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2___CNN10 지문/CSPS 001-040 (2109-2112)

[CSP 대본 006-011] 북극 군사기지, 미국 세입자 퇴거

[CSP 대본 006-011] 북극 군사기지, 미국 세입자 퇴거


006_북극 군사기지 1부_211101_210915_Russia Builds Up Its Military in the Arctic - Part 1
007_북극 군사기지 2부_211108_210923_Russia Builds Up Its Military in the Arctic - Part 2
008_우주 영화 촬영 1부_211115_211004_Filming Movies in Space - Part 1
009_우주 영화 촬영 2부_211122_211011_Filming Movies in Space - Part 2
010_미국 세입자 퇴거 1부_211129_211013_Evictions in the United States - Part 1
011_미국 세입자 퇴거 2부_211130_211018_Evictions in the United States - Part 2


006_북극 군사기지 1부_211101_210915_Russia Builds Up Its Military in the Arctic - Part 1

Russia Builds Up Its Military in the Arctic - Part 1
북극에 군사기지를 구축하고 있는 러시아 - 1부



평일 매일 업로드되는 5가지 주제(비즈니스, 연예, 스포츠, 세계, 미국)의 CNN뉴스 영상과 기사에서 현지 아나운서의 정확한 발음과 완성도 높은 문장을 통해 영어 듣기, 읽기, 말하기, 쓰기를 학



CNN 10
(210525 / 00:31) A Trip To The Arctic | May 25, 2021




CNN.com - Transcripts

Return to Transcripts main page CNN 10 Russia Builds Up Its Military In The Arctic; A Volcano Erupts In The Democratic Republic Of Congo; A Census Takes Stock Of An African Natural Resource. Aired 4-4:10a ET Aired May 25, 2021 - 04:00 ET THIS IS A RUSH



CARL AZUZ (CNN 10 ANCHOR): This is Franz Josef Land. It’s part of Russia but the only people who live here are researchers and members of the Russian military, which has been upgrading its bases in the far north. On to the ice, the Arctic region is believed to be rich in resources like gas and minerals.

Some experts think huge reserves of oil and gas are located here. According to the United Nations Law of the Sea, countries with territory inside the Arctic Circle can freely make use of these resources within 200 miles of their coastlines. Russia currently controls more than 50 percent of the Arctic coastline.

For years, it’s been working to expand the Arctic territory it has access to and to prevent other nations from taking what Russia sees as its own. To accomplish this, it’s been building up its military here and increasing its presence in the waterways nearby. But what’s being called a "Race to the Arctic" has created friction with other countries including the United States which don’t want Russia to dominate everything that Arctic has to offer.

FRED PLEITGEN (CNN CORRESPONDENT): The course, due north, flying for hours to Russia’s northern most military installation. Moscow granted us a rare visit to its space on Franz Josef Land, a barren archipelago in the Arctic Ocean but which Russia believes is key to dominating the Arctic.

This entire air base is covered in ice and yet, the Russians have managed to extend the runway to a point that they can land even their heaviest aircraft here including strategic bombers capable of carrying nuclear weapons. The effort Moscow is making to upgrade its Arctic bases is massive.

Inside the modern housing complex called the Trefoil, the air commander confirms to me that even Russia’s dangerous TU-95 strategic bombers, a plane similar in size to the U.S.’s B-52s can now operate out of the airfield here.

007_북극 군사기지 2부_211108_210923_Russia Builds Up Its Military in the Arctic - Part 2

Russia Builds Up Its Military in the Arctic - Part 2
북극에 군사기지를 구축하고 있는 러시아 - 2부



평일 매일 업로드되는 5가지 주제(비즈니스, 연예, 스포츠, 세계, 미국)의 CNN뉴스 영상과 기사에서 현지 아나운서의 정확한 발음과 완성도 높은 문장을 통해 영어 듣기, 읽기, 말하기, 쓰기를 학


CNN 10
(210525 / 02:25) A Trip To The Arctic | May 25, 2021



FRED PLEITGEN (CNN CORRESPONDENT): "Of course, they can," he says, "Have a look. We can land all types of aircraft on this base."

A chilling prospect for the U.S. and its allies considering Franz Josef Land is only about 160 miles east of NATO territory. That’s well within range of these powerful, coastal defense rockets the Russians also showed us. They’re capable of hitting ships more than 200 miles off the coast. A threat that worries the U.S.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We have concerns about some of the increased military activities in the Arctic. That increases the dangers or prospects of accidents, miscalculations.

