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3_____Writing Practice/Question Diary (2202-)

Question Diary 250111SAT: Q1027

250111SAT: Q1027
What is success to you?
당신에게 성공이란 무엇입니까?

Success is living a balanced life with health, strong relationships, freedom, and personal growth.

성공은 건강, 좋은 인간관계, 자유, 그리고 개인적인 성장을 통해 균형 잡힌 삶을 사는 것입니다.




250111SAT: Q1027

What is success to you?


To me, success is a combination of what I value most in life.

It’s about creating a balanced and fulfilling life that aligns with my goals and priorities.


I often think of success in terms of the “3F”, Fitness, Family, and Freedom.

Fitness represents good health and energy, Family stands for meaningful relationships, and Freedom means having the time and resources to pursue what matters most to me.


Wealth is a part of success, but not the main focus.

For me, it’s a tool to support my loved ones, enjoy life, and create opportunities.

It’s about having the freedom to make choices without financial stress.


Career achievements are also important.

Success means reaching goals that reflect my hard work, skills, and passions.

It’s about personal growth and finding fulfillment in what I do.


Finally, success includes enjoying my hobbies and becoming skilled in what I love.

Whether it’s swimming, learning, or other passions, these add joy and purpose to my life.


In the end, success is about balance.

It’s having health, strong relationships, freedom, and personal accomplishments all working together to create a meaningful and satisfying life.


Words 187 of 2511

Characters 1136 of 14865

Characters excluding spaces 963 of 12642








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