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3_____Writing Practice/Question Diary (2202-)

Question Diary 241226THU: Q1011

241226THU: Q1011
What are you doing now?
지금 무엇을 하고 계세요?

I’m doing my daily study routine and preparing to go to sleep.

저는 매일 하는 공부를 하고 잠들 준비를 하고 있습니다.




241226THU: Q1011

What are you doing now?


Right now, I’m working on my daily study routine, something I prioritize every single day.

This time is dedicated to improving myself and staying consistent with my goals.

Completing my study tasks is not just a habit but a commitment I’ve made to myself to keep learning and growing.


At the moment, I’m focused on finishing this writing session.

Writing is an important part of my daily routine because it helps me organize my thoughts, express myself, and sharpen my skills.

It’s not just about completing a task, it’s about making steady progress toward becoming better at what I do.


Once I’m done with this session, I’ll get ready to go to sleep.

I always try to end my day on a productive note, knowing that I’ve stayed true to my routine.

A good night’s sleep is just as important as the effort I put into my studies, as it helps me recharge and prepare for another productive day tomorrow.


This daily study routine is something I value deeply.

It’s not just about checking items off a list, it’s about building discipline and achieving the personal growth I aim for.

No matter how busy or tired I might be, I make sure to set aside this time for myself, as it’s a key part of my journey toward self-improvement.


So, what I’m doing now is more than just studying, it’s staying committed to my goals and making sure I keep moving forward, one step at a time.


Words 247 of 102244

Characters 1351 of 602272

Characters excluding spaces 1117 of 508476








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