FRED PLEITGEN: As polar ice melts, the region is becoming more accessible and Russia is moving fast to stake its claims. Much of that effort is led from here, the headquarters of the northern fleet in the closed military town of Severomorsk which we also got access to.
Russia has been upgrading its fleet up here for years.

Its flagship is the Peter the Great Nuclear Battle Cruiser, outfitted with array of weapons to hit targets on sea and land and fight off planes and submarines. Russia has a clear strategy up here in the Arctic and it essentially revolves around three different things. On the one hand, a very strong military, then dominating the northern sea route and also tapping and exploiting natural resources. And Russia is warning the U.S. and its allies not to mess with that plan.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE TRANSLATED: It has been absolutely clear for everyone for a long time that this is our territory. This is our land and we are responsible for our Arctic post to be safe. Everything that our country does there is absolutely legitimate.

FRED PLEITGEN: Rhetoric that increasingly had the U.S. and Russia on a collision course in the high North with Moscow, so far, in a stronger position. Fred Pleitgen, CNN, Severomorsk, Russia.

008_우주 영화 촬영 1부_211115_211004_Filming Movies in Space - Part 1

(211004) Filming Movies in Space - Part 1
우주에서 영화 촬영하기 - 1부



평일 매일 업로드되는 5가지 주제(비즈니스, 연예, 스포츠, 세계, 미국)의 CNN뉴스 영상과 기사에서 현지 아나운서의 정확한 발음과 완성도 높은 문장을 통해 영어 듣기, 읽기, 말하기, 쓰기를 학


CNN 10
(210823 / 06:02) Filming Movies In Space | August 23, 2021



CNN.com - Transcripts

Return to Transcripts main page CNN 10 First Show Of The 2021 Fall Season; Tropical Storm Henri; Filming Movies In Space; Funny Fails Of Humanoid Robots. Aired 4-4:10a ET Aired August 23, 2021 - 04:00:00 ET THIS IS A RUSH TRANSCRIPT. THIS COPY MAY NOT B



RACHEL CRANE (CNN CORRESPONDENT): In the past, movies and TV shows that were set in space relied heavily on green screens and visual effects. But now, several productions are set to actually leave this planet and film in space, no green screens required. Even Tom Cruise is slated to film on the International Space Station.

MIKE MASSIMINO (FORMER NASA ASTRONAUT): Now we can take the people with the filmmaking talent and show them how to live in space for a little while, so that, so that it hopefully we’ll get better movies out of it.

RACHEL CRANE: Mike Massimino, a former NASA astronaut and mechanical engineer, is consulting on a new discovery production called “Who Wants To Be An Astronaut?”. It’s a reality television show in which the winner will travel to space, and live on board the ISS for eight days.

MIKE MASSIMINO: It’s not a billionaire that is paid to go through this experience, which is now what we are seeing now happening. It’s gonna be someone who won this contest.

RACHEL CRANE: But filming in space brings a whole host of problems. Massimino worked on the 3D IMAX documentary about fixing the Hubble back in 2009.

MIKE MASSIMINO: You can’t have a whole crew, right? You’re not gonna be able to, hey, let’s launch these 50 people to the space station.

009_우주 영화 촬영 2부_211122_211011_Filming Movies in Space - Part 2

(211011) Filming Movies in Space - Part 2
우주에서 영화 촬영하기 - 2부



평일 매일 업로드되는 5가지 주제(비즈니스, 연예, 스포츠, 세계, 미국)의 CNN뉴스 영상과 기사에서 현지 아나운서의 정확한 발음과 완성도 높은 문장을 통해 영어 듣기, 읽기, 말하기, 쓰기를 학


CNN 10
(210823 / 07:17) Filming Movies In Space | August 23, 2021



CNN.com - Transcripts

Return to Transcripts main page CNN 10 First Show Of The 2021 Fall Season; Tropical Storm Henri; Filming Movies In Space; Funny Fails Of Humanoid Robots. Aired 4-4:10a ET Aired August 23, 2021 - 04:00:00 ET THIS IS A RUSH TRANSCRIPT. THIS COPY MAY NOT B



RACHEL CRANE (CNN CORRESPONDENT): Those challenges also include regulatory and agency approvals. But another show called “Space Hero” has a plan for that.

DEBORAH SASS (CO-FOUNDER OF “SPACE HERO”): We actually have signed letters of support with over 40 space agencies, Rachael, in 40 different countries. That’s never been done before by any media or space company. Even NASA doesn’t have that.

RACHEL CRANE: The winner of the reality show gets a $55 million ticket to live on the ISS for 10 days.
So we can expect the, the winner of “Space Hero” to be flying in 2023 to the International Space Station.

