN reporting. And the government is accused of withholding food aid to desperate Tigraians facing famine. Something they deny.
MICHELLE BACHELET, HIGH COMMISSIONER OF THE UNITED NATIONS FOR HUMAN RIGHTS: We have reasonable grounds to believe that during this period, all parties to the Tigrai conflict have committed violations of international human rights, humanitarian, and (inaudible) law. Some of these may amount to war crimes and crimes against humanity.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Abiy came into power promising to unite Ethiopians under a new national identity. He squeezed the Tigraians out of political power, but Ethiopia is a fragile collection of regions often with their own ethnic loyalties and militias. And Abiy`s military strike on Tigrai after their attempt to break away from federal control, set up this titanic struggle.
On Wednesday, the capital was calm. People going about their business as usual. An Ethiopian government official blamed the international media for an alarmist narrative, but the sight of these rebels calmly walking through a major city far from Tigrai gives no doubt that Abiy is under threat.
AZUZ: 10 Second Trivia. An invention of the 1950s` called Unimate was the world`s first what? Electric typewriter, Robot, Computer or Coffee Maker.
American inventor George C. Devol devised the first programmable robot in 1954.
Though they`ve been around awhile, robots have not taken over all the jobs in America. Looking toward the future, financial news site "Business Insider" says there`s going to be demand for nurse practitioners, information security analysts, construction managers, industrial engineers and all of these professions can pay more than $85,000 a year.
There`s also extraordinary demand for factory workers, people in manufacturing. The industry reported this spring that it had more than 500,000 job openings nationwide and, in some cases, you don`t even need experience to get your foot in the door.
CHRIS WYNN, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Across America, efforts are underway to build a skilled workforce of the future, as the country faces a labor shortage.
JAY TIMMONS, CEO OF NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF MANUFACTURING: Our job is to create a solution to fill that skills gap.
WYNN: That`s why the National Association of Manufacturers and its non- profit Workforce Development and Education Partner, the Manufacturing Institute have launched a nationwide campaign called "Creator`s Wanted", which includes multiple tour stops in online learning. All aimed at encouraging young Americans to explore careers in modern manufacturing.
TIMMONS: All roads lead back to manufacturing. Those high skilled, high technology jobs are what enable us to make the world a better place.
WYNN: A study by Deloit and the Manufacturing Institute found that the manufacturing skills gap in the U.S. could result in more than 2 million unfilled jobs by 2030, and potentially cost the economy up to $1 trillion.
SANJAY JAIN, GEORGE WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY-BUSINESS PROFESSOR: It could definitely be going around with -- in a very systematic manner to build up the skill level of workforce to compete, and other countries are doing that.
WYNN: Manufacturing executives say some people are reluctant to work in factories. In part, because of fears about robots taking over and jobs getting shipped overseas. But educators say programs like the "Creator`s Wanted" tour could help put students as ease.
CINDYE RICHBURG-COTTON, EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR OF BROOKLAND-LAKEVIEW EMPOWERMENT CENTER: Young people can engage in those hands-on experiences to teach them and to expose them to the various careers that exist within any profession.
WYNN: A chance for some of our nation`s youth to consider jobs that they never knew could be theirs.
TYMIR LOWMAN, "CREATOR`S WANTED" STUDENT: And manufacturing more than what everyone thinks it is.
WYNN: Tymir Lowman recently took part in the tour and plans to eventually start his own clothing line.
LOWMAN: It gave me (inaudible) on everything, gives me something that I can think about for the rest of my life, with my (inaudible) or any other (inaudible).
WYNN: Providing students with skills that could help them succeed in the 21st century. In Washington, I`m Chris Wynn.
AZUZ: Usually the idea on Halloween is that kids show up to collect candy. These three 5th graders in Rhode Island dropped it off. Home owner Christian Wells had left out a bowl with one of those take one or two signs, but when the boys got there, there was nothing left in the bowl.
So, thinking that other kids who trick-or-treated here would be disappointed to find it empty, they each took out some of the candy they had gathered and filled the bowl back up.
Now that`s sweet. Oh, sure, some "Trollies" may "Snicker" about it and say the "Three Musketeers" were "Nerds" or "Yorks" or call the whole "candy idea corny". But that`s rude, "Baby Rude". "BeTwix" you and me it takes "Mounds" of "Good and Plenty" kindness, a "Starburst" and a "Whopper" of "Almond Joy" to make other "Ranchers" feel "Jolly", "Now and Later". They went beyond what was "Reeseanable" and some might even say they`re "Life Savers". I`m Carl Azuz and before we "Skittle" daddle, we want to give a shout out to Chester Area High School. Our viewers watching from Chester, South Dakota.
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