THOMAS REEMER (CO-FOUNDER OF “SPACE HERO”): If the space industry doesn’t delay things by a year, absolutely.

RACHEL CRANE: Will all of these projects become reality? Perhaps someday in the near future, but it’s clear that space is becoming the realm of not just governments but of companies too.

BILL NELSON (NASA ADMINISTRATOR): As we go into space, we want to encourage entrepreneurs to do new things, and to utilize the, the extraordinary Zero G of space to do all kinds of science as well as entertainment.

RACHEL CRANE: And why do you think it’s now there are all these space projects, are sort of, being dreamed up?

THOMAS REEMER: To look at the world, right, of course space is also a longing. It comes with positive feelings like hope and aspiration.

010_미국 세입자 퇴거 1부_211129_211013_Evictions in the United States - Part 1

(211013) Evictions in the United States - Part 1
미국 내 세입자 퇴거 논란 - 1부



평일 매일 업로드되는 5가지 주제(비즈니스, 연예, 스포츠, 세계, 미국)의 CNN뉴스 영상과 기사에서 현지 아나운서의 정확한 발음과 완성도 높은 문장을 통해 영어 듣기, 읽기, 말하기, 쓰기를 학


CNN 10
(210826 / 00:12) The Complicated Issue Of Evictions | August 26, 2021



CNN.com - Transcripts

Return to Transcripts main page CNN 10 Evictions In The United States; Impact Of Census On The U.S. House Representatives; Booming Business Of "Fake Space Dirt" Aired August 26, 2021 - 04:00:00 ET THIS IS A RUSH TRANSCRIPT. THIS COPY MAY NOT BE IN ITS F



CARL AZUZ (CNN 10 ANCHOR): Hi, I’m Carl Azuz for CNN 10. We hope you’re enjoying our show so far this season. In today’s down the middle coverage, we’re explaining a complicated and controversial subject concerning evictions in the United States.

Under normal circumstances, people who rent their homes can be forced to leave. They can be evicted if they don’t pay the rent they owe, but starting last year as the COVID pandemic hit the U.S. economy then President Donald Trump signed a law that among other things, temporarily stopped evictions. One major argument for doing this was to allow renters to stay in their homes, even if they couldn’t afford their rent because they’d lost income due to the pandemic.

But after that law expired, President Trump signed an Executive Order that gave the U.S. Centers for Disease Control the power to stop evictions. That was also meant to be temporary but the order has been extended several times and current U.S. President Joe Biden has continued extending it. But as we said, it’s controversial.
The Biden Administration says the CDC has the power to take steps to prevent the spread of diseases like COVID-19 and it argues that allowing evictions could increase the spread of the virus because it could force renters to move in with other people, or become homeless.

011_미국 세입자 퇴거 2부_211130_211018_Evictions in the United States - Part 2

(211018) Evictions in the United States - Part 2
미국 내 세입자 퇴거 논란 - 2부



평일 매일 업로드되는 5가지 주제(비즈니스, 연예, 스포츠, 세계, 미국)의 CNN뉴스 영상과 기사에서 현지 아나운서의 정확한 발음과 완성도 높은 문장을 통해 영어 듣기, 읽기, 말하기, 쓰기를 학


CNN 10
(210826 / 01:27) The Complicated Issue Of Evictions | August 26, 2021



CNN.com - Transcripts

Return to Transcripts main page CNN 10 Evictions In The United States; Impact Of Census On The U.S. House Representatives; Booming Business Of "Fake Space Dirt" Aired August 26, 2021 - 04:00:00 ET THIS IS A RUSH TRANSCRIPT. THIS COPY MAY NOT BE IN ITS F



CARL AZUZ (CNN 10 ANCHOR): But property owners say, this violates their rights to control the homes they rent out, in some cases they say people who can pay rent are taking advantage of the law and refusing to pay it. And they add it’s not fair or legal that some renters are allowed to live on someone else’s property for free while the property owner is forced to pay the taxes, insurance and maintenance on the home.

So what do the courts say? They’re all over the place. Some cases have been decided in favor of the government’s eviction ban. Some have been decided against it. In early June, landlords asked the Supreme Court to effectively let the current eviction ban end.

The Biden Administration said the ban would on July 31st and the Supreme Court decided not to end it early. But in August, the Biden Administration extended the ban again, this time through early October and all this is now back at the Supreme Court. An alliance of landlords and real estate groups is asking the high court to end the current eviction ban. It argues that Congress never gave the CDC the power to stop evictions. The Biden Administration argues that the ban needs to stay in place, because the country is dealing with a historic public health emergency. How all this turns out for some renters and property owners hangs in the balance.

